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Ahlers MO, Schroeder T, Friese S, Hannig M.: Erfassung des klinischen Erfolges restaurativer Therapieverfahren in ResinDent ®.
Zahnärztl Welt 111: 249-258
Arweiler N B, Auschill T M, Donos N, Sculean A.: Antibacterial effect of an enamel matrix protein derivative on in vivo dental biofilm vitality.
Clin Oral Invest 6: 205-9
Auschill T.M., Arweiler, N.B., Brecx M., Reich E., Sculean A., Netuschil L.: The effect of dental restorative materials on dental biofilms. ,
Eur J Oral Sci 110: 48-53 (IF 1.218)
Auschill T M, Hellwig E, Schmidale S, Hannig M, Arweiler N.B.: Effektivität verschiedener Bleichtechniken und deren Auswirkungen auf die Schmelzoberfläche.
Schweiz Monatsschr Zahnmed 112: 894-900
Fu, B., Jin GS, Hannig, M.: Effect of self-etching primers on microleakage of resin composites in class V restorations (Chinese).
Zhejiang Da Xue Bao Yi Xue Ban 31: 363-366
Hannig M, Bock H, Bott B, Hoth-Hannig W.: Inter-crystallite nanoretention of self-etching adhesives at enamel imaged by TEM.
Eur J Oral Sci 110: 464-470 (IF 1.218)
Sculean A., Chiantella G.C., Windisch P., Gera I., Reich E.: Clinical evaluation of an enamel matrix protein derivative (Emdogain) combined with a bovine derived xenograft (Bio-Ossâ) for the treatment of intrabony periodontal defects in humans.
Int J Periodont Rest Dent 2: 259-67 (IF 0.963)
Sculean A., Barbé G., Chiantella G.C., Arweiler N.B., Berakdar M., Brecx M.: Clinical evaluation of an enamel matrix protein derivative combined with a bioactive glass for the treatment of intrabony periodontal defects in humans.
J Periodontol 73: 401-408 (IF 1.784)
Sculean A, Junker R, Donold N, Berakdar M, Dunker N.: Immunohistochemical evaluation of matrix molecules associated with wound healing following regenerative periodontal treatment in monkeys.
Clin Oral Investig 6: 175-82
Sculean A, Windisch P, Keglevich T, Fabi B, Ludgren E, Lyngstadaas P S.: Presence of an enamel matrix protein derivative on human teeth following periodontal surgery.
Clin Oral Investig 6: 183-7
Vitkov L, Hannig M, Krautgartner W D, Fuchs K.: Bacterial adhesion to sulcular epithelium in periodontitis.
FEMS Microbiol Lett 211: 239-246 (IF 1.804)
Vitkov L, Krautgartener W D, Hannig M, Weitgasser R, Stoiber W.: Candida attachment to oral epithelium.
Oral Microbiol Immun 17:60-64 (IF 1.441)
Willigeroth S F, Beneke K, Hannig M, Zimehl R.: Preparation strategies for phosphate based mineral biomaterials.
Progress Colloid Polymer Sci 121: 1-6
Windisch P, Sculean A, Klein F, Toth V, Gera I, Reich E, Eickholz P.: Comparision of clinical, radiographic, and histometric measurements following treatment with guided tissue regeneration or enamel matrix proteins in human periodontal defects.
J Periodontol 73: 409-417 (IF 1.784)
Hannig M.: The protective nature of the salivary pellicle.
Int Dent J 52: (Suppl. 2), 7- 13 (IF 0.908)
Arweiler NB, Auschill TM, Baguley N, Netuschil L, Sculean A.: Efficacy of an amine fluoride-triclosan mouthrinse as compared to the individual active ingredients.
J Clin Periodontol 30: 192-6 (IF 2.225)
Bott, B., Hannig, M.: Effect of different luting materials on the marginal adaptation of Class I ceramic inlay restorations in vitro.
Dent Mater 19, 264-269 (IF 1.912)
Hannig, M., Hess, N.J., Hoth-Hannig, W., de Vrese, M.: Influence of salivary pellicle formation time on enamel demineralization – an in situ pilot study.
Clin Oral Invest 7, 158-161
Krautgartner, W.D., Vitkov, L., Hannig, M.: Clycocalyx morphology of Candida albicans.
Microsc Res Tech 61, 409-413 (IF 2.50)
Nekrashevych Y, Stösser L.: Protective influence of experimentally formed salivary pellicle on enamel erosion. An in vitro study.
Caries Res 37: 225-231 (IF 1.721)
Sculean A., Chiantella G.C., Miliauskaite A., Brecx M., Arweiler N.B.: Four year results following treatment of intrabony defects with an enamel matrix protein derivative. A report of 46 cases.
Inter J Periodont Rest Dent 23: 345-351 (IF 0.963)
Vitkov, L., Weitgasser, R., Hannig, M., Fuchs, K., Krautgartner, W.D.: Candida-induced stomatopyrosis and its relation to diabetes mellitus.
J Oral Pathol Med 32, 46-50 (IF 1.468)
Baguley, N., Hannig, M.: Aktueller Stand der Füllungstherapie.
Zahnärztlicher Gesundheitsdienst 33 (2/03), 11-12
Hannig, M.: Immunisierung gegen Karies und “replacement therapy” – Stand und Ausblick neuer Konzepte in der Kariesprophylaxe.
ZMK-Magazin 19, 6 – 11
Hannig, M.: Neue Aspekte in der Kariesprophylaxe.
Zahnärztl Gesundheitsdienst 33 (3/03), 6-7
Hör, D.,Hannig, M.: Endo-newsletter. Spüllösung.
Mitteilungsblatt der Saarländischen Zahnärzte 6/2003
Deimling, D. Breschi, L., Hoth-Hannig, W., Ruggeri, A., Hannig, C., Nekrashevych, Y., Prati, C., Hannig, M.: Electron microscopic detection of salivary α-amylase in the pellicle formed in situ.
Eur J Oral Sci 112, 503-509 (IF 1.387)
Fu, B., Yuan, J., Qian, W., Shen, Q., Sun, X., Hannig, M.: Evidence of chemisorption of maleic acid to enamel and hydroxyapatite.
