- Free Probability Group /
- Roland Speicher /
- Publications
A. Nica, R. Speicher: Lectures on the combinatorics of free probability
London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series, Vol. 335
Cambridge University Press, 2006
There is now also a list of typos.
J. Mingo, R. Speicher: Free Probability and Random Matrices
Fields Institute Monographs, Springer, 2017
There is now also a list of typos.
Roland Speicher: Combinatorial Theory of the Free Product with Amalgamation and Operator-Valued Free Probability Theory
Memoirs of the AMS, March 1998, volume 132, number 627
Please find here some further information.
this list is not updated any more; for more recent articles or preprints of mine, see math-archive
- Nourdin, I., Peccati, G., Speicher, R.
Multidimensional semicircular limits on the free Wigner chaos
Proceedings Ascona 2011, to appear - Mingo, J., Speicher, R.
Sharp bounds for sums associated to graphs of matrics
J. Funct. Anal., to appear - Kemp T., Nourdin I., Peccati G., Speicher R.
Wigner chaos and the fourth moment
Ann. Prob., to appear - Banica T., Curran S., Speicher R.
De Finetti theorems for easy quantum groups
Ann. Prob., to appear - Curran S., Speicher R.
Quantum invariant families of matrices in free probability
J. Funct. Anal. 261 (2011), 897-933 - Curran S., Speicher R.
Asymptotic infinitesimal freeness with amalgamation for Haar quantum unitary random matrices
Commun. Math. Phys. 301 (2011), 627-659 - Belinschi S., Bozejko M., Lehner F., Speicher R.
The normal distribution is $\boxplus$-infinitely divisible
Adv. Math. 226 (2011), 3677-3698 - Banica T., Curran S., Speicher R.
Stochastic aspects of easy quantum groups
Prob. Th. Related Fields 149 (2011), 435-462 - Speicher R.
Free Probability Theory
Handbook on Random Matrix Theory, Oxford University Press, 2011 - Banica T., Curran S., Speicher R.
Classification results for easy quantum groups
Pac. J. Math. 247 (2010), 1-26 - Armstrong C., Mingo J., Speicher R., Wilson J.
The non-commutative cycle lemma
J. Comb. Th. A 117 (2010), 1158-1166 - Haagerup U., Kemp T., Speicher R.
Resolvents of R-diagonal operators
Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 362 (2010), 6029-6064 - Banica, T., Speicher, R.
Liberation of orthogonal Lie groups
Adv. Math. 222 (2009), 1461-1501 - Koestler, C., Speicher, R.
A noncommutative de Finetti theorem: invariance under quantum permutations is equivalent to freeness with amalgamation
Commun. Math. Phys. 291 (2009), 473-490 - Mingo, J., Speicher, R., Tan, E.
Second order cumulants of products
Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 361 (2009), 4751-4781 - Raj Rao, N., Mingo, J., Speicher, R., Edelman, A.
Statistical eigen-inference from large Wishart matrices
Ann. Statist. 36 (2008), no. 6, 2850-2885 - Rashidi Far, R., Oraby, T., Bryc, W., Speicher, R.
On slow-fading MIMO systems with nonseparable correlation
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 54 (2008), 544-553 - Kemp, T., Speicher, R.
Strong Haagerup inequalities for free R-diagonal elements
J. Funct. Anal. 251 (2007), 141-173 - Helton, W., Rashidi Far, R., Speicher, R.
Operator-valued semicircular elements: Solving a quadratic matrix equation with positivity constraints
IMRN (2007) Vol. 2007 - Koestler, C., Speicher, R.
On the structure of non-commutative white noises
Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 359 (2007), 4325-4338 - Rao, N.R., Speicher, R.
Multiplication of free random variables and the S-transform: the case of vanishing mean
Elect. Comm. in Probab. 12 (2007), 248-258 - Collins, B., Mingo, J., Sniady, P., Speicher, R.
Second order freeness and fluctuations of random matrices: III. Higher order freeness and free cumulants
Documenta Math. 12 (2007), 1-70 - Mingo, J., Sniady, P., Speicher, R.
