Ger­man-Irish So­ci­ety Saar­land e.V. / Deutsch-Irische Gesellschaft Saar­land e.V.


The aims of the German-Irish Society are the promotion of Irish culture in Germany (and German culture in Ireland) and the promotion of the relationship between the two nations, with a special focus on Saarland. We will organize cultural events and/or excursions for our members, but also for the general public, and support all kinds of activities related to Irish culture, music, art and literature. There is no membership fee and everyone with an interest in Ireland, no matter if Northern Ireland or the Republic of Ireland, is welcome to join.


Contact us or fill in our membership form and send it to us!


German-Irish Society Saarland / Deutsch-Irische Gesellschaft Saarland e.V.

Universität des Saarlandes

Campus, Geb. C5 3

D-66123 Saarbrücken



Shoe Box Appeal

Christmas presents for Ireland!

In cooperation with the society of St. Vincent de Paul (, the largest, voluntary, charitable organisation in Ireland, Prof. Bert Hornback and the German-Irish-Society Saarland e.V. have set up a christmas project.

We collect christmas presents for people in need. You can help us by participating in the Shoe Box Appeal. Buy a christmas gift for a boy or a girl (age groups are: 0-3, 4-7, 8-12 and teens) and drop it off at the institutional library in the English department by 14. December. DHL will take our presents to Ireland for free.

To read up about the Shoe Box Appeal, how it works and which presents are most welcome, download the participation guidelines here.


Founding Members

Denise Heil

Eva Michely

Heike Mißler

Julia Raber

Dr. Bruno von Lutz

Prof. Dr. Joachim Frenk

Prof. Dr. Bert Hornback

Prof. Dr. Astrid Fellner 

Satzung (pdf download)