Eur J Oral Sci 112, 362-367 (IF 1.387)
Groessner-Schreiber, B., Hannig, M., Dück, A., Griepentrog, M., Wenderoth, D.F.: Do different implant surfaces exposed in the oral cavity of humans show different biofilm compositions and activities?
Eur J Oral Sci 112, 516-522 (IF 1.387)
Hannig, M., Gräfe, A., Atalay, S., Bott, B.: Microleakage and SEM evaluation of fissure sealants placed by use of self-etching priming agents.
J Dent 32, 75-81 (IF 1.512)
Hannig, M., Döbert, A., Stigler, R., Müller, U., Prokhorova, S.: Initial salivary pellicle formation on solid substrates studied by AFM.
J Nanosci Nanotech 4, 532-538 (IF 2.017)
Hannig, C., Attin, T., Hannig, M., Henze, E., Brinkmann, K., Zech, R.: Immobilisation and activity of human α-amylase in the acquired enamel pellicle.
Arch Oral Biol 49, 469-475 (IF 1.158)
Hannig, M., Fiebiger, M., Güntzer, M., Döbert, A., Zimehl, R., Nekrashevych, Y.: Protective effect of the in situ formed short-term salivary pellicle.
Arch Oral Biol 49 903-910 (IF 1.158)
Nekrashevych, Y., Hannig, M., Stösser, L.: Assessment of enamel erosion and protective effect of salivary pellicle by surface roughness and scanning electron microscopy.
Oral Health Preventive Dentistry 2, 5-11
Vitkov, L., Hannig, M., Nekrashevych, Y., Krautgartner, W. D.: Supramolecular pellicle precursors.
Eur J Oral Sci 112, 320-325 (IF 1.387)
Zimehl, R., Willigeroth, S.F., Hannig ,M., Frahm, H.: Nano-sized fluorapatite particles by contolled precipitation from heterogeneous systems.
Progr Colloid Polymer Sci 129, 110-118
Miliauskaite, A., Hannig, M.: Treatment of intrabony periodontal defects with Emdogain – TS. A report of 26 cases.
Perio / Peridontal Practice Today 1, 327-333
Al Marrawi, F., Hannig, M.: Aktueller Stand der Endodontie.
Zahnärztlicher Gesundheitsdienst 34 (1/04), 6-8
Hannig, M.: Neue Aspekte in der Kariesprophylaxe.
Zahnärztl Mitt 94, 1804-1806
Hör, D., Hannig, M.: Endo-newsletter. Arbeitslänge.
Mitteilungsblatt der Saarländischen Zahnärzte 4/2004
Vitkov, L., Hannig, M., Krautgartner, W. D., Otten, J.-E..: Candida – Adhäsion: Pathogenitätsaspekte.
Dtsch Zahnärztl Z 59, 12-16
Fu, B., Sun, X., Qian, W., Chen, R., Hannig, M.: Evidence of chemical bonding to hydroxyapatite by phosphoric acid esters.
Biomaterials 26, 5104-5110 (IF 4.698)
Fu, B., Shen, Q., Qian, W., Zeng, Y., Sun, X., Hannig, M.: Interfacial interaction of tartaric acid with hydroxyapatite and enamel.
J Mater Sci: Mater Med 16, 827-831 (IF 1.248)
Hannig, C., Hannig, M., Attin, T.: Enzymes in the acquired enamel pellicle.
Eur J Oral Sci 113, 2-13 (IF 1.784)
Hannig, C., Hoch, J., Becker, K., Hannig, M., Attin, T.: Lysozyme activity in the initially formed in situ pellicle.
Arch Oral Biol 50, 821-828 (IF 1.288)
Hannig, M., Khanafer, A.K., Hoth-Hannig, W., Al-Marrawi, F., Açil, Y.: Transmission electron microscopy comparison of methods for collecting in situ formed enamel pellicle.
Clin Oral Invest 9, 30-37
Hassan, M., Mirmohammadsadegh, A., Selimovic, D., Nambiar, S., Tannapfel, A., Hengge, U.: Identification of functional genes during Fas-mediated apoptosis using a randomly fragmented cDNA library.
Cell Mol Life Sci 62, 2015-2026 (IF 4.812)
Hör, D., Krusy, S., Attin, T.: Ex vivo comparison of two electronic apex locators with different scales and frequencies.
Int Endodont J 38, 855-859 (IF 1.606)
Krautgartner, W. D., Vitkov, L., Hannig, M., Pelz, K.: Cytochemical differences in bacterial glycocalyx.
Microscopy Microanalysis 11, 2-8 (IF 2.389)
Krautgartner, W.D., Vitkov, L., Hannig, M.: Surface morphology of pocket epithelium.
Ultrastruct Pathol 29, 121-127 (IF 0.879)
Miliauskaite, A., Berakdar, M., Junker, R., Kasaj, A., Willershausen, B., Sculean, A.: Nicht-chirurgische Parodontalbehandlung: Subgingivales Debridement mit Handinstrumenten versus Vector. Eine prospektive, kontrollierte klinische Studie an mehrwurzeligen Zähnen.
Dtsch Zahnärztl Z 60, 187-191
Schwender, N., Huber, K., Al-Marrawi, F., Hannig, M., Ziegler, C.: Initial bioadhesion on surfaces in the oral cavity investigated by scanning force microscopy.
Applied Surface Sci 252, 117-122 (IF 1.497)
Vitkov, L., Krautgartner, W.D., Hannig, M.: Bacterial internalization in periodontitis.
Oral Microbiol Immunol 20, 317-321 (IF 2.210)
Vitkov, L., Gellrich, N.-C., Hannig, M.: Sinus floor elevation via hydraulic detachement and elevation of the Schneiderian membrane.
Clin Oral Implant Res 16, 615-621 (IF 1.897)
Vitkov, L., Hannig, M., Krautgartner, W.D., Fuchs, K., Herrmann, M., Klappacher, M., Hermann, A.: Ex vivo gingival-biofilm consortia.
