Important Documents For Your Stay Abroad

Stay Abroad - Important Documents

We have compiled the most important documents (besides the official documents for your respective study programmes, which you can find here) for your stay abroad below.

These two documents every student should consult before their stay abroad:

These are the forms that you will need for the recognition of your stay abroad after you have returned:

All students have to provide supporting documentation for their stay abroad (= proof of occupation, travel, and residence), as stated in detail in the above two documents. Along with the supporting documentation, you will have to submit the following forms:

  • If you study "Lehramt", you will need to submit this document: Bescheinigung zum Auslandsaufenthalt (LEHRAMT)
  • If you study in one of our BA or MA programmes, you will need to submit the following document: Questionnaire for the portfolio on your stay abroad (BA 2016 and MA 2017)
  • If you study abroad and you would like to get credit for courses at the partner university, you have to clear this with Dr. Heike Mißler first. I will need detailed course descriptions to assess the equivalency of the respective courses. Once we have discussed the recognition of the courses you selected, fill in and sign the following document and send it to me: UdS Learning Agreement für Kursanerkennungen aus dem Ausland (please note that despite the admittedly confusing name, this is not the same as your Erasmus Learning Agreement, which you will have to get signed by me to get your funding).  After your stay, when you submit the supporting documentation, including the official transcript of records from our partner university, please remind me that you would like to get recognition for both your stay abroad and the courses we discussed and I will pass on that information and the UdS Learning Agreement to my colleagues at the Prüfungsverwaltung.
  • If you got accepted for the PAD FSA programme or are planning to do an internship at school in compliance with the ZfL Merkblätter on Auslandsschulpraktika (see here), have a look at this document, which contains information about the recognition of courses at UdS: Informationen zur Anerkennung von PAD Aufenthalten und Auslandsschulpraktika

These two ppt presentations give an overview of the stay abroad / mobility phase in our Department:

We do our best to always keep these updated, but for all deadlines etc. please make sure you always check the relevant webpages yourself!

Please always use the following email address if you want to send any documents: auslandsaufenthalt_englisch[at]

Submit all documents for the recognition of your stay abroad in a single pdf-file. If your documentation is incomplete, your request for recognition cannot be processed.