Dr. Josef Zapp, Ph.D.

Senior staff scientist / Akademischer Oberrat
Dr. Zapp studied Chemistry at Saarland University. After graduating in 1989, he began doctoral research in pharmaceutical biology and was awarded his PhD in 1992. His thesis dealt with phytochemical analyses of mosses and liverworts. Dr. Zapp continued his research at Saarland University as a postdoctoral research fellow. In 1996 he took up a permanent post as the technical and scientific supervisor of two NMR spectrometers. His scientific interests concern the structural elucidation and biogenesis of natural compounds. He has published more than 40 articles in these fields. Dr. Zapp has considerable experience in the administration of the university, and is presently a deputy member of the University Senate, a member of the university’s scientific committee and a member of the university’s personnel board.
- Taetz, S.; Muerdter, T. E.; Zapp, J.; Boettcher, S.; Baldes, C.; Kleideiter, E.; Piotrowska, K.; Schaefer, U. F.; Klotz, U.; Lehr, C.-M ts with decreased inDecomposition of the Telomere-Targeting agent BRACO19 in physiological media results in products with decreased inhibitory potential. International Journal of Pharmaceutics (2008), 357(1-2), 6-14.
- Bitis, L.; Suzgec, Sevda; S., Ulas; Ozcelik, H.; Zapp, J.; Kiemer, A. K.; Mericli, F.; Mericli, A. H. Diterpenoid alkaloids of Delphinium buschianum GROSSH. Helvetica Chimica Acta (2007), 90(11), 2217-2221
- Szwajgier, D.; Wasko, A.; Zapp, J.; Targonski, Z. An attempt to identify the low molecular feruloylated oligosaccharides in beer. Journal of the Institute of Brewing (2007), 113(2), 185-195.
- Mericli, A. H.; Ulusoylu Dumlu, M.; Mericli, F.; Ozcelik, H.; Zapp, J.; Becker, H. Norditerpenoid alkaloids from Delphinium cinereum. Chemistry of Natural Compounds (2007), 43(3), 364-366.
- Peters, F. T.; Dragan, C.-A.; Wilde, D: R.; Meyer, M: R.; Zapp, J.; Bureik, M.; Maurer, H. H. Biotechnological synthesis of drug metabolites using human cytochrome P450 2D6 heterologously expressed in fission yeast exemplified for the designer drug metabolite 4'-hydroxymethyl-a -pyrrolidinobutyrophenone. Biochemical Pharmacology (2007), 74(3), 511-520.
- Parr, M.K.; Zapp, J.; Becker, M.; Opfermann, G.; Bartz, U.; Schaenzer, W.; Steroidal isomers with uniform mass spectra of their per-TMS derivatives: Synthesis of 17-hydroxyandrostan-3-ones, androst-1-, and -4-ene-3,17-diols. Steroids (2007), 72(6-7), 545-551
- Arroniz-Crespo, M.; Nunez-Olivera, E.; Martinez-Abaigar, J.; Becker, H.; Scher, J.; Zapp, J.; Tomas, R.; Beaucourt, N.. Physiological changes and UV protection in the aquatic liverwort Jungermannia exsertifolia subsp. cordifolia along an altitudinal grandient of UV-B radiation. Functional Plant Biology (2006), 33(11), 1025-1036
- Weiss, B.; Schaefer, U. F.; Zapp, J.; Lamprecht, A.; Stallmach, A.; Lehr, C.-M.. Nanoparticles made of fluorescence-labelled poly (L-lactide-co-glycolide): preparation, stability, and biocompatibility. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechenology (2006), 6(9/10), 3048-3056.
- Simunovic, V.; Zapp, J.;Rachid, S.; Krug, D.; Meiser, P.; Mueller, R.. Myxovirescin A biosynthesis is directed by hybrid polyketide synthases/nonribosomal peptide synthetase, 3-hydrox-3-methylglutaryl-CoA synthases, and trans-acting acyltransferases. ChemBioChem (2006), 7(8), 1206-1220.
- Bitis, L.; Suzgec, S.; Mericli, F.; Ozcelik, H.; Zapp, J.; Becker, H.; Mericli, A. H. Alkaloids from Consolida olopetala. Pharmaceutical Biology (2006), 44(4), 244-246.
- Mericli, AH; Süzgec, S.; Bitis, L; Mericli, F; Öczelik, H; Zapp, J; Becker, H. Diterpenoid alkaloids from the roots of Aconitum cochleare. Pharmazie (2006) 61(5), 483-485.
- Suzgec, S; Bitis, L; Pirildar, S; Ozcelik, H; Zapp, J; Becker, H Mericli, F; Mericli, AH. Diterpenoid alkaloids of Delphinium schmalhausenii. Chemistry of Natural Compouns (2006), 42(1), 75-78.