Letters Appl Microbiol 41, 404-411 (IF 1.461)
Vitkov, L., Hermann, A., Krautgartner, W.D., Hermann, M., Fuchs, K., Klappacher, M., Hannig, M.: Chlorhexidine-induced ultrastructural alterations in oral biofilm.
Microsc Res Tech 68, 85-89 (IF 2.609)
Hör, D.Hannig, M.: Endo-newsletter. Gleitmittel.
Mitteilungsblatt der Saarländischen Zahnärzte 6/2005
Größner-Schreiber, B., Herzog, M., Hedderich, J., Dück, A., Hannig, M., Griepentrog, M.: Focal adhesion contact formation by fibroblasts cultured on surface modified dental implants.
Clin Oral Implant Res 17, 736-745 (IF 2.497)
Hannig, C., Wasser, M., Becker, K., Hannig, M., Huber, K., Attin, T.: Influence of different restorative materials on lysozyme and amylase activity of the salivary pellicle in situ.
J Biomed Mater Res 78A, 755-761 (IF 2.497)
Hannig, M., Dounis, E., Henning, T., Apitz, N., Stößer, L.: Does irradiation affect the protein composition of saliva?
Clin Oral Invest 10, 61-65 (IF 1.956)
Hannig, M., Joiner, A.: The structure, function and properties of the acquired pellicle. In: Duckworth, R.M.(ed): The teeth and their environment.
Monogr Oral Sci, Basel, Karger, Vol. 19, pp 29-64
Harraghy, N., Seiler, S., Jacobs, K., Hannig, M., Menger, M.D., Herrmann, M.: Advances in in vitro and in vivo models for studying the staphylococcal factors involved in implant infections.
Int J Artif Org 29, 368-378 (IF 0.860)
Sculean, A., Schwarz, F., Miliauskaite, A., Kiss, A., Arweiler, N., Becker, J., Brecx ,M.: Treatment of intrabony defects with an enamel matrix protein derivative or bioabsorbable membrane: an 8-year follow-up split-mouth study.
J Periodontol 77, 879-86 (IF 1.703)
Sobke, A.C.S.,Selimovic, D., Kerdudou, S., Orlova, V., Chavakis, T., Athanasopoulos, A.N., Schubert, U., Hussain, M., Preissner, K.T., Herrmann, M.: The “extracellular adherence protein (Eap)” from staphylococcus aureus abrogates angiogenic responses in primary endothelial cells by blocking Ras activation.
FASEB J 20, 2621-2623 (IF 7.064)
Vitkov, L., Hannig, M., Krautgartner, W.D.: Restorative therapy of deciduous teeth severely affected by amelogenesis imperfecta.
Quintessence Int 37, 219-224 (IF 0.606)
Hannig, M., Joiner, A.: The structure, function and properties of the acquired pellicle. In: Duckworth, R.M.(ed): The teeth and their environment.
Monogr Oral Sci, Basel, Karger, Vol. 19, pp 29-64
Harraghy, N., Seiler, S., Jacobs, K., Hannig, M., Menger, M.D., Herrmann, M.: Advances in in vitro and in vivo models for studying the staphylococcal factors involved in implant infections.
Int J Artif Org 29, 368-378 (IF 0.860)
Balkenhol, M.,Huang, J., Wöstmann, B., Hannig, M.: Influence of solvent type in experimental dentin primer on the marginal adaptation of Class V restorations.
J Dent 35, 836-844 (IF 1.995)
Deimling, D., Hannig, C., Hoth-Hannig, W., Schmitz, P., Schulte-Mönting, J., Hannig, M.: Non destructive visualization of protective proteins in the in situ pellicle.
Clin Oral Invest 11, 211-216 (IF 1.956)
Fu, B., Hoth-Hannig, W., Hannig, M.: Effects of dental bleaching on micro-and nano-morphological alterations of the enamel surface.
Am J Dent 20, 35-40 (IF 1.276)
Fu, B., Shen, Y., Wang, H., Hannig, M.: Sealing ability of dentin adhesives/desensitizer.
Operative Dent 32, 494-501 (IF 1.398)
Hannig, C., Becker, K., Häusler, N., Hoth-Hannig, W., Attin, T., Hannig, M.: Protective effect of the in situ pellicle on dentin erosion – an ex vivo pilot study.
Arch Oral Biol 52, 444-449 (IF 1.554)
Hannig, C., Huber, K., Lambrichts, I., Gräser, J., D’Haen, J., Hannig, M.: Detection of salivary a-amylase and lysozyme exposed on the pellicle formed in situ on different materials.
J Biomed Mater Res A 83, 98-103 (IF 2.612)
Hannig, C., Hannig, M., Rehmer, O., Braun, G., Hellwig, E., Al-Ahmad, A.: Fluorescence-microscopic visualisation and quantification of initial bacterial colonization on enamel in situ.
Arch Oral Biol 52, 1046-1056 (IF 1.554)
Hannig, M., Kriener, L. Hoth-Hannig, W., Becker-Willinger, C. Schmidt, H.: Influence of nano-composite surface coating on biofilm formation in situ.
J Nanosci Nanotech 7, 4642-4648 (IF 1.987)
Hassan, M., Selimovic, D., Ghozlan, H., Abdel-Kader, O.: Induction of high-molecular-weight (HMW) tumor necrosis factor (TNF) alpha by hepatitis C virus (HCV) non-structural protein 3 (NS3) in liver cells is AP-1 and NF-kappaB-dependent activation.
Cell Signal 19, 301-311 (IF 4.398)
Herrmann, M., Schmidt, J., Umanskaya, N., Colaianni, G., Al-Marrawi, F., Widmann, T., Zallone, A., Wildemann, B., Herrmann, W.: Stimulation of osteoclast activity by low B-vitamin concentrations.
Bone 41, 584-591 (IF 3.829)
Heuer, W., Elter, C., Demling, A., Neumann, A., Suerbaum, S., Hannig, M., Heidenblut, T., Bach, W., Stiesch-Scholz, M.: Analysis of early biofilm formation on oral implants in man.
J Oral Rehabil 34, 377-382 (IF 1.200)
Miliauskaite, A., Selimovic, D., Hannig, M.: Successful management of aggressive periodontitis by regenerative therapy: a 3-y follow-up case report.
