The Writing Center Team

Danielle Kopf-Giammanco, MA (she/her)

Danielle is a PhD Candidate in North American Literary & Cultural Studies. She is the primary writing consultant and coordinator for the Writing Center, as well as its co-founder. Danielle maintains Writing Center operations and creates the educational content on this page with the help of student assistans. Although she works best on academic and scientific writing, Danielle enjoys working with writers in all genres and across disciplines. Her background is in history and medieval studies. Her research interests are historiography, epistemology, post-truth/misinformation, rhetoric, American cultural studies, as well as critical race and whiteness studies.


Dr. Verena Bernardi (she/her)

Dr. Bernardi is an Academic Administrator and Senior Lecturer (Fachrichtungsreferentin) for the English department. She is also the co-founder of the Writing Center as well as its coordinator for administration and funding. 


Anne Nußbaum (she/her)

Anne is studying Education (Lehramt) with a focus on English and political science and is particularly interested in policy analysis and cultural studies. She enjoys singing, playing the guitar and bass guitar, and occasionally musical theatre. Anne provides organizational outreach to the student body through social media and digital educational materials.


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