- Mericli, AH; Pirildar, S; Suzgec, S; Bitis, L; Mericli, F; Ozcelik, H; Zapp, J; Becker, H. Norditerpenoid alkaloids from the aerial parts of Aconitum cochleare Woroschin. Helvetica Chimica Acta (2006), 89(2), 210-217.
- Bohr, G; Gerhaeuser, C; Knauft, J; Zapp, J; Becker, H. Anti-inflammatory Acylphloroglucinol Derivatives from Hops (Humulus lupulus). Journal of Natural Products (2005), 68(10), 1545-1548.
- Becker, H; Scher, JM.; Speakman, JB; Zapp, J. Bioactivity guided isolation of antimicrobial compounds from Lythrum salicaria. Fitoterapia (2005), 76(6), 580-584.
- Berwanger, S; Zapp, J; Becker, H. 13C-labelling of xanthohumol in hop cones (Humulus lupulus).Planta Medica (2005), 71(6), 530-534.
- Feld, H; Hertewich, UM; Zapp, J; Becker, H. Sacculatane diterpenoids from axenic cultures of the liverwort Fossombronia wondraczekii. Phytochemistry (2005), 66(10), 1094-1099.
- Scher, JM.; Zapp, J; Becker, H; Kather, N; Kolz, J; Speicher, As; Dreyer, M; Maksimenka, K; Bringmann, G. Optically active bisbibenzyls from Bazzania trilobata: isolation and stereochemical analysis by chromatographic, chiroptical, and computational methods.Tetrahedron (2004), 60(44), 9877-9881.
- Scher, JM.; Speakman, JB; Zapp, J; Becker, H. Bioactivity guided isolation of antifungal compounds from the liverwort Bazzania trilobata (L.) S. F. Gray. Phytochemistry (2004), 65(18), 2583-2588.
- Umlauf, D; Zapp, J; Becker, H; Adam, KP. Biosynthesis of the irregular monoterpene artemisia ketone, the sesquiterpene germacrene D and other isoprenoids in Tanacetum vulgare L. (Asteraceae). Phytochemistry (2004), 65(17), 2463-2470.
- Feld, H; Zapp, J; Connolly, JD.; Becker, H. Terpenoids from the liverwort Blepharostoma trichophyllum. Phytochemistry (2004), 65(16), 2357-2362.
- Feld, H; Rycroft, DS.; Zapp, J. Chromenes and prenylated benzoic acid derivatives from the liverwort Pedinophyllum interruptum. Zeitschrift fuer Naturforschung, B: Chemical Sciences (2004), 59(7), 825-828.
- Hillenbrand, M; Zapp, J; Becker, H. Depsides from the petals of Papaver rhoeas. Planta Medica (2004), 70(4), 380-382.
- Blaes, B; Zapp, J; Becker, H. Ent-Clerodane diterpenes and other constituents from the liverwort Adelanthus lindenbergianus (Lehm.) Mitt. Phytochemistry (Elsevier) (2004), 65(1), 127-137.
- Abou-Douh, AM.; Zapp, J; Desoky, EE; El-Baga, NaY.; El-Khrisy, EA.; Becker, H. A cycloartane triterpene and phytosterols from the fruit of Ficus vogelii. Revista Latinoamericana de Quimica (2003), 31(2), 58-65.
- Feld, H; Zapp, J; Becker, H. Secondary metabolites from the liverwort Tylimanthus renifolius. Phytochemistry (2003), 64(8), 1335-1340.
- Scher, JM.; Zapp, J; Schmidt, A; Becker, H. Bazzanins L-R, chlorinated macrocyclic bisbibenzyls from the liverwort Lepidozia incurvata. Phytochemistry (2003), 64(3), 791-796.
- Hertewich, U; Zapp, J; Becker, H. Secondary metabolites from the liverwort Jamesoniella colorata. Phytochemistry (Elsevier) (2003), 63(2), 227-233.
- Scher, JM.; Zapp, J; Becker, H. Lignan derivatives from the liverwort Bazzania trilobata. Phytochemistry (2003), 62(5), 769-777.
- Van Klink, JW.; Zapp, J; Becker, H. Pinguisane-type sesquiterpenes from the South American liverwort Porella recurva ( Taylor ) Kuhnemann. Zeitschrift fuer Naturforschung, C: Journal of Biosciences (2002), 57(5/6), 413-417.
- Kouokam, JC; Zapp, J; Becker, H. Oxygen-containing sulfur-rich compounds from the bark of the tropical garlic tree Scorodophloeus zenkeri Harms. Phytochemistry (2002), 60(4), 403-407.
- Kouokam, JC; Zapp, J; Becker, H. Isolation of new alkylthiosulfides from the essential oil and extracts from the bark of Scorodophloeus zenkeri Harms. Zeitschrift fuer Naturforschung, C: Journal ofBiosciences (2001), 56(11/12), 1003-1007.
