Prof. Dr. Axel Mecklinger
Prof. Dr. Axel Mecklinger
Universität des Saarlandes
FR Psychologie
Campus A2 4
D-66123 Saarbrücken
Raum 2.08
Telefon (+49) 681/ 302 6515
Sprechstunde: Mittwochs 13-14 Uhr
Curriculum Vitae
Research Interests
- Neurocognition of Memory and Language
- Executive functions
- Spatiotemporal brain imaging (EEG; MEG; fMRI)
- Neuropsychological disorders (cerebrovascular disorders and amnesia)
- Memory development
- 1982-1986: Psychology at the Free University of Berlin.1984: Prediploma in Psychology.
- 1986 Diploma in Psychology.
- 1991: Ph.D. in Psychology, Free University of Berlin. Dissertation: Gedächtnissuchprozesse: Eine Analyse ereigniskorrelierter Potentiale und der EEG Spontanaktivität. [Memory search processes: A combined analysis of event-related potentials and spontaneous EEG activity].
- December 1997: Habilitation in Psychology, University of Leipzig. Habilitation Thesis: Orte und Objekte: Elektrophysiologische Studien zum visuellen Arbeitsgedächnis [Places and Objects: Electrophysiological studies on visual working memory].
- March 1998 – September 2000: Privat Dozent at the University of Leipzig.
- 1987-1992: Research Assistant in Biological Psychology, Psychology Department, Free University of Berlin.
- March 1990 & July 1993: Research visits: Psychology Department, University of California in San Diego (UCSD) (A. Osman) and Psychology Department, Columbia University, New York (G. Gratton).
- 1992-1995: Research Assistant in Cognitive Psychology, Psychology Department, Free University of Berlin.
- 1995-1998: Scientific Staff Member, Max-Planck-Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience, Leipzig.
- June 1998: Research stay: Center for Research in Cognitive Neuroscience, CNRS, Marseille (France).
- 1999-2000: Senior Research Scientist, (C3 Position). Max-Planck-Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience, Leipzig.
- Oct 2000 – Feb 2001: Full Professor of Psychology (C3), Saarland University, Saarbrucken.
- Dec 2000: Offer for a Full Professorship “Cognitive Neuroscience”, Psychology Department, University of Amsterdam. (refused).
- March 2001: Research visit: Cognitive Electrophysiology Laboratory, New York Psychiatric Hospital, USA (D. Friedman).
- March 2001: Full Professor of Psychology (C4), Saarland University, Saarbrucken.
- May 2002: Organisation of the International Conference “Binding in Human Memory: A Neurocognitive Approach“ Saarland University.
- Oct 2002 – Oct 2004: Managing Professor, Psychology Department, Saarland University.
- January 2004: Offer for a Full Professorship “Allgemeine Psychologie”, Psychologische Fakultät der Friedrich Schiller Universität, Jena (refused).
- Jan 2003 – Dec 2005: Associate Editor PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGY.
- Sep 2003 – Dec 2007: Speaker of the DFG Research Group FOR 448: Binding: Functional architecture, neuronal correlates and onthogenesis.
- March 2007: Organisation of the 8th Annual Meeting of the German Society for Cognitive Science at Saarland University (250 Participants).
- Sep 2007 – Sep 2008: Managing Professor, Psychology Department, Saarland University.
- April 2008 – March 2017: Speaker of the International Research Training Group “Adaptive Minds: Neural and Environmental Constraints on Learning and Memory” in cooperation with the Chinese Academy of Sciences.
- May 2008 – May 2014: Action Editor: BRAIN AND COGNITION.
- Since April 2009: Member of the Editorial Board: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGY.
- Feb 2012 – Feb 2015: Member of the Editorial Board: PSY-CH JOURNAL.
- Since May 2014: Associate Editor: BRAIN AND COGNITION.
- Since July 2017: Ombudsman, Saarland University.
- Sep 2018 – Sep 2020: Managing Professor, Psychology Department, Saarland University.
- Apr 1989 – Oct 1989: Research Fellow at the Department of Psychology, University of lllinois in Champaign/Urbana, USA.
- Jun 1994: Participant of the 1994 European Summer School on Cognitive Neuroscience.
- Sep 1994: Research Fellow at the Armstrong Laboratory, Dayton, Ohio, (Windows On Science Program of the US Air Force Office of Scientific Research).
- Sep 2013 – Apr 2014: Research fellow at the Center for Mind and Brain, University of California, Davis, USA.
Honors and awards
- June 1992: Nachwuchswissenschaftlerpreis der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychophysiologie und ihre Anwendungen. [Early Career Award of the German Psychophysiology Society].
- April 1994: Federation Prize of the European Federation of Psychophysiology Societies.
- October 1999: Distinguished Scientific Award for Early Career Contributions to Psychophysiology. Society for Psychophysiological Research.
Research Grants
- 2001-2003 DFG Research Group (FOR 309): Working Memory: Input, Rehearsal and Retrieval Processes. Representation formats in visual working memory (together with A.D. Friederici).
- 2002-2007 DFG Research Group (FOR 448): Binding: Functional architecture, neuronal correlates and onthogenesis. Feature binding and recognition memory
- DFG Collaborative Research Center (SFB 378): Resource Adaptive Cognitive Processes.
- 2002-2004 Functional and psychophysiological analyses of visual working memory (together with Hubert Zimmer).
- 2005-2007 Task-specific encoding and recoding within working memory (together with Hubert Zimmer).
- 2005-2007 Aging, Resources, Cognition and Error-induced learning (together with Jutta Kray).
- 2007-2014 Diagnosis of Memory Processes in Children with Perinatal Disorders and their Controls (together with Kerstin Kipp) (DFG KI 1399, 1-1, 1-2).
- 2008-2012 International Research Training Group: Adaptive minds: Neural and Environmental Constraints on Learning and Memory (DFG IRTG 1457).
- 2009-2011 The Cognitive Control of Long-term Memory: Neural Dynamics in Space and Time (DFG ME 1588).
- 2012-2017 International Research Training Group: Adaptive minds: Neural and Environmental Constraints on Learning and Memory (DFG IRTG 1457).
- 2012-2015 Unitization and Intertemporality in Associative Memory: Brain Substrates and the Effects of Aging (GIF grant 1083-5.4).
