Ask the experts!
Are you unsure how and where to apply for support from the BAföG student loans programme, how to apply for a scholarship, or which part-time student job would suit you? Want to know more about financing a study-abroad stay, or what to do if you suddenly find yourself in financial difficulty? If you're looking for answers to these and similar questions, then join us for this year's online Student Finance Info Day. It's free to access. No registration required.
The Student Finance Info Day gives you the chance to speak directly to experts in the student financing sector. It's designed for students and prospective students (German and international) and for school students who are thinking about studying at Saarland University. Parents and teachers are also welcome to attend.
Experts will be on hand to provide information on appropriate financing options. Scholarship holders will also be talking about their scholarships and giving insight into the application process. The Student Finance Info Day is organized by the Central Student Advisory Service and by the General Student Committee (AStA) at Saarland University.
Presentations this year will be given by:
- Catholic Students' Association Saarbrücken (KHG)
- The Central Student Advisory Service at Saarland University
- Federal Employment Agency (Bundesagentur für Arbeit)
- General Student Committee (AStA) at Saarland University
- Holders of scholarships from the StudienStiftungSaar foundation and from the Begabtenförderwerke programme for high-achieving students
- Protestant Students' Association Saarbrücken (ESG)
- Saarland University Career Center
- Saarland University International Office
- Studierendenwerk Saarland (Saarland Student Services)