Correlative Microscopy and Tomography (CoMiTo)

The Correlative Microscopy and Tomography Equipment Centre at Saarland University provides advanced methods of quantitative microstructure analysis in 2D and 3D, as well as methods of micro- and nanomechanical characterisation. It is supported by three chairs, which contribute their respective expertise and equipment to the centre.

The centre has set itself the task of linking state-of-the-art microscopy techniques and advanced tomographic methods with current research issues in order to not only be a competent partner for a wide range of analysis methods, but also to make new fields of research accessible through cross-scale and cross-method approaches

The Centre's services are available to all members of Saarland University as well as external scientists and institutions, subject to the terms of use. 

Scientific Lead

Prof. Dr. mont. Christian Motz

Phone: +49 681 302-5108