- 2017-2019 Unitization shapes episodic memory: Effects of bottom up unitization on associative recognition and its electrophysiological correlates in young and old adults and in cortical lesion patients (DFG ME 1588/10-1).
- 2018-2022 DFG Collaborative Research Center (CRC 1102): Information density and Linguistic encoding. Project A6: The role of semantic surprisal for memory formation and retrieval.
- 2019-2022 The aging episodic memory and its plasticity: A cross-cultural approach (DFG ME 1588/12-1).
- Since 1992: Member of the Society for Psychophysiological Research.
- Since 1993: Member of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychologie.
- Since 1993: Member of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society.
- Since October 2021: Member of the Memory Disorders Research Society.
Ad hoc reviewer for
Acta Psychologia / Biological Psychology / Behavioral and Brain Sciences / Brain / Brain & Language / Brain & Cognition / Brain Research / Cortex / Cerebral Cortex / Cognitive Brain Research / Experimental Brain Research / International Journal of Psychophysiology / Journal of Psychophysiology / Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience / Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition / Journal of Neuroscience / Kognitionswissenschaft / Nature Neuroscience / Neuron / Neuroimage / Neuropsychologia / Neuroreport / Neuroscience Letters / Psychological Research / Psychological Science / Psychophysiology / Zeitschrift für Experimentelle Psychologie.
Journal Articles (peer-reviewed)
Meßmer, J.A., Bader, R. & Mecklinger, A. (2024). Schema-Congruency Supports the Formation of Unitized Representations. Evidence From Event-Related Potentials. Neuropsychologia, 108782.
Bader, R., Tarantini, L., & Mecklinger, A. (2023). Task context dissociates the FN400 and the N400. Psychophysiology, e14258.
Mecklinger, A. & Kamp, S.-M. (2023). Observing memory encoding while it unfolds: Functional interpretation and current debates regarding the ERP subsequent memory effect. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews. 153, 105347.
Weigl, M., Shao, Q. Wang, E., Zheng, Z., Li, J., Kray, J., & Mecklinger, A. (2023). Not so different after all? An event-related potential study on item and source memory for object-scene pairs in German and Chinese young adults. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience.
Weigl, M., Pietsch, J., Kapsali, E., Shao, Q., Zheng, Z, Li, J, Kray, J. & Mecklinger, A. (2023). ORCA: A picture database of object-scene arrangements for cross-cultural neuroscientific research. Behavior Research Method.
Huffer, V., Bader, R., & Mecklinger, A. (2022). Can the elderly take the action?–The influence of unitization induced by action relationships on the associative memory deficit. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 107655.
Höltje, G. & Mecklinger, A. (2022). Benefits and costs of predictive processing: How sentential constraint and word expectedness affect memory formation. Brain Research, 1788, 147942.
Eschmann, K.C.J., Riedel, L. & Mecklinger, A. (2021). Theta neurofeedback training supports motor performance and flow experience. Journal of Cognitive Enhancement, 1-17.
Eschmann, K.C.J. & Mecklinger, A. (2021). Improving cognitive control: Frontal-midline theta neurofeedback training enhances proactive rather than reactive control processes. Psychophysiology, 00e1-16.
Kuhn, L.K., Bader, R. & Mecklinger, A. (2021). Effects of emotional study context on immediate and delay recognition memory: Evidence from event-related potentials. Cognitive, Affective and Behavioral Neuroscience.
Meßmer, J.A., Bader, R. & Mecklinger, A. (2021). The more you know: Schema-congruency supports associative encoding of novel compound words. Evidence from event-related potentials. Brain and Cognition. 155, 105813.
Tarantini, L., Bader, R. & Mecklinger, A. (2021). The ERP Correlate of Episodic Recollection is a Neurocognitive Determinant of Subjective Memory Complaints: Implications on their Predictive Validity. Neuropsychology.
Bader, R., Mecklinger, A. & Meyer, P. (2020). Usefulness of a familiarity signal during recognition depends on test format: Neurocognitive evidence for a core assumption of the CLS framework. Neuropsychologia, 148, 107659.
Sopp, M.R., Mecklinger, A., Streb, M., Lass-Hennemann, J., Schäfer, S.K. & Michael, T. (2020). Prospective associations between intelligence, working memory capacity, and intrusive memories of a traumatic film: Potential mediating effects of rumination and memory disorganization. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry.
Weigl, M., Pham, H. H., Mecklinger, A., & Rosburg, T. (2020). The effect of shared distinctiveness on source memory: An event-related potential study. Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Neuroscience, 20, 1027-1040.
Höltje, G. & Mecklinger, A. (2020). Feedback timing modulates interactions between reward learning and memory encoding: Evidence from event-related potentials. Cognitive, Affective and Behavioral Neuroscience, 20, 250–264.
Eschmann, K. C., Bader, R., & Mecklinger, A. (2020). Improving episodic memory: Frontal-midline theta neurofeedback training increases source memory performance. NeuroImage, 117219.
Mecklinger, A., & Bader, R. (2020). From fluency to recognition decisions: A broader view of familiarity-based remembering. Neuropsychologia, 107527.
Meßmer, J. A., Weigl, M., Li, J., & Mecklinger, A. (2020). May the source be with you! Electrophysiological correlates of retrieval orientation are associated with source memory performance. Brain and Cognition, 146.
Steis, N, Oddo-Sommerfeld, S., Echterhoff, G., Thiel, A., Thiel, J., Briem, K., Ciaramidaro, A., Freitag, C.M., Mecklinger, A., Unterhorst, K., & Stirn, A. (2019). The Obsessions of the Green-Eyed Monster: Jealousy and the Female Brain. Sexual and Relationship Therapy.
Höltje, G., Lubahn, B., & Mecklinger, A. (2019). The congruent, the incongruent, and the unexpected: Event-related potentials unveil the processes involved in schematic encoding. Neuropsychologia, 131(August), 285–293.
Kamp, S.M., Endemann, R., Domes, G., & Mecklinger, A. (2019). Effects of acute psychosocial stress on the neural correlates of episodic encoding: Item versus associative memory. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory. 157, 128-138.
Gomes, C., Mecklinger, A. & Zimmer, H. (2019) Distinct neural routes to fluency-based memory illusions: the role of fluency context. Learning & Memory, 26.
