Older Lec­tu­res

Older Lectures

Summer term 2021
Elementary number theory
Funktional analysis 2b (operator algebras)
Math for engineers IVa
Maple seminar (part of VSi+MINT)

Winter term 2020/2021
24th Internetseminar on C*-algebras and dynamics
Proseminar Beispiele geometrischer Strukturen

Summer term 2020
Block seminar on category theory

Winter term 2019/2020
K-theory of C*-Algebras
Seminar on graph theory

Summer term 2019
Set theory and forcing

Winter term 2018/2019
Reading seminar on quantum groups and Hopf algebras
22nd Internetseminar on Ergodic Theorems

Summer term 2018
Operator algebras (Functional analysis II)
Contribution to Bachelor plus MINT (3 July)

Winter term 2017/2018
Functional analysis
Students seminar on The Millenium Prize Problems

Summer term 2017
Students seminar on operators on Hilbert spaces

Summer term 2016
Analysis II
Reading seminar on quantum groups
Preparatory math courses for refugees for studies in MINT subjects

Winter term 2015/2016
Operator algebras (Functional analysis II) (Lecturer)
Preparatory math courses for refugees for studies in MINT subjects (Lecturer, Coordinator)

Summer term 2015
(Real) Analysis I (Lecturer) (this term's teaching award from the students of faculty)
Seminar on operator algebras and free probability (Lecturer, together with Roland Speicher)

Summer term 2014
Operator algebras (Lecturer, together with Roland Speicher)

Winter term 2013/2014
Functional analysis (Lecturer) (this term's teaching award from the students of the faculty)
Seminar on operators on Hilbert spaces (Assistant)

Summer term 2013
Operator algebras (Assistant)
Seminar on von Neumann algebras (Assistant)

Winter term 2012/2013
Mathematics for biologists and chemists (Lecturer)
Functional analysis (Assistant)
Seminar on free probability theory (Assistant)

Summer term 2012
C*-algebras and K-theory (Lecturer)
Random matrices (Assistant)

Winter term 2011/2012
C*-algebras (Lecturer)

Summer term 2011
(Real) analysis II (Assistant)
Seminar on von Neumann algebras (Assistant)

Winter term 2010/2011
(Real) analysis I (Assistant)

Postal address

Saarland University
Department of Mathematics
Postfach 15 11 50
66041 Saarbrücken

Physical address

Saarland University
Campus building E 2 4
66123 Saarbrücken