• Research

      The Quantum Information and Matter Group investigates electronic properties of quantum materials. We employ analytical and numerical techniques from field theory and statistical mechanics and develop quantum computing algorithms for many-body models.

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    • Team

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    • Publications

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Open positions

Our group has openings for a Master student (in collaboration with Dr. T. Binninger at FZ Jülich):

Master Student Position Description

Please contact me if you have any questions:

Peter Orth




Saarland University
Department of Physics
Quantum Information and Matter Group
Campus E2 6, Raum 4.06,
66123 Saarbrücken
Tel: +49 (0)681/302-4960
Fax: +49 (0)681/302-4316


Responsible for website content

Peter P. Orth
Campus E2 6, 66123 Saarbrücken
Tel: +49 (0)681/302-4960