Kamp, S-M., Bader, R., & Mecklinger, A. (2018). Unitization of word pairs in young and older adults: Encoding mechanisms and retrieval outcomes. Psychology and Aging. 33-3, 497-511.
Eschmann, K. C. J., Bader, R., & Mecklinger, A. (2018). Topographical differences of frontal-midline theta activity reflect functional differences in cognitive control abilities. Brain & Cognition, 123, 57-64.
Höltje, G., & Mecklinger, A. (2018). Electrophysiological Reward Signals Predict Episodic Memory for Immediate and Delayed Positive Feedback Events. Brain Research, 1701, 64-74.
Sopp, R., Michael, T. & Mecklinger, A. (2018). Early morning nap sleep preserves emotional and neutral associative memory: Evidence for dissociable consolidation processes. Brain Research. 1698, 29-42.
Weigl, M., Mecklinger, A., & Rosburg, T. (2018) Illusory correlations despite equated category frequencies: A test of the information loss account. Consciousness & Cognition, 63, 11-28.
Bader, R. & Mecklinger, A. (2017). Separating event-related potential effects for conceptual fluency and episodic familiarity. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 29:8, 1402-1414.
Bridger, E. K., Kursawe, A.-L., Bader, R., Tibon, R., Gronau, N., Levy, D., & Mecklinger, A. (2017). Age effects on associative memory for novel picture pairings. Brain Research 1664, 102-115.
Gomes, C.A., Mecklinger, A., & Zimmer, H. (2017). Behavioural and neural evidence for the impact of context fluency on judgements of recollection. Cortex, 92, 271-288.
Kamp, S., Bader, R., Mecklinger, A. (2017). ERP subsequent memory effects differ between inter-item and unitization encoding tasks. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 11:30.
Rosburg, T. & Mecklinger, A. (2017). The costs of target prioritization and the external requirements for using a recall-to-reject strategy in memory exclusion tasks: a meta-analysis. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review.
Sopp, R., Michael T., Weeß H-G, & Mecklinger, A. (2017) Remembering specific features of emotional events across time: The role of REM sleep and prefrontal theta oscillations. Cognitive, Affective & Behavioral Neuroscience. 17, 1186-1209.
Studte, S., Bridger, E., & Mecklinger, A. (2017). Sleep spindles during a nap correlate with post sleep memory performance for highly rewarded word-pairs. Brain & Language 167, 28–35.
Kamp, S-M., Bader, R. & Mecklinger, A. (2016). ERP Subsequent Memory Effects Differ between Inter-Item and Unitization Encoding Tasks. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 11:30.
Kamp, S-M., Bader, R. & Mecklinger, A. (2016). The effect of unitizing word pairs on recollection versus familiarity-based retrieval - further evidence from ERPs. Advances in Cognitive Psychology. 12(4), 168-177.
Mecklinger, A., Rossburg, T., & Johansson, M. (2016). Reconstructing the past: The late posterior negativity (LPN) in episodic memory studies. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 68, 621-638.
Streb, M., Mecklinger, A., Anderson, M.C., Lass-Hennemann, J. & Michael, T. (2016). Memory control ability modulates intrusive memories after analog trauma. Journal of Affective Disorders, 192, 134-142.
Bai, C.-H., Bridger, E.K. & Zimmer, H.D. & Mecklinger, A. (2015). The beneficial effect of Testing: An Event-Related Potential Study. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 9:248.
Bridger, E., Sprondel, V., & Mecklinger, A. (2015). Control over recollection varies with context-type: ERP evidence from the exclusion task. Cognitive Neuroscience, 6-1, 31-38.
Ferdinand, N.K., Mecklinger, A. & Opitz, B. (2015). Learning Context Modulates the Processing of Expectancy Violations. Brain Research, 1629, 72-84.
Kipp, K. H., Brunnemann, N., Shamdeen, M.G., Meng-Hentschel, J., Gortner, L., & Mecklinger, A. (2015). Modifications of recognition memory processes in preterm children: An event-related potential (ERP) study. Child Development, 86, 379–393.
Mecklinger, A., Sprondel V., & Kipp, K. H. (2015). The development of episodic memory: Evidence from event-related potentials. In: A. Duarte, M. Barense, & D.R. Addis (Eds), The Wiley-Blackwell Handbook on the Cognitive Neuroscience of Memory. 326-346.
Rosburg, T., Johansson, M., Weigl, M., & Mecklinger, A. (2015) Short-term effects of repeated retrieval: An event-related potential (ERP) study on the testing effect. Cognitive, Affective and Behavioral Neuroscience 15, 195-210.
Studte, S., Bridger, E., & Mecklinger, A. (2015). Nap sleep preserves associative but not item memory performance. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 120, 84-93.
Bader, R., Opitz, B., Reith, W., & Mecklinger, A. (2014). Is a novel conceptual unit more than the sum of its parts?: FMRI evidence from an associative recognition memory study. Neuropsychologia, 61, 123–134.
Bridger, E., Bader, R., & Mecklinger, A. (2014). More ways than one: ERPs reveal multiple familiarity signals in the word frequency mirror effect. Neuropsychologia, 57, 179–190.
Bridger, E., & Mecklinger, A. (2014). Errorful and Errorless Learning: The Impact of Incorrect Guesses on Cued Recall. Memory & Cognition, 42-6, 898-911.
Mecklinger, A., Kriukova, O. Mühlmann, H., & Grunwald, T. (2014). Cross-cultural differences in processing of architectural ranking: Evidence from an event-related potential study. Cognitive Neuroscience, 5-1, 45-53.
Opitz, B., Schneiders, J.A., Krick, C.M., & Mecklinger, A. (2014). Selective transfer of visual working memory training on Chinese character learning. Neuropsychologia, 53, 1-11.
Rosburg, T., Johansson, M., Sprondel, V. & Mecklinger, A. (2014). Retrieving self-vocalized information: An event-related potential (ERP) study on the effect of retrieval orientation. Brain & Cognition, 92, 123-132.
Scheuplein, A.-L., Bridger, E., & Mecklinger, A. (2014). Is faster better? Effects of response deadline on ERP correlates of recognition memory in younger and older adults. Brain Research, 1582, 139-153.
Tibon, R., Gronau, N., Scheuplein, A.L., Mecklinger, A. & Levy, D.A. (2014). Associative recognition processes are modulated by the semantic unitizability of memoranda. Brain & Cognition, 92, 19-31.