- Hertewich, U; Zapp, J; Becker, H; Adam, KP. Biosynthesis of a hopane triterpene and three diterpenes in the liverwort Fossombronia alaskana. Phytochemistry (2001), 58(7), 1049-1054.
- Hannemann, F; Rottmann, M; Schiffler, B; Zapp, J; Bernhardt, R. The loop region covering the iron-sulfur cluster in bovine adrenodoxin comprises a new interaction site for redox partners.Journal of Biological Chemistry (2001), 276(2), 1369-1375.
- Liu, H-L; Wu, C-L; Becker, H; Zapp, J. Sesquiterpenoids and diterpenoids from the chilean liverwort Lepicolea ochroleuca. Phytochemistry (2000), 53(8), 845-849.
- Adam, K-P; Thiel, R; Zapp, J. Incorporation of 1-[1-13C]Deoxy-D-xylulose in Chamomile Sesquiterpenes.Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics (1999), 369(1), 127-132.
- Ulubelen, A; Mericli, AH.; Mericli, F; Ozcelik, H; Sener, B; Becker, H; Zapp, J; Choudhary, I; Atta-Ur-Rahman. Norditerpene and diterpene alkaloids from Consolida hohenackeri. Phytochemistry (1999), 50(5), 909-912.
- Martini, U; Zapp, J; Becker, H. Studies on the chemistry and biology of mosses. Part 121. Lignans from the liverwort Bazzania trilobata.Phytochemistry (1998), 49(4), 1139-1146.
- Bungert, M; Gabler, J; Adam, K-P; Zapp, J; Becker, H. Pinguisane sesquiterpenes from the liverwort Porella navicularis Phytochemistry (1998), 49(4), 1079-1083.
- Adam, K-P; Zapp, J. Biosynthesis of the isoprene units of chamomile sesquiterpenes. Phytochemistry (1998), 48(6), 953-959.
- Adam, K-P; Thiel, R; Zapp, J; Becker, H. Involvement of the mevalonic acid pathway and the glyceraldehyde-pyruvate pathway in terpenoid biosynthesis of the liverworts Ricciocarpos natans and Conocephalum conicum.Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics (1998), 354(1), 181-187.
- Knoess, W; Zapp, J. Accumulation of furan labdane diterpenes in Marrubium vulgare and Leonurus cardiaca. Planta Medica (1998), 64(4), 357-361.
- Martini, U; Zapp, J; Becker, H. Studies on the chemistry and biology of mosses. Part 112. Chlorinated macrocyclic bisbibenzyls from the liverwort Bazzania trilobata. Phytochemistry (1997), Volume Date 1998, 47(1), 89-96.
- Zhuang, Y; Zapp, J; Hartmann, RW. Synthesis of Z- and E-1-methyl-2-(1-hydroximinoethyl)-6-methoxy-3,4-dihydronaphthalene and evaluation as inhibitors of 17 a -hydroxylase-C17,20-lyase (P450 17). Archiv der Pharmazie (Weinheim, Germany) (1997), 330(11), 359-361.
- Knoss, W; Reuter, B; Zapp, J. Biosynthesis of the labdane diterpene marrubiin in Marrubium vulgare via a non-mevalonate pathway. Biochemical Journal (1997), 326(2), 449-454.
- Thiel, R.; Adam, K. P.; Zapp, J.; Becker, H. Isopentenyl diphosphate biosynthesis in liverworts. Pharmaceutical and Pharmacological Letters (1997), 7(2/3), 103-105.
- Valcic, S; Zapp, J; Becker, H. Plagiochilines and other sesquiterpenoids from Plagiochila (Hepaticae). Phytochemistry (1996), Volume Date 1997, 44(1), 89-99.
- Cullmann, F; Adam, K-P; Zapp, J; Becker, H. Pelliatin, a macrocyclic lignan derivative from Pellia epiphylla.Phytochemistry (1996), 41(2), 611-15.
- Liu, J; Zapp, J; Becker, H. Comparative phytochemical investigation of Salvia miltiorrhiza and Salvia triloba. Planta Medica (1995), 61(5), 453-5.
- Liu, J; Becker, H; Zapp, J; Wu, D. Four sesquiterpenes from the insecticidal plant Celastrus angulatus. Phytochemistry (1995), 40(3), 841-6.
- Tazaki, H; Zapp, J; Becker, H. Diterpenes from in vitro cultures of the liverwort Jamesoniella autumnalis. Phytochemistry (1995), 39(4), 859-68.
- Tazaki, H.; Nabeta, K.; Okuyama, H.; Zapp, J.; Becker, H. Isolation and structure of jamesoniellides, novel diterpenoids from the liverwort Jamesoniella autumnalis. Tennen Yuki Kagobutsu Toronkai Koen Yoshishu (1994), 36th 399-406.
- Zapp, J; Burkhardt, G; Becker, H. Sphenolobane and fusicoccane diterpenoids from the liverwort Anastrophyllum auritum.Phytochemistry (1994), 37(3), 787-93.
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