Articles, Reviews, Interviews

Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles / Chapters in Edited Books

"Capitalizing on Ethnicity? Transcultural South Asian Muslims Under the Lens." New Directions in Diaspora Studies: Revisiting the Past, Reviewing the Present and Looking at the Future. Ed. Nilufer Bharucha, Sridhar Rajeswaran, et al. Proceedings of the Conference 'The Past, Present and Post Diaspora': New Directions in Diaspora Studies. Tübingen, forthcoming 2019.

"Guru under the Lens: From Narayan's The Guide to Guide." The Guru Challenge Conference Proceedings. Ed. Elmar Schenkel, Stephan Welz, et al. Zurich: Hamoudi P, forthcoming 2019.

"'Their Nights and Days Were Eloquent ...': English Studies in India." Mapping Fields of Study: The Cultural and Institutional Space of English Studies. Ed. Matthew Smith, Marilyne Brune, Vanessa Boullet, and Richard Somerset. Nancy: PU Nancy, 2019. 207-233.

"Just 'the King's Postman?' Rabindranath Tagore's Plays in Transcultural Perspective." Art and Resistance: Studies in Modern Indian Theatres. Ed. Dorothy Figueira and Marc Maufort. Brussels: Peter Lang, 2019. 255-275.

"Reading Coetzee Expectantly: From Magda to Lucy." Reading Coetzee's Women. Ed. Sue Kossew and Melinda Harvey. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2019. 205-219.

"All Part of the Game? Satyajit Ray's The Chess Players in Transcultural Perspective." Games of Empires: Kulturhistorische Konnotationen von Brettspielen in Transnationalen Und Imperialen Kontexten. Ed. Karen Aydin, Martina Ghosh-Schellhorn, Heinrich Schlange-Schöningen, and Mario Ziegler. Berlin, Muenster, Vienna, Zurich, London: LIT P, 2018. 59-84.

"Horizons, Not Only of Expectation: Lessons from In the Heart of the Country.Approaches to Teaching Disgrace and Other Novels of J.M. Coetzee. Ed. Laura Wright and Martin Kandel. New York: Modern Language Association, 2014. 49-58.

"Debating English Legitimacy, Or Will The True Native User Please Speak Up!" Indian English: Towards a New Paradigm. Ed. Rama Kant Agnihotri and Rajendra Singh. Delhi: Orient Black Swan, 2012. 166-188.

"Dealing with Violence in Ubu and the Truth Commission: A Transcultural Example from South Africa." Violences postcoloniales: Représentations littéraires et perceptions médiatiques. Ed. Isaac Bazié and Hans-Jürgen Lüsebrink. Berlin, Muenster, Vienna, Zurich, London: LIT P, 2011. 259-271.

"Dis-Affectedly Yours." Postcolonial (Dis-)Affections. Anglistik-Amerikanistik-Anglophone Series Vol. 7. Ed. Walter Göbel and Saskia Schabio. Trier: WVT, 2007. 202-216.

"A Preface to Peripheral Centres, Central Peripheries." Peripheral Centres, Central Peripheries. Anglophone India and its Diaspora(s). Ed. Martina Ghosh-Schellhorn (assist. V. Alexander). Berlin, Muenster, Vienna, Zurich, London: LIT P, 2006. 1-10. 

"Revisiting Centres and Peripheries: Anglophone India and its Diaspora(s)." Peripheral Centres, Central Peripheries. Anglophone India and its Diaspora(s). Ed. Martina Ghosh-Schellhorn (assist. V. Alexander). Berlin, Muenster, Vienna, Zurich, London: LIT P, 2006. 12-35.

"Anglophone India and Its Diasporas." Muse India 8 (Jul–Aug 2006): Special Issue "Indian English Poetry – New Voices", Feature: "In-dia-sporic Writings".

"Transitionality at Home and Abroad: India and its Virtual Diaspora." Beyond the Black Atlantic: Relocating Modernisation and Technology. Ed. Walter Göbel and Saskia Schabio. London: Routledge. 2006. 149–167.

