Dr. Henry Rademacher

Dr. Henry Rademacher
Senior Lecturer ("Lehrkraft für besondere Aufgaben")
Areas of interest/expertise: Language and culture (North America)
Courses: General language courses, Mediation, written expression, Rock and its Roots in American Life, People and Place in the Contemporary US, The American Landscape
Office Hours: by appointment, Building A5 3, Room 1.02
Email: h.rademacher(ätt)mx.uni-saarland.de
Tel.: +49 (0)681 302 3260
I joined the teaching staff of the English Dept., University of the Saarland, at the beginning of the Winter Semester, 2004–2005. My educational background includes an undergraduate degree in the political economy of natural resources from the University of California at Berkeley, a masters degree in geography from the University of Missouri–Columbia, and a PhD in geography from The Pennsylvania State University. My academic interests include business history and historical geography in general, as well as cultural geography and many language-related topics. In my courses, I often choose topics for texts and discussions that revolve around issues of cultural exchange/imperialism, cultural "shocks," immigration, food, business history, higher education, student life, and anything related to music (songwriting and songwriters, opera and organ works, great symphonies, bluegrass, blues, the Beatles, jazz, folk, or loud, amplified guitars and rock 'n' roll excess...).
Students are encouraged to drop by my office or to send me an email if they have questions or things they'd like to discuss.
Letters of Recommendation: Before you ask me for a letter of recommendation, please read through this document.