Alvi, Moniza

About Moniza Alvi

Biography (Poetry Foundation)



O'Brien, Sean. "Homesick for the Earth by Jules Supervielle." The Guardian, 27 Jan. 2012

Padel, Ruth. "Rape of the Rock." The Guardian, 17 May 2008

Bainbridge, Charles. "Strangers to Ourselves." The Guardian, 17 Dec. 2005



Shamsie, Muneeza. "Exploring Dualities: An Interview with Moniza Alvi." Journal of Postcolonial Writing, vol. 47, no. 2, 2011 



Shehata, Reda A. "Moniza Alvi and Representations of the Body." Contemporary Women's Writing, vol. 11, no. 2, Jul. 2017 



Poetry Collections

Blackbird, Bye Bye (2018)

At the Time of Partition (2013)

As editor: Homesick for the Earth (2012)

Europa (2008)

Split World: Poems 1990-2005 (2008)

How the Stone Found Its Voice (2005)

Souls (2002)

Carrying my Wife (2000)

A Bowl of Warm Air (1996)

The Country at my Shoulder (1993)


Essays/Articles/Non-Fiction/Short Stories

"Foreword: 'An Unsafe Subject'." Feminism, Literature and Rape Narrative: Violence and Violation, 2010