Se­mi­nar on the Focus Se­mes­ter on Quan­tum In­for­ma­ti­on

responsible: Prof. Dr. Moritz Weber

This seminar/lecture is part of the Focus Semester on Quantum Information (12 Sept - 9 Dec 2022) at  Saarland University. The aim is to study quantum information theory from the perspectives of mathematics, physics and computer science. We will have numerous international experts giving multidisciplinary lectures at Saarland University, accompanied by various research talks in seminars.

The program will be accessible for first year Master's students (physics, mathematics or computer science), in particular, providing an introduction to this modern field.

Students may obtain Credit Points throughout the Focus Semester on Quantum Information:

  • Seminar certificate (CP according to your study regulations, typically 5-7 CP): Attend your own selection of 8 talks of the Saarbrücken-Jülich Colloquium on Quantum Information; write a short summary (1-2 pages, mention title and speaker of the talk) of each of the talks; add an introduction (what is quantum information? 1 page); submit this seminar report to before 31 January 2023, mentioning "seminar certificate" in the header of the email. The seminar reports will be read and graded by Moritz Weber.
  • Certificate for a „small“ lecture (typically 4.5-5 CP depending on your study regulations): Attend your own selection of 12-15 sessions of the lectures of the Focus Semester (attend all lectures of an individual lecturer); register for an oral exam via before 31 January 2023 mentioning "small lecture certificate" in the header of the email; state in the email your name, your matriculation number, your field of study (incl. info on BSc/MSc), your semester, and your selection of the lectures on which the oral exam will be based on (like "lectures by X, Y and Z"). The examiner will be Moritz Weber. The oral exams will be approx. 30 minutes. There will be exam slots in December 2022, in January 2023 and in February/March 2023. You may state in your email your preferred weeks for the exam (like "week of 12-16 Dec or week of 9-13 Jan or week of ..."); mention at least three weeks.
  • Certificate for a „large“ lecture (typically 9-10 CP depending on your study regulations): as for the "small" lecture certificate, but with 25-30 sessions of lectures. [may not be combined with the "small" lecture certificate]
  • In case you are interested in follow up lectures/seminars in January 2023 or in the summer term 2023, let us know via, mentioning "follow up lectures/seminars" in the header of your email.

Certificated may be graded, if needed according to your study regulations.

Please register for the Focus Semester via! Only registered students may obtain credit points.

Also, it might be necessary to doublecheck with your study regulations.

We plan to have further teaching activities in January/February 2023 (hence, AFTER the official end of the Focus Semester, until the end of the Saarbruecken lecture phase), like a seminar or a small lecture, in case there are sufficiently many students interested in it.

There will be follow up lectures and seminars on quantum information in 2023 and 2024. So, you may specialize on quantum information theory during your Master's studies in mathematics, physics or computer science at Saarland University. Also, you may write your Master's thesis with one of the local organizers of the Focus Semester on Quantum Information.

Postal address

Saarland University
Department of Mathematics
Postfach 15 11 50
66041 Saarbrücken

Physical address

Saarland University
Campus building E 2 4
66123 Saarbrücken