Elke Teich is a professor of English Linguistics and Translation Studies at Saarland University, Saarbrücken. She is the spokesperson of the Collaborative Research Center SFB 1102 "Information Density and Linguistic Encoding" funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) and heads the Saarbrücken CLARIN-D Center. Information on current and completed research projects can be found here.
Elke Teich was a member of the now completed Cluster of Excellence "Multimodal Computing and Interaction" (MMCI) and worked at various universities and research institutes in Germany, Australia and the USA (including TU Darmstadt, University of Sydney, Information Sciences Institute (ISI) Los Angeles). Her research areas include grammar of English, register theory (especially scientific language) and translation studies. Her current research interests are focused on language change, language variation and (human) translation using computational language models and combining them with information-theoretic measures of variation. This ranges from plain n-gram models to neural models and includes surprisal, entropy and relative entropy as measures of information content. The main perspective adopted is rational communication, asking about the role of communicative concerns in linguistic variation and change.
Elke Teich's research group is part of the Department of Linguistics and Language Technology at Saarland University. In teaching, we are responsible for the Bachelor's degree program "Language Science" and the Master's degree program "Translation Science and Technology". To the study courses; current courses
Office hours during term: Tuesday 3-4 pm or by appointment: e.teich(at)mx.uni-saarland.de; in the term break by appointment only.

Department of Language Science and Technology
Saarland University
Campus, Building A2.2
D-66123 Saarbrücken
postedited translation from German with www.DeepL.com/Translator
Annette Ziegler
Building A2.2, Room 1.08
D-66123 Saarbrücken
Tel.: +49 681 302-70070/70071
Fax: +49 681 302-70072
E-Mail: a.ziegler(at)mx.uni-saarland.de