J Periodont 78, 2043-2050 (IF 2.086)
Hahn, P., Huber, K.: Sonic techniques. In: Wilson, N.H.F.: Minimally invasive dentistry – the management of caries.
Quintessence Publishing Co., London, pp 85-89.
Hannig, M., Hannig, C.: Does a biofilm, free of bacteria, exist in situ ?
Journal de Parodontologie & d’Implantologie Orale 26, 187-200
Hannig, M., Hannig, C.: Der initiale orale Biofilm – pathogen oder protektiv?
Oralprophylaxe & Kinderzahnheilkunde 29, 73-82
Hör, D.,Hannig, M.: Endo-newsletter. Wurzelspitzenresektion.
Mitteilungsblatt der Saarländischen Zahnärzte 2/2007
Soell, M., Hassan, M., Miliauskaite, A., Haikel, Y., Selimovic, D.: The oral cavity of elderly patients in diabetes.
Diabetes Metab 33, Suppl 1: S10-18 (IF 1.742)
Bernsmann, F., Lawrence, N., Hannig, M., Ziegler, C., Gnaser, H.: Protein films adsorbed on experimental dental materials: ToF-SIMS with multivariate data analysis.
Anal Bioanal Chem 391, 545-554 (IF 3.328)
Elter, C., Demling, A., Heuer, W., Hannig, M., Heidenblut, T., Bach F.W., Stiesch-Scholz, M: Supra- and subgingival biofilm formation on titanium implant abutments with different surface characteristics.
Int J Oral Maxillofacial Impl 23, 327-334 (IF 1.972)
Garcia, P., Holstein, J., Maier, S., Schaumlöffel, H., Al-Marrawi, F., Hannig, M., Pohlemann, T., Menger, M.D.: Development of a reliable non-union model in mice.
J Surg Res 147, 84-91 (IF 1.875)
Hahn, P., Weyen, G. Fischer, P., Plogmann, S., Hannig, M.: Marginal and internal adaptation of composite restorations to dentin. An in vivo and in vitro comparison.
Am J Dent 21, 356-360 (IF 1.130)
Hannig, C., Ruggeri, A., Al-Khayer, B., Schmitz, P., Spitzmüller, B., Deimling, D., Huber, K., Hoth-Hannig, W., Bowen, W.H., Hannig, M.: Electron microscopic detection and activity of Glucosyltransferase B, C and D in the in situ formed pellicle.
Arch Oral Biol 53, 1003-1010 (IF 1.379)
Hannig C., Spitzmüller, B., Al-Ahmad, A., Hannig, M.: Effects of Cistus-tea on bacterial colonization and enzyme activities of the in situ pellicle.
J Dent 36, 540-545 (IF 2.033)
Hannig, C., Spitzmüller, B., Knausenberger, S., Hoth-Hannig, W., Hellwig, E., Hannig, M.: Detection and activity of peroxidase in the in situ formed pellicle.
Arch Oral Biol 53, 849-858 (IF 1.379)
Hannig, C., Spitzmüller, B., Miller, M., Hellwig, E., Hannig, M.: Intrinsic enzymatic crosslinking and maturation of the in situ pellicle.
Arch Oral Biol 53, 416-422 (IF 1.379)
Heuer, W., Elter, C., Demling, A., Suerbaum, S., Heidenblut, T., Bach, F.-W., Hannig, M., Stiesch-Scholz, M.: Analyse der initialen Biofilmbildung auf oberflächenmodifizierten Healing-Abutments.
Dtsch Zahnärztl Z 63, 632-637
Joiner, A., Schwarz, A., Philpotts, C.J., Cox, T.F., Huber, K.,Hannig, M.: The protective nature of pellicle towards toothpaste abrasion on enamel and dentin.
J Dent 36, 360-368 (IF 2.033)
Miliauskaite, A., Selimovic, D., Hassan, M., Nagano, F., Soell, M., Sano, H., Puriene, A.: Papilla Preservation Technique combined with Emdogain in the treatment of intrabony defects: a novel treatment regimen for chronic periodontitis.
Stomatologija 10, 22-26.
Rupf, S., Hannig, M., Breitung K., Schellenberger, W., Eschrich, K., Remmerbach, T., Kneist, S.: Phenotypic heterogeneity of streptococcus mutans in dentin.
J Dent Res 87, 1172-1176 (IF 3.142)
Sculean, A., Kiss, A., Miliauskaite, A., Schwarz, F., Arweiler, N.B., Hannig, M.: Ten-year results following treatment of intra-bony defects with enamel matrix proteins and guided tissue regeneration.
J Clin Periodontol 35, 817-824 (IF 3.193)
Sculean, A., Kiss, A., Milauskaite, A., Arweiler, N.B., Hannig, M., Schwarz, F.: Ten-year results after treatment of intrabony defects with an enamel protein derivative (Emdogain).
Perio - Periodontal Practices Today 5, 45-50
Selimovic, D., Hassan, M., Haikel, Y., Hengge, U.R.: Taxol-induced mitochondrial stress in melanoma cells is mediated by activation of c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) and p38 pathways via uncoupling protein 2.
Cell Signal 20, 311-322 (IF 4.305)
Fu, B., Bi, L., Hannig, M.: Micro-mechanical interlocking and chemical bonding of self-etching adhesives at the resin-tooth hard tissue interfaces.
Int J Clin Dent 1, 139-156
Hannig, C., Hellwig, E., Hannig, M.: Peroxidase in der Pellikel.
Zahnärztl. Mitt 98, 2878-2879.
Hannig, C., Spitzmüller, B., Knausenberger, S., Hoth-Hannig, W., Hellwig, E., Hannig, M.: Peroxidase in der In-situ-Pellikel.
Dental Praxis 25, 281.
Hannig, M., Hannig, C.: Biofilm-Management in der Kariesprävention.
Dtsch Zahnärztekalender 67, 27-43
Rupf, S.: Adhäsivtechnik in der Alterszahnheilkunde. Die Zahnarztwoche,
DZW 24:12.
Rupf, S.: Adhäsivtechnik in der Alterszahnheilkunde. In: Effenberger S, Lübbers D. Adhäsivtechnik in der modernen Zahnheilkunde.
