Student Mobility for Studies
We welcome nominations of students from our partner universities. Please note that we can accept freemovers for clinical rotations or laboratory placements only (information below).
With the exception of a few courses, lectures and practicals take place within the teaching weeks specified by our university. Welcome events and an intensive German langauge course take place before this date.
We recommend that you acquire B1 level German language skills before you start your exchange period. We can, however, offer you a limited selection of courses if this is not the case. Please contact us to discuss what is possible. If you want to add clinical rotations or block practicals to your learning agreement, you will need to reach B2 level by the start of the course/rotation.
Please use the following documents: course catalogue and schedule.
You are welcome to add a clinical rotation to your LA both out of interest and in order to top up the credit points if this is required for the recognition of a subject by your home university. This might particularly be necessary if your university offers integrated courses which might be split into a theoretical and a practical part in Homburg. Please bear in mind the requirements listed below.
We welcome applications from (and have previously hosted) students with disabilities and/or chronic health issues. We will work with you and, if need be, our Equal Opportunities and Diversity Management Unit to create an achievable plan.

Placements and Clinical Rotations
Students from our partner universities (Erasmus+, SEMP, DAAD and other cooperations) can submit an application to us if the funding for the stay comes from the exchange programme. If you have not been nominated and are submitting your application yourself, please include your CV, language certificate, and a list of your preferred placements, e.g. Anaesthesiology 4 weeks, ENT 3 weeks.
Freemover students organising a placement themselves can submit their application directly to the clinics and institutes.
If you are in your last year of studies, you can organise a clinical rotation with individual start and end dates. Your placement will be administered differently from those of the practical year students from German universities.
Our university clinics require B2 level German language skills for any placement with patient contact. For emergency medicine (practical year only), psychiatry, and child and adolescent psychiatry C1 level is required.
Please note that you will be required to submit a criminal record certificate, an extended one in any clinic where contact with minors might occur.
For all clinical rotations, measels and hepatitis B immunisation is required. There are further requirements for placements in the peadiatric and gynaecology clinics.

Organising your stay
You can find a lot of useful information on these pages ouf our university. You will find some more information specific to living in Homburg below.
Directions to the campus of the medical faculty and the university clinic can be found here.
Places in student dormitories are available through Saarland Student Services.
If you live in Homburg, you have to register at the citizens' office here. Please note the information on the university website regarding this topic refers to registering in Saarbrücken.
You can find lots of useful information on the pages of the student union called Fachschaft.

Ansprechperson - Incomings
Thiel, Nadine
Tel.: 06841/16-26856
Studiendekanat der Medizinischen Fakultät
der Universität des Saarlandes
Geb. 44, 2. OG, Raum 12
66421 Homburg
Montag bis Freitag 10:00 - 11:30 Uhr
Montag bis Mittwoch & Freitag 14:00 -16:00 Uhr
und nach Vereinbarung