Zhao, J., Kipp, K., Casper, C., Maurer, U., Weng, X., Mecklinger, A., & Li, S. (2014). Fine neural tuning for words emerges early in children reading alphabetic script. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 26-11, 2431-2442.
Kriukova, O., Bridger, E., & Mecklinger, A. (2013). Semantic relations differentially impact associative recognition memory: Electrophysiological evidence. Brain & Cognition, 83, 93-103.
Mecklinger, A. (2013). Neurokognition des Erinnerns. In E. Schröger & S. Kölsch (Eds.) Affektive und Kognitive Neurowissenschaft. Enzyklopädie der Psychologie. Band C /II5. 155-188.
Rosburg, T., Johansson, M., & Mecklinger, A. (2013). Strategic retrieval and retrieval orientation in reality monitoring studied by event-related potentials. Neuropsychologia, 51, 557-571.
Sprondel, V. Kipp, K.H., & Mecklinger, A. (2013). Timing matters: Age-related changes in episodic retrieval control as revealed by event-related potentials. Brain Research, 1537, 143-155.
Yang, J., Zhao, P., Zhu, Z., Mecklinger, A., Fang, Z., Li, H. (2013). Memory asymmetry of forward and backward associations in recognition tasks. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory & Cognition, 39, 253-269.
Bridger, E. K., Bader, R., Kriukova, O., Unger, K. & Mecklinger, A. (2012). The FN400 is functionally distinct from the N400. NeuroImage, 63, 1334-1342.
Bridger, E.K. & Mecklinger, A. (2012). Electrophysiologically dissociating pre-retrieval processes in a criterial recollection task. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 24(6), 1476-1491.
Ferdinand, N.K., Mecklinger, A., Kray, J., & Gehring, W.J. (2012). The processing of unexpected positive response outcomes in the mediofrontal cortex. Journal of Neuroscience, 32(35), 12087-12092.
Halsband, T.M., Ferdinand, N.K. Bridger, E.K. & Mecklinger, A. (2012). Monetary rewards influence retrieval orientations. Cognitive, Affective and Behavioral Neuroscience, 12(3), 430-445.
Kipp, K.H., Opitz, B. Becker, M. Hofmann, J., Krick, C., Gortner L. & Mecklinger, A. (2012). Selective modifications in the neural memory network in children with febrile seizures: Evidence from functional magnetic resonance imaging. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 6, 1-11.
Schneiders, J.A., Opitz, B., Tang, H., Deng, Y., Xie, C., Li, H., & Mecklinger, A. (2012). The impact of auditory working memory training on the fronto-parietal working memory network. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 6:173.
Sprondel, V. Kipp, K.H. & Mecklinger, A. (2012). Electrophysiological evidence for late maturation of strategic episodic retrieval processes. Developmental Science 15(3), 330-344.
Unger, K., Kray, J., & Mecklinger, A. (2012). Worse than feared? Failure induction modulates the electrophysiological signature of error monitoring during subsequent learning. Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience 12, 34-51.
Mecklinger, A., Brunnemann, N., & Kipp, K. (2011). Two processes for recognition memory in children of early school-age: An event-related potential study. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 23-2, 435-446.
Opitz, B., Ferdinand, N.K., & Mecklinger, A. (2011). Timing matters: The impact of immediate and delayed feedback on artificial language learning. Frontiers in Neuroscience 5, 1-9.
Rosburg, T., Mecklinger, A., & Frings, C. (2011). When the brain decides: A familiarity-based approach to the recognition heuristic as evidenced by event-related brain potentials. Psychological Science 22(12), 1527-1534.
Rosburg, T., Mecklinger, A., & Johansson, M. (2011). Electrophysiological correlates of retrieval orientation in reality monitoring. Neuroimage 54, 3076-3084.
Rosburg, T., Mecklinger, A., & Johansson, M. (2011). Strategic retrieval in a reality monitoring task. Neuropsychologia 49(10), 2957-2969.
Schneiders, J.A., Opitz, B., Krick, C.M., & Mecklinger, A. (2011). Separating intra-modal and across-modal training effects in visual working memory: An fMRI investigation. Cerebral Cortex 21, 2555-2565.
Sprondel, V., Kipp. K.H., & Mecklinger, A. (2011). Developmental changes in item and source memory: Evidence from an ERP recognition memory study with children, adolescents, and adults. Child Development 82(6), 1938-1953.
Waldhauser, G.T., Johansson, M., Bäckström, M., & Mecklinger, A. (2011). Trait anxiety, working memory capacity, and the effectiveness of memory suppression. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology 52, 21-27.
Kipp, K.H., Mecklinger, A., Becker, M., Reith, W., & Gortner, L. (2010). Infant febrile seizures: Changes in declarative memory as revealed by event-related potentials. Clinical Neurophsysiology 121, 2007-2016.
Ferdinand, N.K., Rünger, D., Frensch, P.A., & Mecklinger, A. (2010). Event-related potential correlates of declarative and non-declarative sequence knowledge. Neuropsychologia 48, 2665-2674.
Bader, R., Mecklinger, A., Hoppstädter, M., & Meyer, P. (2010). Recogniton memory for one-trial-unitized word pairs: Evidence from event-related potentials. NeuroImage 50(2), 772-781.
Jäger, T., Mecklinger, A., & Kliegel, M (2010). Associative Recognition Memory for Faces: More Pronounced Age-Related. Experimental Aging Research 36, 123-139.
Mecklinger, A. (2010). The control of long-term memory: Brain systems and cognitive processes.Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 34, 1055-1065.
Meyer, P., Mecklinger, A., & Friederici, A.D. (2010). On the Processing of Semantic Aspects of Experience in the Anterior Medial Temporal Lobe: An Event-related fMRI Study. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 22(3), 590-601.
Wang, J., Tang, Y., Li, C., Mecklinger, A., Xiao, Z., Zhang, M., Hirayasu, Y., Hikama, H., & Li, H. (2010). Decreased P300 current source density in drug-naive first episode schizophrenics revealed by high density recording. International Journal of Psychophysiology 75(3), 249-257.
Wang, K., Mecklinger, A., Hofmann, J., & Weng, X. (2010). From orthography to meaning: an electrophysiological investigation of the role of phonology in accessing meaning of chinese single-character words. Neuroscience, 165, 101-106.