DMG, Hamburg, ISBN 978-3-9805351-2-0, S. 27-28.
Al-Ahmad, A., Follo, M., Selzer, AC., Hellwig, E., Hannig, M., Hannig, C.: Bacterial colonization of enamel in situ investigated with fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH).
J Med Microbiol 58, 1359-1366 (IF 2.272)
Grössner-Schreiber, B., Teichmann, J., Hannig, M., Dörfer, C., Wenderoth, D.F., Ott, S.J.: Modified implant surfaces show different biofilm compositions under in vivo conditions.
Clin Oral Impl Res 20, 817-826 (IF 2.920)
Hannig, C., Berndt, D., Hoth-Hannig, W.,Hannig, M.: The effect of acidic beverages on the ultrastructure of the acquired pellicle – an in situ study.
Arch Oral Biol 54, 518-526 (IF 1.649)
Hannig, C., Sorg, J., Spitzmüller, B., Hannig, M., Al-Ahmad, A.: Polyphenolic beverages reduce initial bacterial colonization of enamel in situ.
J Dent 37, 560-566 (IF 2.000)
Hannig, C., Spitzmüller, B., Hannig, M.: Characterization of lysozyme activity in the in situ pellicle using a fluorimetric assay.
Clin Oral Invest 13, 15-21 (IF 2.233)
Hannig, C., Spitzmüller, B., Hannig, M.: Transaminases in the acquired pellicle.
Arch Oral Biol 54, 445-448 (IF 1.649)
Mahringer, C., Füreder, M. Kastner, M., Ebner, A., Hinterdorfer, P., Vitkov, L.,Hannig, M., Kienberger, F., Schilcher, K.: Examination of native and carbamide peroxide-bleached human tooth enamel by atomic force microscopy.
Ultrastruct Pathol 33, 189-196 (IF 0.975)
Rupf., S., Al-Marrawi., F., Fuchß, A., Häfer, M., Jentsch, H.: Zur Qualität endodontischer Behandlungen. Teamwork.
J Cont Dent Educ 12, 568-57
Vitkov, L., Klappacher, M., Hannig, M., Krautgartner, W.D.: Extracellular neutrophil traps in periodontitis.
J Periodont Res 44, 664-672 (IF 1.966)
Hannig, C., Hannig, M.: Enzyme in der Pellikel – eine Synopsis.
Dtsch Zahnärztl Z 64, 533-547
Hannig, C., Hannig, M.: The oral cavity - a key system to understand substratum-dependent bioadhesion on solid surfaces in man.
Clin Oral Invest 13, 123-139 (IF 2.233)
Hannig, C., Hannig, M.: Natural enamel wear - a physiological source of hydroxylapatite nanoparticles for biofilm management and tooth repair?
Med Hypotheses 74, 670-672
Hannig, C., Spies, B., Spitzmüller, B., Hannig, M.: Efficacy of enzymatic mouth rinses for immobilisation of protective enzymes in the in situ pellicle.
Arch Oral Biol 55, 1-6
Hannig, C., Spitzmüller, B., Lux, H.C., Altenburger, M., Al-Ahmad, A., Hannig, M.: Efficacy of enzymatic tooth pastes for immobilisation of protective enzymes in the in situ pellicle.
Arch Oral Biol 55, 463-469
Jiang, Q., Pan, H., Liang, B., Fu, B., Hannig, M.: The effect of saliva contamination on enamel micro-tensile bond strengths of four two-step self-etching adhesives.
Oper Dent 35, 194-202
Jung, D., Al-Ahmad, A., Follo, M., Spitzmüller, B., Hoth-Hannig, W., Hannig, M., Hannig, C.: Visualization of initial bacterial colonization on dentine and enamel in situ.
J Microbiol Methods 81, 166-174
Kneist, S., Schmidt, F., Callaway, A., Willershausen, B., Rupf, S., Wicht, M., Thiede, B.: Diversity of lactobacillus species in deep carious lesions of primary molars.
Eur Arch Paediatr Dent 11, 181-186
Krautgartner, W.D., Klappacher, M., Hannig, M., Obermayer, A., Hartl, D., Marcos, V., Vitkov, L.: Fibrin mimics neutrophil extracellular traps in SEM.
Ultrastruct Pathol 34, 226-231
Makuch, A., Leff, A., Rupf, S.: Störungen der Schmelzentwicklung im Milchgebiss bei Frühgeborenen mit einem Geburtsgewicht unter 2000 Gramm.
Oralprophylaxe & Kinderzahnheilkunde 32, 123-128
Makuch, A., Reschke, K., Rupf, S.: Effective teaching of tooth brushing to preschool children.
J Dent Child (Chic). 2011 Jan-Apr;78(1):9-12.
Marcos V, Zhou Z, Yildirim AO, Bohla A, Hector A, Vitkov L, Wiedenbauer EM, Krautgartner WD, Stoiber W, Belohradsky BH, Rieber N, Kormann M, Koller B, Roscher A, Roos D, Griese M, Eickelberg O, Döring G, Mall MA, Hartl D.: CXCR2 mediates NADPH oxidase–independent neutrophil extracellular trap formation in cystic fibrosis airway inflammation.
Nature Medicine 16, 1018-1023
Mittmann-Frank, M., Berger, H., Pföhler, C., Bücker, A., Wilkens, H., Wennemuth, G., Hannig, M., Buchter, A.: Klinische und diagnostische Befunde bei Exposition gegenüber Nanopartikeln und neuen Materialien.
Zbl Arbeitsmed 60, 328-349
Müller, C., Lüders, A., Hoth-Hannig, W.,Hannig, M., Ziegler, C.: Initial bioadhesion on dental materials as a function of contact time, surface wettability and isoelectric point.
Langmuir 26, 4136-4141
Rupf, S., Lehmann, A., Hannig, M., Schäfer, B., Schubert, A., Feldmann, U., Schindler, A.: Killing of adherent oral microbes by a non-thermal atmospheric plasma jet.
