The Center for Gender-specific Biology and Medicine (CGBM) is a scientific institution at the Medical Faculty of Saarland University. It serves to research fundamental mechanisms of gender-specific diseases in order to generate new knowledge for their prevention, diagnosis, and therapy.

Save the date: 11th International Congress of the International Society for Gender Medicine
The 11th International Congress of the International Society for Gender Medicine will take place in Magdeburg on September 18 and 19, 2025.
The aim of the congress is to transfer findings from basic and clinical research into patient care, with a focus on an expanded range of indications and gender-specific, individualized treatment approaches - a decisive step towards personalized medicine.
Interview mit CGBM-Beiratsmitglied Dr. Eva Groterath (Vorsitzende des Saarländischen Frauenrats)
Im Interview mit der Saarbrücker Zeitung erklärt Dr. Eva Groterath (Vorsitzende des Saarländischen Frauenrats und Mitglied im CGBM-Mitglied) wieso Kärnten ein Vorbild bei der geschlechtersensiblen Medizin ist.