"Chromosoming Utopia: Some Virtual Worlds in Anglophone Indian Fiction." Mediating Indian Writing in English. Ed. Bernd-Peter Lange and Mala Pandurang. Berlin, Muenster, Vienna, Zurich, London: LIT P, 2006. 192–213.

"'Uneasy Lies the Head …': South African Encounters with the Bard." Shakespeare's Legacy. Ed. Norbert Schaffeld. Trier: WVT, 2005. 37–51.

"Phoolan Devi – die 'Bandit Queen'. "Blickpunkt: Frauen- und Geschlechterstudien. Ed. Bärbel Miemitz. St. Ingbert: Röhrig Universitätsverlag, 2004. 75–78.

"Upstaging Tradition: Two Contemporary Plays from India." Keying in to Postcolonial Cultures: Contemporary stage plays in English. Reflections: Literatures in English outside Britain and the USA Series Vol. 12. Ed. Albert-Reiner Glaap and Marc Mauford. Trier: WVT, 2003. 51–66.

"Chromosome der Utopie: Utopische Entwürfe in der anglophonen Literatur Indiens." Utopie und Dystopie in den neuen englischen Literaturen. Ed. Hans-Ulrich Seeber and Ralf Pordzik. Heidelberg: Carl Winter, 2002. 275–287.

"Transitional Identities: The Novels of the Black British Writer Ravinder Randhawa." Engendering Realism and Postmodernism: Contemporary Women Writers in Britain. Ed. Beate Neumeier. Rodopi: Amsterdam, 2001. 237-247.

"The Charkhas and Chakras of Amandla." Relocating Literature: Africa and India. Ed. Shaun Viljoen. Johannesburg: U of the Witwatersrand P, 2001. 37–60.

"Navigating the Desh Pardesh of Britain in Ravinder Randhawa's Novels." English Literatures in Intercultural Contexts. Ed. Heinz Antor and Klaus Stierstorfer. Heidelberg: Carl Winter, 2001. 363–372.

"Transitional Identities: Indian Women's Short Stories." Telling Stories: Postcolonial Short Fiction in English. Cross / Cultures Series Vol. 47. Ed. Jacqueline Bardolph. Amsterdam and Atlanta, GA: Rodopi, 2001. 303–313.

"Introducing Border and Categories, Introducing Women's Transgressive Writing Strategies." Writing Women Across Borders and Categories. Hallenser Studien zur Anglistik und Amerikanistik 6. Ed. Martina Ghosh-Schellhorn. Berlin, Muenster, Vienna, Zurich, London: LIT P, 2000. 7-15.

"Tessellated Boundaries: Christine Brooke-Rose's Remake." Writing Women Across Borders and Categories. Hallenser Studien zur Anglistik und Amerikanistik 6. Ed. Martina Ghosh-Schellhorn. Berlin, Muenster, Vienna, Zurich, London: LIT P, 2000. 140-161.

"Narrating Symbolically: Hindu Religious Mythology in Two Contemporary South-East Asian Plays." Symbolism: A New International Journal of Critical Aesthetics 2 (2000): 283–297.

"Immer dazwischen: Eine autobiographische Reflexion über die Lebenspraxis unter interkulturellen Bedingungen [Always Betwixt and Between: Autobiographical Reflections on Living Under Intercultural Conditions]." Interkulturalität als neues Paradigma. Ed. Alois Hahn and Norbert H. Platz. Trierer Beiträge aus Forschung und Lehre an der Universität Trier XXVII. Trier: Trierer Beiträge, 1999. 49–56.

"Cyborg Goddesses? Some Thoughts on the Asian Women Writers' Collective." India in Britain. Ed. Bernd-Peter Lange. Spec. Issue of Hard Times 67/68 (Autumn 1999): 38–42.

"Transitional Identity and Its Indentured Emplacement: The Indo-Caribbean Experience." Postcolonialism and Autobiography: Michelle Cliff, David Dabydeen, Opal Palmer Adisa. Ed. Alfred Hornung and Ernstpeter Ruhe. Studies in Comparative Literature 19. Amsterdam and Atlanta, GA: Rodopi, 1998. 167–183.