J Med Microbiol 59, 206-212
Soell, M., Feki, A., Hannig, M., Sano, H., Pinget, M., Selimovic, D.: Chromogranin A detection in saliva of type 2 diabetes patients.
Bosn J Basic Med Sci 10, 2-8
Soell, M., Hemmerlé, J., Hannig, M., Haïkel, Y., Sano; H., Selimovic; D.: Molecular force probe measurement of antigen I/II- matrix protein interactions.
Eur J Oral Sci 118, 590-595
Vitkov, L., Klappacher, M., Hannig, M., Krautgartner, W.D.: Neutrophil fate in gingival crevicular fluid.
Ultrastruct Pathol 24, 25-30
Wald, J., Müller, C., Hoth-Hannig, W., Hannig, M., Wahl, M., Kopnarski, M., Ziegler, C.: ToF-SIMS investigations of adsorbed proteins on dental titanium.
Physica Status Solidi (A) 207, 831-836
Yu, X., Liang, B., Jin, X., Fu, B., Hannig, M.: Comparative in vivo study on the desensitizing efficacy of dentin desensitizers and one-bottle self-etching adhesives.
Operative Dentistry 35, 279-286
Balkenhol, M., Haunschild, S., Erbe, C., Wöstmann, B.: Influence of prolonged setting time on permanent deformation of elastomeric impression materials.
J Prosthet Dent 103, 288-294.
Seelbach, P., Finger, W.J., Ferger, P., Balkenhol, M.: Temperature rise on dentin caused by temporary crown and fixed partial denture materials: influencing factors.
J Dent 38, 964-973.
Takahashi, H., Finger, W.J., Wegner, K., Utterodt, A., Komatsu, M., Wöstmann, B., Balkenhol, M.: Factors influencing marginal cavity adaptation of nanofiller containing resin composite restorations.
Dent Mater 26, 1166-1175.
Hannig, M., Hannig, C.: Nanomaterials in preventive dentistry.
Nature Nanotechnology 5, 565-569
Balkenhol, M., Rupf, S.: Interimsversorgungen in der Kronen-und Brückenprothetik.
Der Freie Zahnarzt DFZ 10, 68-79
Balkenhol, M., Rupf, S.: Dentale Biomaterialkunde – aktuelles Wissen für die Praxis.
Zahnmedizin up2date 2010; 4(5): 529-540
Hannig, C., Hannig, M.: Der initiale orale Biofilm (Pellikel) – Funktion und präventionsorientierte Modifikation.
Lebendige Wissenschaft – Spitzenforschung in der Zahnheilkunde, S. 24-31
Hannig, C., Hannig, M.: Der initiale orale Biofilm (Pellikel) – Funktion und präventionsorientierte Modifikation.
Spizenforschung in der Zahnheilkunde - Innovationen und Auszeichnungen 2010, S. 92-99
Alt, V., Hannig, M., Wöstmann, B., Balkenhol. M. (2011):
Fracture strength of temporary fixed partial dentures: CAD/CAM vs. directly fabricated restorations.
Dental Mater 27, 339-347
Balkenhol, M., Rupf, S., Laufersweiler, I., Huber, K., Hannig, M. (2011):
Failure analysis and survival rate of post and core restorations under cyclic loading.
Int Endodont J 44, 926-937
Berger, H., Mittmann-Frank, M., Pföhler, C., Hannig, M., Buchter, A. (2011):
Klinische und diagnostische Befunde bei Expositionen gegenüber (Nano-)Partikeln und modernen Materialien in der Zahnheilkunde.
Zbl Arbeitsmed 61, 304-318
Elter, C., Heuer, W., Demling, A., Hannig, M., Heidenblut, T., Bach, F.W., Stiesch, M.(2011):
Comparative analysis of supra- and subgingival biofilm formation on polytetrafluor-ethylene and titanium surfaces of implant abutments.
Int J Prosthodont 24, 373-375
Hannig, C., Spitzmüller, B., Hoth-Hannig, W.,Hannig. M. (2011):
Targeted immobilisation of lysozyme in the enamel pellicle from different solutions.
Clin Oral Invest 15, 65-73
Makuch, A., Reschke, K., Rupf, S. (2011):
Effective teaching of tooth- brushing to preschool children.
J Dent Child 78, 9-12
Mittmann-Frank, M., Berger, H., Rupf, S., Wennemuth, G., Pospiech, P., Hannig, M., Buchter, A. (2011):
Exposition gegenüber Nanopartikeln und neuen Materialien in der Zahnheilkunde.
Zbl Arbeitsmed 61, 40-53
Müller, C., Wald, J., Hoth-Hannig, W., Umanskaya N., Hannig, M., Ziegler, C. (2011):
Protein adhesion on dental surfaces – a combined surface analytical approach.
Anal Bioanal Chem 400, 679-689
Nothdurft, F.P., Schmitt, T., Rupf, S., Pospiech, P.R. (2011):
Influence of fatigue testing and cementation mode on the load-bearing capability of bovine incisors restored with crowns and FRC posts.
Dent Mater J 30, 109-114
Remmerbach, T.W., Maurer, K., Janke, S., Schellenberger, W., Eschrich, K., Bertolini, J., Hofmann, H., Rupf, S. (2011):
Oral brush biopsy analysis by Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption / Ionisation-Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry profiling – a pilot study.
Oral Oncol 47, 278-281
Rupf, S., Idlibi, A.N., Al-Marrawi, F., Hannig, M., Schubert, A., von Müller, L., Spitzer, W., Holtmann, H., Lehmann, A., Rueppel, A., Schindler, A. (2011):
Removing biofilms from microstructural titanium ex vivo: a novel approach using atmospheric plasma technology.
PloS ONE 6, e25893
Selimovic, D., Ahmad, M., El-Kkattouti, A., Hannig, M., Haïkel, Y., Hassan, M. (2011):
Apoptosis related protein-2 triggers melanoma cell death by a mechanism including both endoplasmic reticulum stress and mitochondrial dysregulation.
Carcinogenesis 32, 1268-1278
Takahashi, H., Finger, W.J., Endo, T., Kanehira, M., Koottathape, N., Komatsu, M., Balkenhol, M. (2011):
Comparative evaluation of mechanical characteristics of nanofiller containing resin composites.
