Alumni Academy 2019
2. international Alumni Academy at the University of Saarland successfully completed
Saarland University held its second international Alumni Academy from 24 June to 29 June 2019 – with the support of the German Academic Exchange Service DAAD using funds provided by the Federal Foreign Office. This time, invitations were extended to alumni not only from Saarland University, but also from other German universities. The theme of the 2019 Alumni Academy was ‘Universities as drivers of regional development’ and the event gave attendees the opportunity to actively address issues such as smart specialization and entrepreneurship. During the event, alumni had the opportunity to engage in discussions with policy makers and representatives from academia and industry, to participate in the University Society's science forum and in idea-sharing workshops with young entrepreneurs from the Saarland University Start-Up Centre. This varied programme gave them the chance to assess whether the concepts presented could be transferred to their home countries.
In addition to addressing beneficial interactions between academia, policy making and business, our alumni also had the opportunity to establish and expand their own personal networks. The chance to get to know each other and to share ideas proved very fruitful, and a number of collaborative project ideas were discussed and the first steps towards implementation taken.
The Academy concluded on the following Saturday with an enjoyable summer barbecue party and a Saarland excursion under perfect skies.

Die Alumni-Akademie 2019 wurde gefördert vom DAAD aus Mitteln des Auswärtigen Amts (AA).