
Conference on Free Probability

on the occasion of Roland Speicher's 65th birthday

Date: Monday, 9 June 2025 until Friday, 13 June

Location: Saarland University, Saarbrücken, Germany. (PDF map of the campus, interactive map)

Goal:  Since its initiation in the 1980s by Voiculescu, free probability theory has always been expanding and today it is as timely as ever. It is linked to theoretical fields such as operator algebras, representation theory of groups and quantum information theory but also to more applied fields such as random matrix theory, wireless communications and various others. The common themes are noncommutativity of certain variables and the description of an asymptotical behaviour.
The aim of the conference is to bring together leading experts in free probability theory in order to exchange recent developments, survey the broadness of the field and to explore new directions.

We dedicate this conference to Roland Speicher on the occasion of his 65th birthday. We recall his vast contributions to free probability, such as his work on a combinatorial approach to freeness using cumulants and partitions of sets, free central limit theorems, universal products, R-diagonal operators, second order freeness, operator-valued free probability, free Brownian motion, q-Gaussians, Boolean convolution, fourth moment theorems and de Finetti theorems, just to name a few. 
Undoubtedly, Roland Speicher has been one of the founding fathers of free probability theory, he has always been a central player in the development, broadening and community building of the field and he is still one of the key figures in the domain. 
With this conference, we intend to express our appreciation for Speicher's life long efforts for the field and we aim at contributing to a continuation of his personal work on free probability as well as to keep his spirit alive that free probability should be open to influences and interactions with many other fields.

Organizers: Michael Brannan, Jamie Mingo, Jonathan Novak, Dan Voiculescu, Moritz Weber

Speakers (incomplete list): 

  • Octavio Arizmendi
  • Marwa Banna
  • Serban Belinschi
  • Hari Bercovici
  • Philippe Biane
  • Marek Bozejko
  • Michael Brannan
  • Guillaume Cébron
  • Benoit Collins
  • Kurusch Ebrahimi-Fard
  • Amaury Freslon
  • Claus Köstler
  • Jamie Mingo
  • Andu Nica
  • Jonathan Novak
  • Raj Rao
  • Michael Skeide
  • Piotr Sniady
  • Dan Voiculescu
  • Moritz Weber
  • Sheng Yin

Registration: The registration will open soon. If you want to be put on our email list, please send an email to Franziska Meiser <>.

Schedule (tentative): We begin on Monday, 9 June in the morning. On Thursday, 12 June, the Birthday Conference Dinner will take place. We end on Friday, 13 June at lunchtime. A more detailed schedule will follow soon.




Postal address

Saarland University
Department of Mathematics
Postfach 15 11 50
66041 Saarbrücken

Physical address

Saarland University
Campus building E 2 4
66123 Saarbrücken