
Annual meeting of the Kulturwissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft (KWG)

Populäre Kulturen / Popular Cultures

8. Jahrestagung der Kulturwissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft


27. bis 30. September 2023 | Universität des Saarlandes (Saarbrücken)

We are extremely honored to host more than 160 researchers from over 20 nations, who will present their cutting-edge research on this year’s topic: Popular Cultures.

In addition to academic discussions on the diversity and relevance of Popular Cultures, we are thrilled to offer you an equally inspiring supporting program of cultural events complementing our conference:

  • 27 September, 7pm, Aula of Saarland University: Keynote on The Evolution of Hip Hop Culture with an subsequent performance of Dreamscape, a hip-hop/spoken word/dance-performance by academic/artist Prof. Rickerby Hinds. Please make sure not to miss this awesome performance!
  • 29 September, 7pm, Kulturgut Ost: Beatbox-performance by John ‘Faahz’ Merchant with a subsequent podium discussion on “Popular Culture in Saarland: Cultural Spaces on their way from the margins to the center,” including Uwe Conradt (Chief Mayor of Saarbrücken), Martin Grasmück (Artistic Director of Saarländischer Rundfunk), Peter Meyer (founder and member of PopRat Saarland e.V.), Nil Berber (Head of Department F: Culture, Industrial heritage, and preservation of cultural heritage at the Saarland Ministry for Education and Culture), and Kathy Zorn (project manager at Kulturgut Ost GmbH).

These two events are free of charge and you may show up without registration!

One-day registration: € 30,00.

For more information, see the attached graphics; please check out the full program here: https://kwg-ev.org/populaere-kulturen-2023/

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