Kristian König, M.Sc.


König, K., Vielhaber, M.,
A methodology for the strategic selection of lightweight design tools along the product development process
Procedia CIRP, 2024, Vol. 128, Seiten 192-197 >>>Link

König, K., Vielhaber, M., 
Incorporating Lightweight Design and Design for Sustainability in Product Development–A Meta-Synthesis Based on a Systematic Literature Review
Proceedings of NordDesign 2024, Reykjavík, Iceland, Seiten 751-760 >>>Link

König, K., Vielhaber, M. ,
Rethinking customer satisfaction towards more sustainable products – Sufficiency within the extended Kano Model
Proceedings of NordDesign 2024, Reykjavík, Iceland, Seiten 790-800 >>>Link

Fleischer, J., Scholz, J., Zeidler, S., Herrmann, H.-G., Quirin, S. Vielhaber, M., König, K., Mathieu, J., Kleiner, S., Mai, K., Kneidl, B., Betancourt, M., Arnold, T., Runge, M., Gwosdek, M., Müller, A., Auch, L., Mattern, T., Bechteler, K., Kroll-Orywahl, O., Glindemann, H., Schuh, A., Boldt, N., Wenzel, W.
Handlungsleitfaden zur systemischen Entwicklung und der gezielten Hebung von Leichtbaupotenzialen
Projektergebnis des BMWK-Projekts SyProLei, Institut für Produktionstechnik (WBK), Karlsruhe, 01.08.2024  >>>Link

König, K., Vielhaber, M.
Analysis of the Interrelationships between Lightweight Design and Design for Sustainability
in: 31st CIRP Conference on Life Cycle Engineering, June 19-21, 2024, Torino, Italy, Procedia CIRP, Vol. 122, Seiten 324-329 >>>Link

König, K., Mathieu, J., Vielhaber, M.
A Sustainability-Driven Comparison of Methods for the Identification of Lightweight Design Potentials in Product Generation Engineering
in: 31st CIRP Conference on Life Cycle Engineering, June 19-21, 2024, Torino, Italy, Procedia CIRP, Vol. 122, Seiten 145-150 >>>Link

König, K., Mathieu, J., Vielhaber, M.
Resource conservation by means of lightweight design and design for circularity – A concept for decision making in the early phase of product develepment
in: Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 2024, Vol. 201, February, 107331 >>>Link

König, K., Mathieu, J., Vielhaber, M.
Identification of Lightweighting Potentials Towards More Sustainable Products via the Functional Lifecycle Energy Analysis (FLCEA)
in: Sustainable Manufacturing as a Driver for Growth, 19th Global Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing (GCSM), December 4–6, 2023, Buenos Aires, Argentina, S. 137-145  >>>Link

Scholz, J., Kaspar, J., König, K., Friedmann, M., Vielhaber, M., Fleischer, J. 
Lightweight design of a gripping system using a holistic systematic development process – A case study
in: 16th CIRP Conference on Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing Engineering, Procedia CIRP, Vol. 118, 2023, Seiten 187-192 >>>Link

König, K., Zeidler, S., Walter, R., Friedmann, M., Fleischer, J., Vielhaber, M.
Lightweight creativity methods for idea generation and evaluation in the conceptual phase of lightweight and sustainable design
in: Grand Challenges for Engineering Design, 17-19 May 2023, Sydney, Australia, Procedia CIRP Design Conference, Vol.119, 2023, Seiten 1170-1175 >>>Link

König, K., Kaspar, J., Vielhaber, M.
Sustainable Systemic Lightweight Design (S2LWD) – Guidance for the heuristic application of lightweight design within an integrated product development process
in: Grand Challenges for Engineering Design, 17-19 May 2023, Sydney, Australia, Procedia CIRP Design Conference, Vol.119, 2023, Seiten 333–338 >>>Link

König, K., Reis, M., Vielhaber, M., Jung, A.
Application of Ultraviolet (UV) Radiation and Fluorescence for DIC Measurements – Quality Improvement
in: Optics and Lasers in Engineering, Volume 158, November 2022, 107140 >>>Link

Kaspar, J., König, K., Scholz, J., Quirin, S., Kleiner, S. Fleischer, J. Herrmann, H.-G., Vielhaber, M.
SyProLei – A systematic product development process to exploit lightweight potentials while considering costs and CO2 emissions
in: 32nd CIRP Design Conference (CIRP Design 2022) - Design in a changing world, Procedia CIRP, Vol. 109, 2022, Seiten 520-525 >>>Link

Luksch, J., Bleistein, T., König, K., Adrien, J., Maire, E., & Jung, A.
Microstructural damage behaviour of Al foams
in: Acta Materialia, Volume 208, Article 116739, 2021  >>>Link

Reis, M., König, K., Diebels, S., & Jung, A.
Micromechanical Characterisation of Ni/PU Hybrid Foams
in: Materials, Volume 13, Issue 17, Article 3746, 2020  >>>Link