"Truth Tales of Transitional Identities." Hybridity and Postcolonialism. Twentieth Century Indian Literature. Ed. Monika Fludernik. Tübingen: Stauffenburg, 1998. 135–165.

"Identity and Memory in Transition." Memory, History and Critique: European Identity at the Millennium. Proceedings of the Fifth Conference of the International Society for the Study of European Ideas at the University for Humanist Studies, Utrecht, The Netherlands, August 1924 1996. Ed. Frank Brinkhuis and Sasha Talmor. CD-ROM. ISSEI / University for Humanist Studies Utrecht, Netherlands and MIT Press, 1998.

"Fluchtursachen südasiatischer Frauen. Südasiatische Frauen im europäischen Exil [Factors Leading South Asian Women to Seek Asylum: Women in European Exile]." Frauen auf der Flucht. Geschlechtsspezifische Fluchtursachen und europäische Flüchtlingspolitik. Ed. Susanne Hübel. Tübingen: Terre des Femmes, 1994. 38–46.

"Post-Colonial Literature?" Postkoloniale Literaturen: Peripherien oder neue Zentren? Ed. Liselotte Glage and Martina Michel. Spec. Issue of GULLIVER 33 (1993): 37–43.

Encyclopaedia Entries

"Amitav Ghosh." Kritisches Lexikon der fremdsprachigen Gegenwartsliteratur – KLfG 10/06. Vol. 71. Ed. Heinz Ludwig Arnold. Munich: Edition Text & Kritik, 2006. 1–9.

"Anita Desai." Kritisches Lexikon der fremdsprachigen Gegenwartsliteratur – KLfG 06/06. Vol. 70. Ed. Heinz Ludwig Arnold. Munich: Edition Text & Kritik, 2006.  1–12.

"Amitav Ghosh." Indische Literatur der Gegenwart. Ed. Martin Kämpchen. Munich: Edition Text & Kritik, 2006. 391-406.

"Anita Desai." Indische Literatur der Gegenwart. Ed. Martin Kämpchen. Munich: Edition Text & Kritik, 2006. 285-300.

"Salman Rushdie." The Literary Encyclopedia and Literary Dictionary. 2003.

"Bharati Mukherjee." Metzler Lexikon amerikanischer Autoren. Ed. Bernd Engler and Kurt Müller. Stuttgart and Weimar: Metzler, 2000. 478–479.

"Shashi Deshpande." Metzler Autorinnen Lexikon. Ed. Ute Hechtfischer, Renate Hof, and Flora Veit-Wild. Stuttgart and Weimar: Metzler, 1998. 124–125.

"Hegemonie." Metzler Lexikon Literatur- und Kulturtheorie: Ansätze – Personen – Grundbegriffe. Ed. Ansgar Nünning. Stuttgart and Weimar: Metzler, 1998. 206.

"Grammatologie." Metzler Lexikon Literatur- und Kulturtheorie: Ansätze –  Personen – Grundbegriffe. Ed. Ansgar Nünning. Stuttgart and Weimar: Metzler, 1998. 194.

"Bharati Mukherjee." Metzler Autorinnen Lexikon. Ed. Ute Hechtfischer, Renate Hof, and Flora Veit-Wild. Stuttgart and Weimar: Metzler, 1998. 371–372.

Peer-reviewed Publications in Learned Journals

"The Expatriate Locked in the Confessional: Anthony Burgess's Little Wilson and Big God and Its British Reception." Critique XXXII. 1 (Fall 1990): 39–46.

"Anthony Burgess: Little Wilson and Big God." GULLIVER 25 (1989): 154–158.

Peer-reviewed Publications in Yearbooks

"Diasporas: Introduction." Anglistentag [Assoc. of German Professors of English Literature and Language] 2002, Bayreuth: Proceedings Vol. XXIII. Ed. Ewald Mengel, Michael Steppat et al. Trier: WVT, 2003. 188–190.

"Diasporas." Anglistik 1.13 (2002): 39–41.

"Flocking to the Colonised Mission: Welsh Encounters of the Khasi Kind."Colonies, Missions, Cultures in the English-Speaking World: General and Comparative Studies. Ed. Gerhard Stilz. Tübingen: Stauffenburg, 2001. 134–143.

