Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. vet. Gabriela Krasteva-Christ

Chair of Human Anatomy

Office Hours (for Students): Friday 9 AM - 12 PM

FON: +49-6841-16-26130

FAX: +49-6841-16-26108

EMAIL: gabriela.krasteva-christ(at)uks.eu

Lab Address

Saarland University

Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology

Kirrbergerstr. 100, Bldg. 61

66424 Homburg/Saar


Disclaimer: All portrait pictures on the AG Krasteva-Christ website have been approved by the individuals depicted on the picture, and the copyright belongs to the Krasteva-Christ lab if not mentioned differently. All other pictures are photos provided by the University of Saarland.


Dr. rer. nat. Judith de Schryver

Office Hours: Mon-Thu, 9 AM - 2 PM

FON: +49-6841-16-26101

FAX.: +49-6841-16-26108

E-MAIL: anatomie.sekretariat.krasteva-christ(at)uks.eu