
“A Long Time Ago On a Reservation Far, Far Away”

Contemporary Indigenous Popular Culture Across the Globe

An international conference organized by North American Literary and Cultural Studies, Saarland University.


Keynote speakers:

  • Prof. Taiaiake Alfred (University of Victoria, Victoria, Canada); Keynote on "Art, Ancestral Memory and Indigenous Resurgence"
  • Sonny Assu (visual artist, Vancouver, Canada); Keynote on "We Come to Witness"
  • Dr. Sarah Henzi (Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, Canada); Keynote on "Betwixt and Between: Alternative Genres, Languages, and Indigeneity"


Saarland University, Graduate Center (Building C9 3)

Registration And Information: www.amerikanistik.uni-saarland.de

Contact: svetlana.seibel@uni-saarland.de

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