Wiegand, I., Bader, R., & Mecklinger, A. (2010). Multiple ways to the prior occurrence of an event: An electrophysiological dissociation of experimental and conceptually driven familiarity in recognition memory. Brain Research, 1360, 106-118.
Czernochowski, D., Mecklinger, A., & Johansson, M. (2009). Age-related changes in the control of episodic retrieval: An ERP study of recognition memory in children and adults. Developmental Science, 12(6), 1026-1040.
Jäger, T. & Mecklinger, A. (2009). Familiarity supports associative recognition memory for face stimuli that can be unitized: Evidence from receiver operating characteristics. European Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 21, 35-60.
Mecklinger, A. & Parra, M., & Waldhauser. G.T. (2009). ERP correlates of intentional forgetting. Brain Research, 1255, 132–147.
Mecklinger, A. & Jäger, T. (2009). Episodic memory storage and retrieval: insights from electrophysiological measures. In F. Rösler, C. Ranganath, B. Röder & R.H. Kluwe. (Eds.), Neuroimaging and Psychological Theories of Human Memory, (pp 357-382). Oxford University Press.
Spitzer, B.J. Hanslmayr, S., Opitz, B., Mecklinger, A., & Bäuml, K.-H. (2009). Oscillatory Correlates of Retrieval-Induced Forgetting in Recognition Memory. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 21, 976–990.
Eppinger, B., Kray, J., Mock, B., & Mecklinger, A. (2008). Better or worse than expected? Aging, learning, and the ERN. Neuropsychologia, 46, 521-539.
Ferdinand, N.K., Mecklinger, A., & Kray, J. (2008). Error and deviance processing in implicit and explicit sequence learning. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 20(4), 629–642.
König, S., & Mecklinger, A. (2008). Electrophysiological correlates of encoding and retrieving emotional events. Emotion, 8(2), 162-173.
Yang, J., Mecklinger, A., Weng, X., Xu, M., & Zhao, Y. (2008). Decreased parahippocampal activity in associative priming: Evidence from an event-related fMRI study. Learning & Memory, 15-9, 703-710.
Ecker, U.K. H., Zimmer, H.D. Groh-Bordin, C. & Mecklinger, A. (2007). Context effects on familiarity are familiarity effects of context – An electrophysiological study. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 64, 146-156.
Eppinger, B., Kray, J., Mecklinger, A. & John, O. (2007). Age differences in response monitoring: Evidence from ERPs. Biological Psychology, 75-1, 52-67.
Johansson, M., Aslan, A., Bäuml, K.-H., Gäbel, A., & Mecklinger, A. (2007). When remembering causes forgetting: Electrophysiological correlates of retrieval-induced forgetting. Cerebral Cortex, 17, 1335-1341.
Mecklinger, A., Johansson, M., Parra, M. & Hanslmayr, S. (2007). Source-retrieval requirements influence late ERP and EEG memory effects. Brain Research, 1172,110-123.
Meyer, P., Mecklinger, A. & Friederici, A.D. (2007). Bridging the gap between the semantic N400 and the early old/new memory effect. Neuroreport, 18-10, 1009-1013.
Doeller, C.F., Opitz, B., Krick, C.M., Mecklinger, A., & Reith, W. (2006). Differential hippocampal and prefrontal-striatal contributions to instance-based and rule-based learning. Neuroimage, 31, 1802-1816.
Jaeger, T., Mecklinger, A. & Kipp, K . (2006) Intra- and Inter-item Associations doubly dissociate the electrophysiological correlates of familiarity and recollection. Neuron, 52, 535-545.
Mecklinger, A. (2006) Electrophysiological Measures of Familiarity Memory. Clinical EEG and Neuroscience, 37(4), 292-299.
Mecklinger, A., König, S., Ruffing, N., Reith, W., Müller, M., Kaul, H., Becker, G., & Röll, E.-M. (2006). Event-related potentials in people at risk for vascular dementia. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 59, 40-48.
Czernochowski, D., Mecklinger, A., Johansson, M., & Brinkmann, M. (2005). Age-related differences in familiarity and recollection: ERP evidence from a recognition memory study in children and young adults. Cognitive, Affective and Behavioral Neuroscience, 5-4, 417-433.
Dietl, T., Trautner, P., Staedtgen, M., Vannuchi, M., Mecklinger, A., Grunwald, T., Elger, C.E., & Kurthen, M. (2005). Processing of famous faces and medial temporal lobe event-related potentials: A depth electrode study. NeuroImage, 25, 401-407.
Doeller, C.F., Opitz, B., Krick, C., Mecklinger, A., & Reith, W. (2005). Prefrontal-hippocampal dynamics involved in learning regularities across episodes. Cerebral Cortex, 75, 1123-1133.
Groh-Bordin, C., Zimmer, H., & Mecklinger, A. (2005). Feature binding in perceptual priming and in episodic object recognition. Evidence from event-related brain potentials. Cognitive Brain Research, 24, 556-567.
Kray, J., Eppinger, B., & Mecklinger, A. (2005). Age differences in attentional control: An event-related potential approach. Psychophysiology, 42, 407-416.
Meyer, P., Mecklinger, A., Grunwald, T., Fell, J., Elger, C.E., & Friederici, A.D. (2005). Language processing within the human medial temporal lobe. Hippocampus, 15, 451-459.
Nessler, D., Mecklinger, A., & Penney, T.B. (2005). Perceptual fluency, Semantic familiarity, and recognition-related familiarity: An electrophysiological exploration. Cognitive Brain Research, 22-2, 265-288.
Werkle-Bergner, M., Mecklinger, A., Kray, J., Meyer, P., & Düzel, E. (2005). The control of memory retrieval: Insights from event-related potentials. Cognitive Brain Research, 24, 599-614.
Czernochowski, D., Brinkmann, M., Mecklinger, A., & Johansson, M. (2004). When binding matters: An ERP analysis of the development of recollection and familarity. In A. Mecklinger, H. Zimmer & U. Linderberger (Eds.), Bound in Memory: Insights from behavioral and neuropsychological studies (pp. 93-128).
Johansson, M., Mecklinger, A., & Treese, A.C. (2004). Recognition memory for emotional and neutral faces: An event-related potential study. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 16-10, 1840-1853.