Second order freeness and fluctuations of random matrices: II. Unitary random matrices
Adv. Math. 209 (2007), 212-240 - Mingo, J., Speicher, R.
Second order freeness and fluctuations of random matrices: I. Gaussian and Wishart matrices and cyclic Fock spaces
J. Funct. Anal. 235 (2006), 226-270 - Kusalik, T., Mingo, J., Speicher, R.
Orthogonal polynomials and fluctuations of random matrices
Crelles J. reine angew. Math. 604 (2007), 1-46 - Nica, A., Shlyakhtenko, D., Speicher, R.
Operator-valued distributions. I. Characterizations of freeness
IMRN 29 (2002),1509-1538 - Nica, A., Shlyakhtenko, D., Speicher, R.
R-cyclic families of matrices in free probability
ps-file, dvi-file
J. Funct. Anal. 188 (2002), 227-271 - Sniady, P., Speicher, R.
Continuous family of invariant subspaces of R-diagonal operators
ps-file, dvi-file
Invent. Math. 146 (2001), 329-363 - Biane, P., Speicher, R.
Free diffusions, free entropy and free Fisher information
ps-file, dvi-file
Annales de l'IHP 37 (2001), 581-606 - Nica, A., Shlyakhtenko, D., Speicher, R.
R-diagonal elements and freeness with amalgamation
ps-file, dvi-file
Canad. J. Math. 53 (2001), 355-381 - R. Speicher
A conceptual proof of a basic result in the combinatorial approach to freeness
Infinite Dimensional Analysis, Quantum Probability and Related Topics 3 (2000), 213-222 - B. Krawczyk and R. Speicher
Combinatorics of free cumulants
ps-file, dvi-file
J. Comb. Th., Ser. A 90 (2000), 267-292 - R. Speicher and P. Neu
Physical applications of freeness
XIIth International Congress of Mathematical Physics (ICMP '97) (eds.: De Wit et al., International Press, 1999), 261-266 - A. Nica, D. Shlyakhtenko, and R. Speicher
Maximality of the microstates free entropy for R-diagonal elements
ps-file, dvi-file
Pac. J. Math. 187 (1999), 333-347 - A. Nica, D. Shlyakhtenko, and R. Speicher
Some minimization problems for the free analogue of the Fisher information
ps-file, dvi-file
Advances in Mathematics 141 (1999), 282-321 - P. Biane and R. Speicher
Stochastic calculus with respect to free Brownian motion and analysis on Wigner space
Probab. Theory Relat. Fields 112 (1998), 373-409 - A. Nica and R. Speicher
Commutators of free random variables
Duke Math. J. 92 (1998), 553-592 - R. Speicher
Combinatorial theory of the free product with amalgamation and operator-valued free probability theory (Habilitationsschrift)
(ps-files: table of contents, introduction, chapter 1, chapter 2, chapter 3, chapter 4, chapter 5, references)
Memoir of the AMS 627 (1998) - R. Speicher
Free probability theory and non-crossing partitions
Seminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire B39c (1997) - Bozejko M., Kümmerer B., Speicher R.
q-Gaussian processes: non-commutative and classical aspects
Comm. Math. Phys. 185 (1997), 129-154 - Speicher R., Woroudi R.
Boolean convolution (ps-file)
Fields Institute Communications, Vol. 12 (D. Voiculescu, ed.), AMS, 1997, pp. 267-279 - Speicher R.
On universal products (ps-file)
Fields Institute Communications, Vol. 12 (D. Voiculescu, ed.), AMS, 1997, pp. 257-266 - Nica A., Speicher R.
R-diagonal pairs - a common approach to Haar unitaries and circular elements (ps-file)
Fields Institute Communications, Vol. 12 (D. Voiculescu, ed.), AMS, 1997, pp 149-188 - Nica A., Speicher R.
A "Fourier Transform" for Multiplicative Functions on Non-Crossing Partitions (ps-file)
Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics 6 (1997), 141-160 - Nica A., Speicher R.
