Ashlin Wigington

Studying abroad to Saarland University will forever be one of my most favorite experiences in my life. Not only was I able to get an education and better learn the language but I also got to enjoy the culture, enjoy the beautiful scenery and meet friends that will forever be a part of my life. I thoroughly enjoyed every second I had at Saarland University.
Some of my fondest memories are walking to school through the forest since I lived at Guckelsberg, eating lunch with my friends at the Mensa, and hanging out downtown together laughing and making memories. I'm forever grateful for my study abroad experience at Saarland University.
- Studiengang: Bachelor of Business Administration in Marketing mit Economics im Nebenfach an der Boise State University, Idaho (USA)
- Aufenthalt an der Universität des Saarlandes: Austauschstudium über das Weltweit-Programm von März 2018 bis Juli 2018
- Anschließende Tätigkeit: Account Coordinator bei 116 & West