Am J Dent 24, 264-270
Balkenhol, M., Hannig, M., Rupf, S. (2011):
Materialeigenschaften temporärer K&B-Werkstoffe: was ist wichtig für die tägliche Praxis?
ZMK-aktuell 27, 132-139
Balkenhol, M., Vollert, M., Hannig, M., Rupf, S. (2011):
Temporäre Kronen & Brücken: Überlegungen für die tägliche Praxis.
Quintessenz Team-Journal 41, 1-11
Rupf, S., Pfister, W., Eschrich, K. (2011): Porphyromonas. In: Liu, D., Molecular detection of human bacterial pathogens, Chapter 80. Taylor & Francis
Berger, M., Hsieh, C.Y., Bakele, M., Marcos, V., Rieber, N., Kormann, M., Mays, L., Hofer, L., Neth, O., Vitkov, L., Krautgartner, W.D., von Schweinitz, D., Kappler, R., Hector, A., Weber, A., Hartl, D. (2012): Neutrophils express distinct RNA receptors in a non-canonical way. J Biol Chem 287, 19409-19417 (IF 4.651)
Erbe, C., Ruf, S., Wöstmann, B., Balkenhol, M. (2012):
Dimensional stability of contemporary irreversible hydrocolloids: humidor versus wet tissue storage. J Prosthet Dent 108, 114-22 (IF 1.724)
Hannig, C., Wagenschwanz, C., Pötschke, S., Kümmerer, K., Kensche, A., Hoth-Hannig, W.,Hannig, M. (2012): Effect of safflower oil on the protective properties of the in situ pellicle. Caries Res 46, 496-506 (IF 2.514)
Manzenreiter, R., Kienberger, F., Marcos, V., Schilcher, K., Krautgartner, W.D., Obermayer, A., Huml, M., Stoiber, W., Hector, A., Griese, M., Hannig, M., Studnicka, M., Vitkov, L., Hartl, D. (2012): Ultrastructural characterization of cystic fibrosis sputum using atomic force and scanning electron microscopy. J Cyst Fibrosis 11, 84-92 (IF 2.873)
Palitsch, A., Hannig, M., Ferger, P., Balkenhol, M. (2012):
Bonding of acrylic denture teeth to MMA/PMMA and light-curing denture base materials: the role of conditioning liquids. J Dent 40, 210-221 (IF 3.200)
Rupf, S., Balkenhol, M., Sahrhage, T.O., Baum, A., Chromik, J.N., Ruppert, K., Wissenbach, D.K., Maurer, H., Hannig, M. (2012):
Biofilm inhibition by an experimental dental resin composite containing octenidine dihydrochloride. Dental Mater 28, 974-984 (IF 3.773)
Rupf, S., Idlibi, A.N., Umanskaya, N.,Hannig, M., Nothdurft, F., Lehmann, A., Schindler, A., v. Müller, L., Spitzer, W. (2012):
Desinfektion und Entfernung oraler Biofilme von mikrostrukturiertem Titan mit kaltem atmosphärischem Plasma. Z Zahnärztl Implantol 28, 126-137
Selimovic, D., Sprenger, A., Hannig, M., Haïkel, Y., Hassan, M. (2012):
Apoptosis related protein-1 triggers melanoma cell death via interaction with the juxta-membrane region of p75 neurotrophin receptor. J Cell Mol Med 16, 349-361 (IF 4.753)
Hannig, M., Hannig, C. (2012):
Nanotechnology and its role in caries therapy. Adv Dent Res 24, 53-57
Rupf, S., Hannig, C., Hannig, M., Meyer-Lückel, H., Haak, R. (2012):
Kariesrisikobewertung – eine Herausforderung. Quintessenz Team-Journal 42, 501-509
Weyrich, C., Hannig, M., Lisson, J. (2012):
Kariesprophylaxe vor, während und nach kieferorthopädischer Therapie – ein Überblick. Kieferorthopädie 26, 265-269
Häfer, M., Schneider, H., Rupf, S., Busch, I., Fuchß, A., Merte, I., Jentsch, H., Haak, R., Merte, K. (2013): Experimental and clinical evaluation of a self-etching and an etch-and-rinse adhesive system. J Adhes Dent 15, 275-286 (IF 1.435)
Hannig, C., Basche, S., Burghardt, T., Al-Ahmad, A., Hannig, M. (2013):
Influence of a mouthwash containing hydroxyapatite microclusters on bacterial adherence in situ. Clin Oral Invest 17, 805-814 (IF 2.285)
Hannig, C., Gaeding, A., Basche, S., Richter, G., Helbig, R., Hannig, M. (2013):
Effect of conventional mouthrinses on initial bioadhesion to enamel and dentine in situ. Caries Res 47, 150-161 (IF 2.500)
Hannig, C., Kirsch, J., Müller, J., Al-Ahmad, A., Kensche, A., Hannig, M., Kümmerer, K. (2013):
Do edible oils reduce initial bacterial colonization of enamel in situ?
