Welcome to the homepage of the chair for Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Thomas Schuster!
The chair is connected to the Department of Mathematics of the Saarland University and located in building E1 1 on the campus at Saarbrücken.
Our research areas are:
- Inverse problems in theory and applications
- Numerical analysis
- Optimization
- Parameter identification for PDEs
with a special focus on
- Theory and algorithms for vector and tensor tomography (2D, 3D)
- Modelling and simulation for defect detection in composite materials
- Parameter identification for elastic wave equations
- Regularization methods in Banach spaces
- Theory and algorithm development for terahertz tomography
- Learning and inverse problems
Further information on our research projects can be found here.
The chair has a broad range of research topics and teaching activities. We are proud of our commitment to bachelor and master students.
An overview of the publications can be found here.
Office hours: Please contact me by email to make an appointment. The preferred time is Tuesday 11-12 am.
Tel.: +49 (0)681 302 57425
Saarland University
Faculty of Mathematics
Campus, building E1 1
D-66123 Saarbrücken
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Thomas Schuster
Research Assistants
M.Sc. Alice Oberacker
Dr. Dimitri Rothermel
Dipl.-Math. Petra Schuster-Gentes
M.Sc. Lukas Vierus
M.Sc. Dean Zenner
Former group members