Implicit Social Cognition
In the last 25 years, implicit measures of attitudes and stereotypes have sparked immense research interest. Some of our research investigated influences of stimulus selection in Implicit Association Tests (Bluemke & Friese, 2006, 2012) and the psychometric properties of the Single Category Implicit Association Test (SC-IAT; Bluemke & Friese, 2008). A review of the literature on the predictive validity of implicit measures built on a two-dimensional classification system of moderators based on contemporary dual-process models. The review concluded that predictive validity is particularly strong under conditions that make reflective processing less likely (Friese, Hofmann, & Schmitt, 2008).
Another focus of our work was the application of implicit measures to the prediction of political voting behavior (for an overview, see Friese, Smith, Koever, & Bluemke, 2016).