Mecklinger; A., Gruenewald, C. Weiskopf, N., & Doeller, C.F. (2004). Motor affordance and its role for visual working memory. Experimental Psychology, Special Issue “Working Memory and Cognition, 51-4, 258-269.
Schröger, E., Mecklinger, A., & Pollmann, S. (2004). Editoral: Special Issue: Working Memory and Cognition. Experimental Psychology, 51, 229-230.
Trautner, P., Dietl, T., Staedtgen, M., Mecklinger, A., Grunwald,T., Elger, C.E., & Kurthen, M. (2004). Recognition of famous faces in the medial temporal lobe: An invasive ERP study. Neurology, 63, 1203-1208.
Döller, C., Opitz, B., Mecklinger, A., Krick, C., Reith, W., & Schröger, E. (2003). Prefrontal cortex involvement in preattentive auditory deviance detection: Neuroimaging and electrophysiological evidence. Neuroimage, 20, 1270-1282.
Johansson, M., & Mecklinger, A. (2003). Action monitoring and episodic memory retrieval: An ERP evaluation. Biological Psychology, 64 (1-2), 99-125.
Mecklinger, A., & Opitz, B. (2003). Neglecting the posterior parietal cortex. The role of higher order perceptual memories for working memory retention. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 26-6, 749.
Mecklinger, A., Weber, K., Gunter, T.C., & Engle, R.W. (2003). Dissociable brain mechanisms for inhibitory control: Effects of interference content and working memory capacity. Cognitive Brain Research, 18, 26-38.
Nessler, D., & Mecklinger, A. (2003). ERP correlates of true and false recognition after different retention delays: Stimulus and response related processes. Psychophysiology, 40, 1-14.
Penney, T.B., Maess, B., Busch, N., Derrfuss, J., & Mecklinger, A. (2003). Cortical activity reduction with stimulus repetition: A whole head MEG analysis. Cognitive Brain Research, 16, 226-231.
Bentin, S., Sagiv, N., Mecklinger, A., Friederici, A.D., von Cramon, D.Y. (2002). Priming visual face-processing mechanisms: Electrophysiological evidence. Psychological Science, 13-2, 190-193.
Mecklinger, A., Gruenewald, C., Besson, M., Magnié, & von Cramon, D.Y. (2002). Separable neuronal circuities for manipulable and non-manipulable objects in working memory. Cerebral Cortex, 12-111, 1115-1123.
Opitz, B., Rinne, T., Mecklinger, A., von Cramon, D.Y., & Schröger, E. (2002). The frontal generator of the mismatch negativity. Its role in deviancy processing. NeuroImage, 15, 167-174.
Bosch, V., Mecklinger, A., & Friederici, A. D. (2001). Slow cortical potentials during reions: A spatio-temporal analysis of event-related brain potentials. Cognitive Brain Research, 10, 219-237.
Friederici, A.D., Mecklinger, A., Spencer, K., Steinhauer, K. & Donchin, E. (2001). Syntactic parsing preferences and their on-line revisions: A spatio-temporal analysis of event-related brain potentials. Cognitive Brain Research, 11, 305-323.
Herrmann, C.S. & Mecklinger, A. (2001). Gamma activity in human EEG is related to high-speed memory comparisons during object selective attention. Visual Cognition, 8, 3-4-5, 593-608.
Müller, H.J., Elliott, M. A., Herrmann, C.S., & Mecklinger, A. (2001). Neural binding of space and time: An introduction. Visual Cognition, 8, 273-285.
Nessler, D., Mecklinger, A., & Penney, T.B. (2001). Event-related potentials and illusory memories: The effects of differential encoding. Cognitive Brain Research, 10, 283-301.
Penney, T.B., Mecklinger, A., & Nessler, D. (2001). Repetition related ERP effects in a visual object target detection task. Cognitive Brain Research, 10, 239-250.
Von Zerssen, G.C., Mecklinger, A., Opitz, B., & von Cramon, D.Y (2001). Conscious recollection and illusory recognition: an event-related fMRI study. European Journal of Neuroscience, 13, 1-13.
Berti, S., Schröger, E., & Mecklinger, A.(2000). Attentive and pre-attentive periodicity analysis in auditory memory: An event-related brain potential study. NeuroReport. 11, 1883-1887.
Berti, S., Geissler, H.-G., Lachmann, T., & Mecklinger, A. (2000). Event-related brain potentials dissociate visual working memory processes under categorial and identical comparison conditions. Cognitive Brain Research, 9, 147-155.
Elliott, M. A., Herrmann, C. S., Mecklinger, A., & Herrmann, C. S. (2000). The loci of oscillatory visual-object priming: A combined electroencephalographic and reaction-time study. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 38-3, 225-241.
Herrmann, C. S. & Mecklinger, A. (2000). Magnetoencephalic responses to illusory figures: early evoked gamma is affected by processing of stimulus features. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 38-3, 265-281.
Mecklinger, A., Bosch, V., Grünewald, C., Bentin, S., & von Cramon, D.Y. (2000). What have klingon letters and faces in common? An fMRI study on content-specific working memory systems. Human Brain Mapping, 11-3, 146-161.
Mecklinger, A. (2000). Interfacing mind and brain: A neurocognitive model of recognition memory. Psychophysiology, 37, 565-582.
Opitz, B., Mecklinger, A., & Friederici, A. D. (2000). Functional asymmetry of human prefrontal cortex: Encoding and retrieval of verbally and nonverbally coded information. Learning & Memory, 7, 85-96.
Penney, T. B., Mecklinger, A., Hilton, H. J., & Cooper, L. A. (2000). Priming and recognition of novel 3D objects: Guidance from event-related potentials. Cognitive Science Quarterly, 1, 67-90.
Ullsperger, M., Mecklinger, A., & Müller, U. (2000). An electrophysiological test of directed forgetting: Differential encoding or retrieval inhibition. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 12, 924-940.
Ullsperger, M., Mecklinger, A., Matthes-von Cramon, G., & von Cramon, D. Y. (2000). Transient global ischemia specifically modulates visual P300 scalp distribution. Clinical Neurophysiology, 111, 2245-2254.
Herrmann, C. S., Mecklinger, A., & Pfeifer, E. (1999). Gamma responses and ERPs in a visual classification task. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 110, 636-642.