On the multiplication of free $n$-tuples of non-commutative random variables (with an Appendix by D. Voiculescu).
Amer. J. Math. 118 (1996), 799-837
(ps-files: paper, appendix) - Bozejko M., Leinert M., Speicher R.
Convolution and limit theorems for conditionally free random variables ( ps-file)
Pac. J. Math. 175 (1996), 357-388 - Bozejko M., Speicher R.
Interpolations between bosonic and fermionic relations given by generalized Brownian motions.
Math. Z. 222 (1996), 135-160 - Neu P., Speicher R.
Random matrix theory for CPA: Generalization of Wegner's $n$-orbital model.
J. Phys. A 28 (1995), L79-L83 - Neu P., Speicher R.
Rigorous mean-field theory for Coherent-Potential Approximation: Anderson model with free random variables.
J. Stat. Phys. 80 (1995), 1279-1308 - Speicher R.
Multiplicative functions on the lattice of non-crossing partitions and free convolution.
Math. Ann. 298 (1994), 611-628 - Bozejko M., Speicher R.
Completely positive maps on Coxeter groups, deformed commutation relations, and operator spaces.
Math. Ann. 300 (1994), 97-120 - Neu P., Speicher R.
Spectra of Hamiltonians with generalized single-site dynamical disorder.
Z. Phys. B 95 (1994), 101-111 - Neu P., Speicher R.:
A self-consistent master equation and a new kind of cumulants.
Z. Phys. B 92 (1993), 399-407 - Speicher R.
Generalized Statistics of Macroscopic Fields.
Lett. Math. Phys. 27 (1993), 97-104 - Speicher R.
Free convolution and the random sum of matrices.
Publ. RIMS 29 (1993), 731-744 - Kuemmerer B., Speicher R.
Stochastic Integration on the Cuntz Algebra $O_\infty$.
J. Funct. Anal. 103 (1992), 372-408 - Speicher R.
A non-commutative central limit theorem.
Math. Z. 209 (1992), 55-66 - Bozejko M., Speicher R.
An Example of a Generalized Brownian Motion.
Comm. Math. Phys. 137 (1991), 519-531 - Speicher R.
Stochastic Integration on the Full Fock Space with the Help of a Kernel Calculus.
Publ. RIMS 27 (1991), 149-184 - Speicher R.
A New Example of Independence and White Noise.
Prob. Th. Rel. Fields 84 (1990), 141-159 - Hescheler J., Speicher R.
Regular and chaotic behaviour of cardiac cells stimulated at frequencies between 2 and 20 Hz.
Eur. Biophys. J. 17 (1989), 273-280
last updated on May 18, 2017
- Free Probability Theory and its avatars in representation theory, random matrices, and operator algebras; also featuring: non-commutative distributions
(Speicher, R. Jahresber. Dtsch. Math. Ver. (2017) 119: 3. doi:10.1365/s13291-016-0150-5)
open online link - Free Probability, Random Matrices, and Representations of Non-Commutative Rational Functions
joint with Tobias Mai; contribution for the 2016 Abel Symposium
pdf-file - Zufallsmatrizen, das Zählen von Flächen und Freie Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie
Speicher, Roland. "Zufallsmatrizen, das Zählen von Flächen und Freie Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie." Mitteilungen der Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung 23.1 (2015): 36-42.
open online link - Free Probability and Non-Commutative Symmetries
my contribution to the proceedings volume ''Quantum Symmetries''
(Christmas School on Operator Spaces, NonCommutative Probability and Quantum Groups at Metabief, December 2014)
pdf-file - Polynomials in Asymptotically Free Random Matrices
Speicher, R. "Polynomials in Asymptotically Free Random Matrices." Acta Physica Polonica B 46 (2015): 1611.
