Publikationen und Vorträge


Voigtmann, S. (2024) Wie Informationsdichte Extraposition beeinflusst. Eine Korpusuntersuchung an wissenschaftlichen Texten des frühen Neuhochdeutschen. Dissertation. Saarbrücken: SciDok.


Ortmann, K., Voigtmann, S., Dipper, S., & Speyer, A. (in print). Constituent Order in the German Middle Field. An Information-Theoretic Account of Constituent Order in the German Middle Field.

Voigtmann, S., & Speyer, A. (2023). Where to place a phrase? Journal of Historical Syntax, Vol. 7 No. 6-19 (2023): Proceedings of the 22nd Diachronic Generative Syntax (DiGS) Conference.

Voigtmann, S. (2022). Informational aspects of the extraposition of relative clauses. In: M. Coniglio, C. de Bastiani, and N. Catasso (Eds.), Language Change at the Interfaces. Intrasentential and intersentential phenomena. Amsterdam / Philadlphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company.

Voigtmann, S. and A. Speyer (2022). Information density as a factor for syntactic variation in Early New High German. In: Proceedings of Linguistic Evidence 2020, Tübingen, Germany.

Voigtmann, S. and A. Speyer (2021). Information density and the extraposition of german relative clauses. In: Frontiers in Psychology, 1–18.

Speyer, A. and S. Voigtmann (2021). Factors for the integration of causal clauses in the history of german. In: L. Jedrzejowski and C. Fleczoreck (Eds.), On the Variation of Causal Clauses, Hamburg, Germany. Buske.

Speyer, A. and S. Voigtmann (2021). Informationelle bedingungen für dieselbständigkeit kausaler satzaussagen. eine diachrone sichtweise. In: R. Külpmann and R. Finkbeiner (Eds.), Selbständigkeit von Satzaussagen und Satzwertigkeit von Äußerungen, Hamburg, pp. 177–206. Buske.

Vorträge und Posterpräsentationen


Voigtmann, S. (2024, Juni). The Impact of Information Theory on Word Order in German since the 15th Century. Posterpräsentation. DiGS25, Mannheim, Deutschland.

Voigtmann, S. (2024, Juni). The influence of orality on scientific writing in New High German. HiSoN 2024 Conference, Zürich, Schweiz.

Voigtmann, S. (2024). A corpus linguistic study on NP extraposition in German scientific writing from 1650 to 1900. Linguistic Evidence 2024, Potsdam, Deutschland.


Voigtmann, Sophia (2023):  Wie Informationsdichte Extraposition beeinflusst. Eine Korpusuntersuchung an wissenschaftlichen Texten des frühen Neuhochdeutschen. Disputatio (26.09.2023). Saarbrücken.

Voigtmann, Sophia (2023): Where do all the NPs go? – A corpus linguistic study on NP extraposition in German scientific writing from 1650 to 1900. International Conference on Historical Linguistics (ICHL26), Heidelberg.

Voigtmann, Sophia (2023): How information density influences NP extraposition in early New High German. Posterpräsentation. LingCologne2023, Köln.


Voigtmann, Sophia and Katrin Ortmann (2022). Relative Clause Adjacency as a Characteristic of 18th Century German. Posterpräsentation. International Conference on Historical Linguistics (ICHL25), Oxford UK.

Voigtmann, Sophia (2022): Information Density and the Extraposition of Relative Clauses. Guest Lecture SFB 1287. Potsdam, online.

Ortmann, Katrin, Voigtmann, Sophia, Dipper, Stefanie & Augustin Speyer (2022): An Information-Theoretic Account of Constituent Order in the German Middle Field. Posterpräsentation. 44. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft, Tübingen, online.


Voigtmann, Sophia & Augustin Speyer (2021): Where to place a phrase? An informational and generative approach to phrasal extraposition. DiGS 2020, Konstanz, online.

Voigtmann, Sophia (2021): Information Density as a Measurement of Processing Difficulties in Historical Data. Workshop„Cognitive Mechanisms driving language change“. SLE 2021, Athen, online.


Voigtmann, Sophia & Augustin Speyer (2020): Information Density as a factor for syntactic variation in Early New High German. Posterpräsentation. LE 2020, Tübingen.


Voigtmann, Sophia (2019): Information Density and the Extraposition of German Relative Clauses. Posterpräsentation. RAILS 2019, Saarbrücken.

Voigtmann, Sophia, Richard Gebracht, Dietrich Klakow & Augustin Speyer (2019): Extraposition and Information Density in Early New High German Corpora. SLE 2019, Leipzig.

Voigtmann, Sophia (2019): Information Density and the Extraposition of German Relative Clauses. Posterpräsentation. International Corpus Linguistics Conference CL19, Cardiff, UK.

Voigtmann, Sophia (2019): Informational aspects of the extraposition of relative clauses.  41. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft, Bremen.