Vorlesung IT-Forensik


- Vorlesung -


Dozent: Prof. Dr. Christoph Sorge

Zeit/Ort: Do, 16 – 18 Uhr, E9.1, 0.05


ab 26.4.2019
Freitags, 16-18 Uhr (c.t.), E9.1, 0.06
Tutor: Nils Olze


Zielgruppe der Vorlesung

Students of computer science and related subjects. Basic knowledge in information security is helpful (e.g., knowing the definition of a cryptographic hash function).


Ziel der Vorlesung

The lecture deals with finding and evaluating legal evidence in IT systems, both for criminal prosecution and civil action.


Focus areas include:


Processes of IT forensics (with a focus on incidence response)

Analysis of storage media and file systems

Retrieval and analysis of RAM contents (e.g., cold boot attacks)

Attacks on passwords

(Basics of) evidence in civial actions and criminal proceedings

Role of technical experts in court