Mecklinger, A., von Cramon, D. Y., Springer, A., & Matthes-von Cramon, G. (1999). Executive control functions in task switching: Evidence from brain injured patients. Journal of Experimental and Clinical Neuropsychology, 21, 606-619.
Opitz, B., Mecklinger, A., Friederici, A. D., & von Cramon, D. Y. (1999). The functional neuroanatomy of novelty processing: Integrating ERP and fMRI results. Cerebral Cortex, 9, 379-391.
Opitz, B., Mecklinger, A., von Cramon, D. Y., & Kruggel, F. (1999). Combining electrophysiological and hemodynamic measures of the auditory oddball. Psychophysiology, 36, 142-147.
Friederici, A. D., Steinhauer, K., Mecklinger, A., & Meyer, M. (1998). Working memory constraints on syntactic ambiguity resolution as revealed by electrical brain responses. Biological Psychology, 47, 193-221.
Hälbig, T. D., Mecklinger, A., Schriefers, H., & Friederici, A. D. (1998). Double dissociation of processing temporal and spatial information in working memory. Neuropsychologia, 36, 305-331.
Mecklinger, A. & Meinshausen, R. (1998). Recognition memory for object forms and spatial locations: An event-related potential study. Memory & Cognition, 26, 1068-1088.
Mecklinger, A., Maess, B., Opitz, B., Pfeifer, E., Cheyne, D., & Weinberg, H. (1998). An MEG analysis of the P300 in visual discrimination tasks. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 108, 45-56.
Mecklinger, A., von Cramon, D. Y., & Matthes-von Cramon, G. (1998). Event-related potential evidence for a specific recognition memory deficit in adult survivors of cerebral hypoxia. Brain, 121, 1919-1935.
Mecklinger, A. (1998). On the modularity of recognition memory for object form and spatial location. Neuropsychologia, 36, 441-460.
Mecklinger, A., Opitz, B., & Friederici, A. D. (1997). Semantic aspects of novelty detection in humans. Neuroscience Letters, 234, 1-4.
Mecklinger, A. & Friederici, A. D. (1997). Elektrophysiologische Dissoziationen beim Einprägen abstrakter und konkreter Wörter. Zeitschrift für Experimentelle Psychologie, 44, 62-81.
Steinhauer, K., Mecklinger, A., Friederici, A. D., & Meyer, M. (1997). Wahrscheinlichkeit und Strategie: Eine EKP Studie zur Verarbeitung syntaktischer Anomalien. Zeitschrift für Experimentelle Psychologie, 44, 305-331.
Friederici, A. D. & Mecklinger, A. (1996). Syntactic parsing as revealed by brain responses: First-pass and second-pass parsing processes. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 25, 157-176.
Friederici, A. D., Hahne, A., & Mecklinger, A. (1996). The temporal structure of syntactic parsing: Event-related potentials during speech perception and word-by-word reading. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory & Cognition, 22(5), 1-31.
Mecklinger, A. & Pfeifer, E. (1996). Event-related potentials reveal topographical and temporal distinct neuronal activation patterns for spatial and object working memory. Cognitive Brain Research. 4(3), 211-224.
Mecklinger, A. & Müller, N. (1996). Dissociations in the processing of "what" and "where" information in working memory: An event-related potential analysis. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 8(5), 453-473.
Mecklinger, A. & Ullsperger, P. (1995). The P300 to novel and target events: A spatio-temporal dipole model analysis. NeuroReport, 7, 241-245.
Mecklinger, A., Schriefers, H., Steinhauer, K., & Friederici, A. D. 1995). Processing relative clauses varying on syntactic and semantic dimensions: An analysis with event-related potentials. Memory & Cognition, 23, 477-494.
Schwarz, W. & Mecklinger, A. (1995). Relationship between flanker identifiability and compatibility effect. Perception & Psychophysics, 57, 1045-1052.
Grune, K., Ullsperger, P., Mölle, M., & Mecklinger, A. (1994). Mental comparison of visually presented two-digit numbers - A P300 study. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 17, 47-56.
Mecklinger, A., Ullsperger, P., Mölle, M., & Grune, K. (1994). Event-related potentials indicate information extraction in a comparative judgement task. Psychophysiology, 31, 23-28.
Mecklinger, A., Friederici, A. D., & Güssow, T. (1994). Confinement affects the detection of low frequency events: An analysis with event-related potentials. Journal of Psychophysiology, 8, 98-113.
Pennekamp, P., Bösel, R., Mecklinger, A., & Ott, H. (1994). Differences in EEG-Theta for responded and omitted targets in a sustained attention task. Journal of Psychophysiology, 8, 131-141.
Grune, K., Mecklinger, A., & Ullsperger, P.(1993). Mental comparison: P300 component of the event-related brain potential reflects the symbolic distance effect. NeuroReport, 4, 1272-1274.
Mecklinger, A. & Ullsperger, P. (1993). P3 varies with stimulus categorization rather than probability. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 86, 395-407.
Mecklinger, A., Kramer, A. F., & Strayer, D. (1992). Event-related potentials and EEG components in a semantic memory search task. Psychophysiology, 29, 104-119.
Bösel, R., Mecklinger, A., & Stolpe, R. (1990). Changes in spontaneous EEG activity indicate a special kind of information processing in concept learning. Biological Psychology, 31, 257-269.
Mecklinger, A. & Bösel, R. (1989). Veränderungen im EEG Frequenzspektrum bei verschiedenen Phasen mentaler Belastung. Zeitschrift für Experimentelle und Angewandte Psychologie, 36, 453-475.
Books and book chapters
Mecklinger, A. & Jäger, T. (in press). Episodic memory storage and retrieval: insights from electrophysiological measures. In F. Rösler, C. Ranganath, B. Röder & R.H. Kluwe. (Eds.), Neuroimaging and Psychological Theories of Human Memory. Oxford University Press.
Frings, C., Mecklinger, A., Opitz, B., Pospeschill, M., Wentura, D. & Zimmer, H.D. (2007). Kognitionsforschung 2007. Beiträge zur 8. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Kognitionswissenschaft. Aachen: Shaker.
Zimmer, H.D., Mecklinger, A., & Lindenberger, U. (2006). Levels of binding: types, mechanisms, and functions of binding in remembering. In H.D. Zimmer, A. Mecklinger, & U. Lindenberger (Eds), Handbook of Binding and Memory: Perspectives from Cognitive Neuroscience. Oxford University Press: NY.