(extended version of my talk at workshop ''RMT: Foundations and Applications'' in Krakow, July 2014)
pdf-file - Random Matrices and Combinatorics
my contribution to the Monograph Free Probability and Operator Algebras
(Masterclass in Münster, September 2013)
pdf-file - Free Probability Theory and Random Matrices
manuscript of my lectures at the summer school ''Randommess in Physics and Mathematics'', Bielefeld, August 2013
pdf-file - Free Probability Theory
my contribution to Akemann, Gernot, Jinho Baik, and Philippe Di Francesco, eds. The Oxford handbook of random matrix theory. Oxford University Press, 2011.
pdf-file - Combinatorics of free probability theory
(lectures at IHP, Paris, 1999)
pdf-file - Free Probability Theory and Non-Crossing Partitions
(main talk at the 39e Seminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire in Thurnau, April 1997)
ps-file - Physical Applications of Freeness
(invited talk at the Congress on Mathematical Physics in Brisbane, July 1997)
ps-file - Freie Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie (in German)
(Vortrag zu Ehren der Emeritierung von Prof. W. von Waldenfels, 13. Juni 1997)
ps-file - Free calculus
(lecture at the summer school on quantum probability in Grenoble, July 1998)
ps-file - Free probability theory and free diffusion
(talk at the Japanese-German Symposium in Kyoto, Sept. 1999)
dvi-file, ps-file - Free probability theory and random matrices
(lectures at the summer school on 'Asymptotic Combinatorics with Application to Mathematical Physics' in St. Petersburg, July 2001)
pdf-file, ps-file - Free Probability Theory
(lectures at the summer school in Operator Algebras, Ottawa, June 2005)
- Free Group Factors and Freeness
- Combinatorial Description and Free Convolution
- Freeness and Random Matrices
- Applications of Freeness to Operator Algebras
- Combinatorial Aspects of Free Probability Theory
(lectures at the summer school "Freie Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie", Goettingen, August 2005)
- Free Central Limit Theorem and Non-Crossing Pairings
- Combinatorial and Analytic Theory of Free Convolution and R-Transform
- Multiplication of Free Variables and S-Transform
- Applications of Free Probability to Random Matrices (joint manuscript with N. Raj Rao)
- Vorlesung: Freie Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie (WS 97/98)
(lecture on free probability theory; in German)
- Grundbegriffe der nicht-kommutativen Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie
- Freie Zufallsvariable
- Zwei kanonische Beispiele für freeness: Gruppenalgebren und voller Fockraum
- Der freie zentrale Grenzwertsatz
- Konstruktion von freien Produkten
- Freie Faltung und R-Transformation
- Freeness und Kumulanten
- Physikalischer Exkurs: Master Gleichungen
- Freeness und Zufallsmatrizen
- von Neumann Algebren
- Freeness und von Neumann Algebren
Slides of talks
last updated September 12, 2019
- Sharp Bounds for Sums Associated to Graphs of Matrices
(talk at third annual meeting of SFB-TRR 195, Saarland University, September 2019)
pdf-file - Dan-Virgil Voiculescu: visionary operator algebraist and creator of free probability theory
(talk in honour Dan Voiculescu's 70th birthday, Fields Institute, Toronto Canada, June 2019)
watch online - Zufall und Chaos
(talk within the scope of the lecture series "Purer Zufall", Saarbrücken, Januaray 2017)
pdf-file - Free Probability, Random Matrices, and Non-Commutative Rational Functions
(colloquium talk 2017-2019, various places)
watch online - Combinatorial Aspects of Free Probability and Free Stochastic Calculus
(talks at Summer School on "Algebraic and Combinatorial Methods in Stochastic Calculus", Santander, Spain, July 2017)
pdf-file (first four talks)
pdf-file (fifth talk) - Random Matrices and Their Limits
(talk at PCMI program on Random Matrices, Park City, Utah, July 2017)
watch online, part 1
watch online, part 2 - On Deformations and Independencies
(talk at workshop in Bedlewo, Poland, in honour of Marek Bozejko's 70 birthday)
pdf-file - Faszination Mathematik: Vortrag zum Tag der offenen Tür
(talk for high school students, open house July 2016)
pdf-file - Linearization and Brown Measure
