
Guest lecture: “‘I’d rather be watching Jane Austen’: Enhancing Wish Fulfillment in the ‘Austen films’”

Frau Ariane Hudelet wird am Donnerstag, 20.6., 16-18 c.t. einen Vortrag halten:


“‘I’d rather be watching Jane Austen’: Enhancing Wish Fulfillment in the ‘Austen films’”


The structure of Jane Austen’s novels has often been compared to that of fairy tales. Yet, a closer reading of the texts reveals subtle strategies that undermine these apparently perfect resolutions. When adapted to the screen, though, most of the shades and ambiguities of the literary endings seem to disappear, to be replaced by a more obviously romantic and reassuring closure.


Ariane Hudelet is an Assistant Professor at the Université Paris 7-Denis Diderot. She is the author of “Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen et Joe Wright” (Armand Colin, 2006) as well as of articles on film adaptation. 

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