Ass. iur. Nils Wiedemann, LL.M. (Dublin)

Research assistant

Building A5.4, Room 0.26

Saarland University

Phone:  +49 (0)681 302-4725

E-Mail: nils_torben.wiedemann(at)


Personal information

  • Since winter term 2023/2024 lecturer at the German University of Administrative Sciences Speyer
  • Since July 2023 PhD candidate at the chair of Legal Informatics at Saarland University
  • Since January 2022 research assistant at ZRD Saar
  • 2022 bis 2023: Master of Laws (LL.M.) in Intellecutal Property and Information Technology Law at Trinity College Dublin, Ireland (with distinction)
  • 2020 to 2022: Legal clerkship at the Karlsruhe Regional Court (Second state examination)
  • 2017 to 2018: Diploma in Common Law at University College Cork, Ireland
  • 2013 to 2020: student of  law at Konstanz University (Degree First state examination)

Research interests

  • Privacy law
  • Data law
  • Artificial intelligence
  • IT-Security


  • WS 2023/24:
    • Arbeitsgemeinschaft „Praxisübung: Rechtliche Folgen von IT-Sicherheitsvorfällen" (German University of Administrative Sciences Speyer)


  • 2024
    • Nils Wiedemann und Christoph Sorge: § 52 Abs. 3 MsbG – Eine zulässige Konkretisierung der Anonymisierungsanforderungen aus der DSGVO?, IRIS 2024: Internationales Rechtsinformatik Symposion 2024
    • Nils Wiedemann und Maximilian Leicht: KI-Training nach dem neuen Datenrecht: Neue Chancen für KI made in EU?, IRIS 2024: Internationales Rechtsinformatik Symposion 2024



  • Top 10-Paper at LexisNexis Best Paper Award at IRIS 2023 in Salzburg, Austria, February 2023



  • Prof. Dr. sc. hum. Peter Haas, Dr. iur. Uwe K. Schneider: "Rahmenbedingungen Cloud-basierter Krankenhausinformationssysteme", Scientific report on the project "KIS & Cloud" of the Health Innovation Hub of the Federal Ministry of Health