 "The Tropification of London: On Investing the Metropolis with Meaning." Anglistentag [Assoc. of German University Teachers of English Literature and Language]2000, Berlin: Proceedings Vol. XXI. Ed. Jürgen Schlaeger et al. Trier: WVT, 2001. 131–138. 

"Nation = Language = Literature? Re-viewing the Debate and Its Implications for English Studies in Germany." Anglistentag [Assoc. of German University Teachers of English Literature and Language] 1999, Mainz: Proceedings Vol. XX. Ed. Bernhard Reitz and Sigrid Rieuwerts. Trier: WVT, 2000. 263–278.

"Intertextualizing Mythology: The Ramayana and Two Contemporary Plays in English."Race and Religion in Contemporary Drama in English. Proceedings of the 7th Annual Conference of the German Association for the Study of the English Language Theatre and Contemporary Drama. May 2124 1998, Leutesdorf bei Koblenz. Ed. Bernhard Reitz. Trier: WVT, 1999. 183–191.

"Spaced in Between: Transitional Identity and Literary Theory."Borderlands: Negotiating Boundaries in Post-Colonial Writing. Ed. Monika Reif-Hülser. ASNEL Papers 4. Amsterdam and Atlanta, GA: Rodopi, 1999. 29–42.

 "Revisiting Robinson Crusoe in the Caribbean."Anglistentag [Assoc. of German University Teachers of English Literature and Language] 1997, Gießen: Proceedings Vol. XIX. Ed. Raimund Borgmeier, Andreas H. Jucker, and Herbert Grabes. Trier: WVT, 1998. 157–174.

"The White Creole Woman's Place in Society: Ideological Implications of Intertextual Strategies Within Transcultural Communication." Across the Lines: Intertextuality and Transcultural Communication in the New Literatures in English.  Ed. Wolfgang Klooss. ASNEL Papers 3. Amsterdam and Atlanta, GA: Rodopi, 1998. 177–190.

"Fragments of a Totalitarian Vision: Indian 'National Literature' as an Example of some Relevance to South Africa?"South African Literary History: Totality and/or Fragment: Symposium Proceedings. Ed. Erhard Reckwitz et al. Essen: Blaue Eule, 1997. 69–83.

"Transitional Identity: Autobiography in South Africa."Anglistentag [Assoc. of German University German chapter of the European Society for the Study of English of English Literature and Language] 1995, Greifswald: Proceedings Vol. XVII. Ed. Jürgen Klein and Dirk Vanderbeke. Tübingen: Niemeyer, 1996. 369–380.

"The Satanic Verses: Salman Rushdie as Satanic Versifier?" Traditionalism vs. Modernism: Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Association for the Study of the New Literatures in English, Essen, June 12–15 1991. Ed. Erhard Reckwitz et al. ASNEL Papers 3. Essen: Blaue Eule, 1994. 213–222.


"Ellen Dengel-Janic, Home Fiction: Narrating Gendered Space in Anita Desai's and Shashi Deshpande's Novels." Rev. of Home Fiction by Ellen Dengel-Janic. Arbeiten aus Anglistik und Amerikanistik 38.2 (2013): 235-237.

"In Times of Siege." Rev. of In Times of Siege by Gita Hariharan. Biblio  8.3–4 (March-April 2003): 31.

"A Grand Narrative of Sibling Bonding." Rev. of Before Freedom: Nehru's Letters to his Sister, ed. Nayantara Saghal. The Book Review 25.8 (2001): 17–18.

"Cecile Sandten, Broken Mirrors: Interkulturalität am Beispiel der indischen Lyrikerin Sujata Bhatt." Rev. of Broken Mirrors by Cecile Sandten. Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik XLVIII. 4.4 (2000): 384–385.


  "11. September: Kulturwissenschaften notwendiger denn je. [September 11: Never has Cultural Studies Been More Relevant to Our Times]." Campus 4, December 2001.


"Farrukh Dhondy in Interview with Martina Ghosh-Schellhorn (Saarbrücken)."
Anglistik 14.1 (2003): 52-55. ISSN: 0947 0034.