Zimmer, H.D., Mecklinger, A., & Lindenberger, U. (2006). Handbook of Binding and Memory: Perspectives from Cognitive Neuroscience. Oxford University Press: NY.
Mecklinger, A., Zimmer, H. D., & Lindenberger, U. (2004). Bound in memory: Insights from behavioral and neuropsychological studies. Aachen: Shaker.
Schröger, E., Mecklinger, A., & Pollmann, S. (2004). Working Memory and Cognition. Experimental Psychology, Special Issue. Vol 51.
Mecklinger, A. (2001). Beiträge „Aktivierung“, „Distraktor“, „Explizites Gedächtnis“, „Positionseffekt“, „Rückwirkende Maskierung“, „Verarbeitungstiefe“. In N. Pethes & J. Ruchatz (Hrsg), Gedächtnis und Erinnerung (rororo Sachbuch 556367) Rinbeck: Rowolth.
Müller, H.J., Elliott, M.A., Herrmann, C.S., & Mecklinger, A. (2001). Neural Binding of Space and Time: An Introduction. In H.J. Müller, M.A Elliott, C.S. Herrmann & A. Mecklinger (Eds.) Visual Cognition. Special Issuue: Neuronal binding of space and time: Spatial and temporal mechanisms of feature-object binding. 8, 3-4-5, 273-285.
Elliot, M.A., Müller, H.J., & Mecklinger, A. (2000). Oscillatory characteristics of visual persistence. In E. Schröger, A. Mecklinger, & A.D. Friederici (Eds.), Working on Working Memory (pp. 27-42). Leipzig: Universitätsverlag.
Grünewald, C., Mecklinger, A., & Friederici, A.D. (2000). Segregating semantic from phonological codes in working memory: a dual task interference approach. In E. Schröger, A. Mecklinger, & A.D. Friederici (Eds.), Working on Working Memory. (pp. 61-78). Leipzig: Universitätsverlag.
Schröger, E., Mecklinger, A., & Friederici, A.D. (2000). Working on Working Memory. Leipzig: Universitätsverlag.
Mecklinger, A. & Bosch, V. (1999). Recognition memory of objects and spatial locations: Image-based and verbal representations. In A.D. Friederici, & R. Menzel (Eds.), Learning: Rule Extraction and Representation (pp. 187-214). Berlin: Walter De Gruyter.
Mecklinger, A. (1999). Das Erinnern von Orten und Objekten. Zur Neurobiologie des visuellen Arbeitsgedächtnisses. Lehr- und Forschungstexte Psychologie. Göttingen: Hogrefe.
Mecklinger, A. (1999). Buchrezension "Ergebnisse und Anwendungen der Psychophysiologie", Biologische Psychologie (Vol. 5), erschienen in der Enzyklopädie der Psychologie. Zeitschrift für Experimentelle Psychologie, 46, 72-76.
Schröger, E., Mecklinger, A., & Widmann, A. (1999). Experimentelle Psychologie: Beiträge zur 41. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen (TeaP). Lengerich: Pabst Science Publishers.
Bosch, V., Mecklinger, A., & Friederici, A. D. (1997). Brain activation associated with rehearsal of object and spatial information. In H. Witte, U. Zwiener, B. Schack, A. Doering (Eds.), Quantitative and Topological EEG and MEG Analysis (pp. 127 - 129). Erlangen: Druckhaus Mayer Verlag.
Opitz, B., Mecklinger, A., Maeß, B., & Pfeifer, E. (1997). The P300 evoked by visual object and spatial target stimuli: A whole head MEG analysis. In H. Witte, U. Zwiener, B. Schack & A. Doering (Eds.), Quantitative and Topological EEG and MEG Analysis (pp. 130 - 132). Erlangen: Druckhaus Mayer Verlag.
Mecklinger, A., Friederici, A.D., & Hahne, A. (1996). Syntaktische und semantische Aspekte der Sprachverarbeitung. In W. Widdig, I.M. Ohlendorf, & J.P. Malin (Eds.), Aphasietherapie im Wandel (4. Rhein-Ruhr-Meeting in Bochum) (pp. 123-138). Freiburg: HochschulVerlag.
Ullsperger, P. & Mecklinger, A. (1996). P300 as an index of cognitive adaptation. In C. Ogura, Y. Koga, & M. Shimokochi (Eds.), Recent Advances in Event-Related Potentials (Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Event-related Potentials (EPCI)) (pp. 47-51). Amsterdam: Elsevier.
Mecklinger, A., Ullsperger, P. (1995). What makes a category a category? Event-related potential correlates of stimulus-to-category assignments. In G. Karmos, M. Molnár, V. Cséspe, I. Czigler & J.E. Desmedt (Eds.), Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, Suppl. 44: Perspecitves of Event-Related-Potential Research (pp 255 - 259). North Holland: Elsevier.
Mecklinger, A., Friederici, A.D., & Güssow, T. (1995). Attention and mental performance in confinement: Evidence from cognitive psychophysiology. In S. L. Bonting (Ed.), Advances in Spaces Biology and Medicine, Vol. 5 (pp. 183 - 200). Greenwich: JAI Press.
Bösel, R., Mecklinger, A., Kranz-Raphaelian, M., & Stolpe, R. (1993). Evozierte Frequenzen: Neue Indikatoren in der Aufmerksamkeitsforschung. In J. Beckmann, H. Strang & E. Hahn (Eds.), Konzentration und Leistung. Göttingen: Hogrefe.
Mecklinger, A., Ullsperger, P., & Baldeweg, T. (1993). In search of the internal model: P300 amplitude in a multiple stimulus paradigm. In H.J. Heinze, F. Münte, & G.R. Mangun (Eds.), New Developments in Event-Related Potentials (pp 131-137). Boston: Birkhäuser.
Mecklinger, A. (1992). Gedächtnissuchprozesse. Eine Analyse ereigniskorrelierter Potentiale und der EEG-Spontanaktivität. Fortschritte der psychologischen Forschung, Vol. 11. Weinheim: Psychologie-Verlags-Union.
Kramer, A., Humphrey, D., Sirevaag, E., & Mecklinger, A. (1989). Real-time measurement of mental workload: A feasibility study. Proceedings of the Third Annual Workshop on Space Operations, Automation and Robotnics. Houston Texas: NASA Johnson Space Center.