European Management (MBA)

Internationality is not something you learn, it's something you experience. The MBA programme 'European Management' at Saarland University is a well-established and challenging study programme designed to prepare graduates for management roles in European and international markets. The high quality of this MBA programme was recognized in 2009 when it was accredited by FIBAA, the Foundation for International Business Administration Accreditation. The expert assessors praised the programme's international approach, the cooperation with business and academia, the broad range of teaching methodologies deployed, the use of case studies, the well-qualified teaching staff and the technical facilities and equipment available in the classrooms.

The MBA programme is system accredited. Having passed through the internal accreditation process by the Quality management of Saarland University, the programme has been granted the Saarland University quality label as well as the seal of the Accreditation Council.

Youtube video on the study programme


The MBA programme is coordinated and run by the Economics Section at Saarland University's Europa-Institut. The programme can be studied either part time or full time. The courses are taught by university teaching staff or by international guest professors. The range of courses on offer is very broad and includes lectures covering such areas as 'Strategic Management', 'Economics and Finance' or 'European Regulations' and topics of major current relevance, such as 'Corporate Sustainability and Social Responsibility' or 'Marketing and Management in Foreign Countries'.

Many of the courses include practically relevant case studies that reveal and reflect authentic business challenges. Students therefore have the chance to become acquainted with real-world business scenarios and to appreciate the associated risks and opportunities. The MBA programme also trains soft skills such as team training and business behaviour and organizes visits to companies.

'The Europa-Institut combines the benefits of an established and high-quality MBA programme with the infrastructure and traditions of a major university. Being part of a cutting-edge MBA programme located on the Saarland University campus is both highly rewarding and a lot of fun.' (Christian Gansen, MBA, who graduated from the MBA programme in 'European Management').

It is also possible to book individual courses as certified single events.

Broschüre Zertifikatskurse

Brochure Certified Courses


Module 1 – Management Basics

M1-1 Strategic Management
M1-2 Corporate Sustainability and Social Responsibility
M1-3 Soft Skills

Module 2 European Basics

M2-1 European Institutions
M2-2 European Regulations

Module 3 Financial Management

M3-1 Economics and Finance
M3-2 Learning Business by Doing Business

Module 4 Marketing and Management

M4-1 Marketing and Management in Foreign Countries (in Spain)
M4-2 Retailing and Logistics

Module 5 Operations Management

M5-1 Service Management
M5-2 Data Analysis

Module 6 Behavioural Management

M6-1 Consumer Behaviour
M6-2 Entrepreneurship
M6-3 Leadership and Human Resource Management
M6-4 Cross-Cultural Management

Requirements & application

Admission requirements

Please note that the requirements for our MBA programme "European Management" are:

  • First university degree
  • Excellent English knowledge (TOEFL)
  • Professional experience (at least one year of postgraduate work experience)
  • Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT). This test could be waived in exceptional cases.

For more information, please refer to our homepage.

How to apply

The programme starts in October. The application for the full-time programme is possible until 15 July. Late applications may be accepted until 30 September. For the part-time programme, there is no application deadline. A list of required documents as well as the application form are available on our homepage.

Please send your application to:
Sektion Wirtschaftswissenschaft
Campus A5 4
66123 Saarbrücken


At a glance

Standard period of study1 year (full-time) or max. 4 years (part-time/working professionals)
Language of instructionEnglish
English language requirementsTOEFL iBT: 61
Start of programmeFull-time study: Winter semester
Part-time study: Can commence at any time
Restricted entryNo
Application deadline for full-time studyWinter semester: 15 July
A late application is possible.
Tuition fees€12.000 (full-time), €14.500 (part-time)
Semester fee

See current fee structure

Please note:
The administratice charge and the fee for the semester travel ticket does not apply here.

Web page


Course adviser

Julia Senni
Saarbrücken Campus
Building A5 4, Room 1.06/1.07
Phone: +49 681 302-2553

Central Student Advisory Service

Saarbrücken Campus
Building A4 4, Ground floor
Phone: +49 681 302-3513

Central Student Advisory Service

Saarbrücken Campus
Building A4 4, Ground floor
Phone: +49 681 302-3513

Central Student Advisory Service

Accredited study programmes

Saarland University was one of the first universities in Germany to achieve Quality Assurance Accreditation and has held the Accreditation Council's official quality mark continuously since 2012.

Quality management