WS19 Sta­tis­tics

Statistics with R

Lecture with tutorials

held by:           Prof. Vera Demberg

first lecture:   Oct 22, 2019 in building E1.3, HS002 (0.02.1), 08.30 - 10.00
                       for all students



Lecture:         Tuesdays, starting on Oct 22, 2019    08.30 -10.00 hrs
                      in building E1.3, HS002 (0.02.1)

Tutorials:       There are 5 tutorials, times and locations see moodle.



suitable for:     B.Sc. / M.Sc.



A n n o u n c e m e n t s

All information regarding schedule and course materials can be found in the Moodle. Please, sign up to the Moodle as soon as possible (ideally by the evening of Oct 17).


This class is supported by DataCamp, which allows students to take online classes with automatic code correction for learning R, Python and SQL.
The courses combine short expert videos and hands-on-the-keyboard exercises.


Last modified 2019-10-14 by gabi
Impressum - Haftungsausschluss