

  • 8 members of the professorial staff + deputies who represent them in their absence
  • 4 members of the mid-level academic staff + deputies who represent them in their absence
  • 2 students + deputies who represent them in their absence

Individuals acting only in an advisory capacity:

  • 1 member of the administrative and technical staff + deputy who represent them in their absence
  • Gender Equality Officer + deputy who represents her in her absence

Derzeitige Mitglieder des Forschungsausschusses (PDF)

Sitzungstermine der Förderperiode 2025

19.09.20241. Sitzung (zu Anschubfinanzierung)
26.09.20242. Sitzung (zu Anschubfinanzierung)
07.11.20243. Sitzung (zu Großgeräteprogramm)
21.11.20244. Sitzung (zu Investitionsprogramm Lehre und Forschung)
28.11.20245. Sitzung (zu Investitionsprogramm Forschung)


Robert Ernst
Vice President for Research

Verena Krenberger

Advisor to the Vice-President for Research

Tel.: +49 681 302-4418

Postal address

Postfach 15 11 50
66041 Saarbrücken, Germany