
General Information
The BBC Country Profiles include links to relevant BBC coverage, newspapers, radio stations, TV channels and an online country timeline. Update information provided.
The U.S. Department of State offers a detailed country profile on Uganda. This site focuses on implications for US/US policy.
Portals to the World is a service by the Library of Congress (LOC). The site provides collections of annotated website links for every nation as selected by LOC experts. Links are to both government sites as well as outside servers.
Official websites on Uganda
Das Auswärtige Amt bietet Länderinformationen über Uganda, gibt Reise- und Sicherheitshinweise sowie informiert über die Wirtschaftslage und Wirtschaftsstruktur des Landes.
The official website of Uganda's Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Facts and Statistics
The Country Indicator for Foreign Policy (CIFP) project represents an on-going effort to identify and assemble statistical information conveying the key features of the political, economic, social and cultural environments of countries around the world. Maintained by Carleton University (Canada).
The International Data Base (IDB) contains statistical tables of demographic and socio-economic data for 227 countries and areas of the world. Output is displayed in charts and graphs, but can also be modified individually for use in spreadsheets etc. Maintained by the US Census Bureau.
The CIA World Factbook is a reliable, much-quoted resource on basic country statistics. Update information provided.

The Perry Castañeda Library Map Collection offers a comprehensive collection of maps in various formats (political, historical, relief, etc.). Maintained by the University of Texas (Austin).
Embassy World provides a collection of maps of various countries including Uganda.
The Maps of Worldsite provides both maps of Uganda and basic information on the country.
Geography, Climate, Geology
Rita M. Byrnes, ed. Uganda: A Country Study. Washington: GPO for the Library of Congress, 1990. Includes information on Uganda's Geography, Land Use, Mountains, Lakes and Rivers, Climate.

New Vision - state-owned daily, as are its sister vernacular papers, Bukedde, Etop, Rupiny and Orumuri
The Monitor - privately-owned daily
The Weekly Observer - privately-owned
UBC TV - public, run by Uganda Broadcasting Corporation
WBS - private, operated by Wavah Broadcasting Service
East Africa TV - private
UBC Radio - public, run by Uganda Broadcasting Corporation, operates five stations including commercial Star FM
Radio Simba - private
KFM - private, operated by Monitor Publications
Radio One - private
Sanyu FM - Uganda's first private station
Central Broadcasting Service (CBS) - private, operated by Buganda Kingdom
City FM - private, operated by ruling National Resistance Movement

Political and Legal Situation
The Guide to Law Online by the U.S. Law Library of Congress is an annotated compendium of online sources for legal information including selected links to primary documents, legal commentary, and general government information about specific jurisdictions and topics. offers an index of political sites available on the Internet, sorted by country, with links to Parties, Organizations, Governments, Media.
Wikipedia has an extensive list of political parties in Uganda
Human Rights Situation
Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch collect up-to-date information (reports, news releases) on human rights issues in each country.
The Country Reports on Human Rights Practices offers a detailed overview of the human rights situation in each country. Submitted annually to the Congress by the US Department of State.

The BBC Country Profiles include an online timeline of each country.
History of Nations is based on information from the US Department of State and highlights each nation's history.
Wikipedia'sHistory of Uganda.
Internet African History Sourcebookpresents historical sources on the history of human societies in the continent of Africa. This page is a subset of texts derived from three major online Sourcebooks.
Colonial Period
Empire Online is an exciting collection of original documents relating to Empire Studies, sourced from libraries and archives around the world. Each Section features thematic essays by leading scholars in the field of Empire Studies. (Access only via university network or vpn client)
The Making of the Modern World: full text database providing access to a myriad of historical documents, mostly related to economic and colonial history. (Access only via university network or vpn client)
The BBC World Service offers a section on "Independence", on "Post Independence" and an "Independence Timeline". It also provides radio programs from the series "The Story of Africa".
Slavery and Slave Trade
The web site Slavery, Abolition, and Emancipation is concerned with the history and literature of slavery and abolition, and with black writers in eighteenth-century Britain. On these pages you will find extensive information, including history, literature, biography, bibliography, links, maps, and images. These pages are being constantly improved and updated. The site was created and is maintained by Brycchan Carey.
Africa Focus brings together, in digital form, two categories of primary and secondary resources: research and teaching materials collected by University of Wisconsin faculty and staff; and unique or valuable items related to the field of African Studies. This collection contains more than 3000 slides, 500 photographs, 50 hours of sounds from forty-five different countries, as well as a large number of difficult to find texts, including the topic slavery and slave trade.
The BBC World Service offers a section on "The East African Slave Trade"and a "Slavery Timeline" and provides radio programs from the series "The Story of Africa".
TheRoyal Naval Museum provides a section on The East African Slave Trade.