Proseminar Privacy by Design
Privacy by Design
- Proseminar -
Dozenten: Prof. Dr. Christoph Sorge
Sprache: Englisch/Deutsch
Montag, 15.4.2019, 12-14 Uhr (c.t.)
Mo, 16-20 Uhr, 14täglich ab dem 6.5.2019, E9.1, 0.06
Abgabetermin für Ausarbeitungen:
Montag, 3.6.2019
Vorlage Seminararbeit: (nur aus dem Universitätsnetz abrufbar)
Obergrenze der Ausarbeitung: 5.000 Wörter
The term "privacy by design" (or "data protection by design") implies that the privacy of individuals has to be considered in the design of IT systems. The concecpt is very broad, as it can apply to databases, communication systems, and numerous applications. The proseminar deals with privacy-enhancing solutions in various application domains; it also looks at privacy notions in different fields.
Examples of proseminar topics:
- Onion routing and hidden services
- Privacy aspects of electronic identity cards
- Privacy notions in communication systems
- Law-compliant anonymization in databases