(talk at the Symposium: The mathematical legacy of Uffe Haagerup, Copenhagen, June 2016)
pdf-file - Faszination Mathematik: von Neumann-Algebren und Zufallsmatrizen
(colloquium talk in Saarbrucken, May 2016; in German; intended for students)
pdf-file - Quantum Groups with Partial Commutation Relations
(talk at Spring Institute on NCG and OA, Bonn, May 2016)
watch online - The Asymptotics of Young Diagrams and Free Probability Theory
(talk at the Spring School ''Geometric Models'', Darmstadt, April 2016)
pdf-file - Second Order Freeness: Past and Future
(talk at conference in honour of James Mingo on the occasion of his 60th birthday, Kingston, October 2015)
pdf-file - Introduction to Free Probability Theory: Combinatorics, Random Matrices, and Quantum Groups
(talk at workshop Quantum Groups and Quantum Information Theory, Herstmonceux, UK, July 2015)
pdf-file - Free Probability and Non-Commutative Symmetries
(talk at graduate summer/winter schools in Metabief, France, December 2014 and Bedlewo, Poland, July 2015)
pdf-file - On Atoms and Zero Divisors (Polynomial and Rational)
(talk at COSy 2015, in honour of George Elliott's 70th birthday, Waterloo, Canada, June 2015)
pdf-file - Operator-Valued Free Probability and Block Random Matrices
(survey talks at Seminar on Free Probability and Random Matrices, CIMAT, Guanajuato, Mexico, April 2015)
pdf-file - On Deterministic Equivalents from a Free Probabilistic Perspective
(talk at workshop Applications of RMT and Statistical Physics in Communications and Networks, November 2014)
pdf-file - Absence of Algebraic Relations and of Zero Divisors under the Assumption of Finite Non-Microstates Free Fisher Information
(talk given at various places, like in Chungbuk, Korea, and Bielefeld in 2014)
pdf-file - Free Probability Theory and Random Matrices
(talk in section ''Analysis and Its Applications'' at ICM Seoul, August 2014)
watch online - Polynomials in Asymptotically Free Random Matrices
(talk at the workshop Random Matrix Theory: Foundations and Applications, Krakow, July 2014)
pdf-file - On the effectiveness of operator-valued free probability theory
(Jeffery-Williams Lecture at the CMS meeting in Montreal, December 2012)
pdf-file - Sharp Bounds for Sums Associated to Graphs of Matrices
(talk at conference at Campobasso, in honour of W. von Waldenfels' 80th birthday, October 2012)
pdf-file - The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Mathematics
(talk at Queen's University for general academic audience, at the award of my Prize for Excellence in Research, March 2011)
watch online - Quantum groups made easy
(colloquium talk 2010-2013 at various places)
pdf-file - What is operator-valued free probability and why should engineers care about it
(talk at the Workshop on Random Matrix Theory and Wireless Communications, July 2008, Boulder)
pdf-file - Free Probability Theory and Random Matrices
(survey talk at the DIMACS Workshop on Random Matrices, March 2008)
pdf-file - Multiplication of free random variables and the S-transform: the case of vanishing mean
(talk at a meeting in Sibiu, Romania, 2007)
pdf-file - Higher Order Freeness: A Survey
(talk at BIRS Workshop on Free Probability, Extensions and Applicatoins, Banff, January 2008)
pdf-ifile - Free Probability Theory and Non-Crossing Partitions
(survey talk at Fields Workshop on Free Probability, Random Matrices, and Planar Algebras, Toronto, 2007)
pdf-file - Stochastische Analysis fuer Zufallsmatrizen
(survey talk, in German, on stochastic analysis for random matrices, given at Bonn, 2007)
pdf-file - Invariance under Quantum Permutations and Free Probability
(talk at the Global KMS International Conference, Jeju, Korea, Oct. 2008)
pdf-file - Operator-valued semicircular elements: at the intersection of combinatorics, random matrix theory and complex analysis
(colloquium talk, given at MIT, Toronto, Erlangen, KIAS, etc., 2008)
pdf-file - Orthogonal groups and liberation of orthogonal matrix groups
(talk at the CMS meeting, Toronto, Dec. 2008)
of other members of the research group
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Saarland University
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