Clin Oral Invest 17, 649-658 (IF 2.285)
Idlibi, A.N., Lehmann, A., Al-Marrawi, F., Hannig, M., Schindler, A., Rueppel, A., von Müller, L., Jentsch, H., Rupf, S. (2013):
Destruction of oral in-situ biofilms formed on machined titanium surfaces by cold atmospheric plasma. Biofouling 29, 369-379 (IF 3.701)
Kensche, A., Basche, S., Bowen, W.H., Hannig, M., Hannig, C. (2013):
Fluorescence microscopic visualization of non cellular components during initial bioadhesion in situ. Arch Oral Biol 58, 1271-1281 (IF 1.880)
Kratz, F., Müller, C., Körber, N., Umanskaya, N., Hannig, M., Ziegler, C. (2013): Characterization of protein films on dental materials: Bicinchoninic acid assay (BCA) studies on loosely and firmly adsorbed protein layers. Physica Status Solidi (A) 210, 964-967 (IF 1.525)
Lehmann, A., Rueppel, A., Schindler, A., Zylla, I.M., Seifert, H.J., Nothdurft, F., Hannig, M., Rupf, S. (2013):
Modification of enamel and dentin by non-thermal atmospheric plasma. Plasma Process Polym 10, 262-270 (IF 2.964)
Maurer, K., Eschrich, K., Schellenberger, W., Bertolini, J., Rupf, S., Remmerbach, T.W. (2013): Oral brush biopsy analysis by MALDI-ToF mass spectrometry for early cancer diagnosis. Oral Oncology 49, 152-156 (IF 3.029)
Rösch, C., Huber, C., Müller, C., Umanskaya, N., Hannig, M., Ziegler, C. (2013):
Influence of protein immobilization on protein-protein interaction measured by scanning force spectroscopy. Physica Status Solidi (A) 210, 945-951 (IF 1.525)
Tawakoli, P.N., Al-Ahmad, A., Hoth-Hannig, W.,Hannig, M., Hannig, C. (2013):
Comparison of different Live/Dead stainings for detection and quantification of adherent microorganisms in the initial oral biofilm. Clin Oral Invest 17, 841-850 (IF 2.285)
Wang, X., Wang, C., Zhang, L., Zhang, Z., Fu, B., Hannig, M. (2013):
Influence of priming time and primer’s concentrations on bovine enamel bond strengths.
J Adhes Science Technol 27, 2558-2570 (IF 1.091)
Zhang, Z., Wang, X., Zhang, L., Linag, B., Tang, T., Fu, BP.,Hannig, M. (2013): The contribution of chemical bonding to the short- and long-term enamel bond strengths. Dental Mater 29, e103-112 (IF 4.160)
Hannig, M., Hannig, C. (2013):
Nanobiomaterials in preventive dentistry. In: Subramani, K.: Nanobiomaterials in clinical dentistry. Elsevier Inc., pp 167- 186
Kensche, A., Reich, M., Kümmerer, K., Hannig, M., Hannig, C. (2013):
Lipids in preventive dentistry. Clin Oral Invest 17, 669-685 (IF 2.285)
Grychtol, S., Basche, S., Hannig, M., Hannig, C. (2014):
Effect of CPP/ACP on initial bioadhesion to enamel and dentin in situ.
Scientific World Journal 2014, Article ID 512682
Kiss, A., Cucchiarini, M., Menger, M., Kohn D, Hannig, M., Madry, H. (2014):
Enamel matrix derivative inhibits proteoglycan production and articular cartilage repair, delays the restoration of the subchondral bone, and induces changes of the synovial membrane in a lapine osteochondral defect model in vivo.
J Tissue Engin Regen Med 8, 41-49 (IF 5.199)
Kratz, F., N. Davoudi, N., Müller-Renno, C., Grass, S., Umanskaya, N., Hannig, M., Ziegler, C. (2014): Influence of sodium fluoride on the BSA adsorption on titanium.
Biomed Tech 59, S81-S84
Makuch, A., Fröhlich, S., Rupf, S. (2014):
Assoziation von Frequenz der Nahrungsaufnahme und frühkindlicher Karies.
Kinder und Jugendmedizin 14, 1-7
Obermayer, A., Stoiber, W., Krautgartner, W.D., Klappacher, M., Kofler, B., Steinbacher, P., Vitkov, L., Grabcanovic-Musija, F., Studnicka, M. (2014): New aspects on the structure of neutrophil extracellular traps from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and in vitro generation.
PLoS ONE 9, e97784 (IF 3.234)
Yu, M., Wu, Z., Pan, H., Li, M., Wang, C., Zhang, Z., Fu, BP., Hannig, M. (2014):
Effects of saliva contamination on bonding performance of self-etching adhesives.
J Adhes Science Technol 28, 2032-2045 (IF 0.961)
Hannig, M., Hannig, C. (2014): The pellicle and erosion. In: Lussi, A. Ganss, C. (eds.):
Erosive tooth wear. Monogr Oral Sci, Basel, Karger, Vol. 25, pp 206-214
Hannig, M., Hannig, C. (2014): Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Schmelzregeneration – eine aktuelle Übersicht. Dtsch Zahnärztl Z 69, 131-142
Rupf, S., Hannig, C., Hannig, M. (2014): Kariesprophylaxe – aktueller Stand und zukünftige Herausforderungen. Dtsch Zahnärztl Z 69, 594-606
Wolff, D., Kensche, A., Rupf, S., Hannig, M., Hannig, C. (2014): Der orale Biofilm – neue Perspektiven zu einem alten Thema? Dtsch Zahnärztl Z 69, 658-673
Feng, J., Cheng, L., Zhou, X., Xu, H.H.K., Weir, M.D., Meyer, M.R., Maurer, H.H., Li, Q., Hannig, M., Rupf, S. (2015):
In situ anti-biofilm effect of glass-ionomer cement containing dimethylaminododecyl methacrylate. Dental Materials 31, 992-1002 (IF 3.931)
Grychtol, S., Viergutz, G., Pötschke, S., Bowen, W.H., Hoth-Hannig, W., Leis, B.,
Umanskaya, N., Hannig, M., Hannig, C. (2015):
Enzymes in the in situ pellicle of children with different caries activity.
Eur J Oral Sci 123, 319-326 (IF 1.607)
Korsch, M., Robra, B.P., Walther, W. (2015): Zementassoziierter Attachmentverlust – Retrospektive Analyse von Weichgeweberekationen nach Zementierung. Implantologie 23, 187- 194 (IF 0.052)
Korsch, M., Walther, W. (2015): Retrospective analysis of loosening of cement-retained vs. screw-retained fixed implant-supported reconstructions. Quintessence Int 46, 583-589 (IF 0.821)
Kratz, F., Grass, S., Umanskaya, N., Scheibe, C., Müller-Renno, C., Davoudi, N., Hannig, M., Ziegler, C. (2015):
Cleaning of biomaterial surfaces: protein removal by different solvents. Colloids Surfaces B 128, 28-35 (IF 3.902)
Lehmann, A., Rupf, S., Schubert, A., Zylla, IM., Seifert HJ., Schindler, A., Arnold, T. (2015): Plasma deposited silicon oxide films for controlled permeation of copper as antimicrobial agent. Clin Plasma Med 3, 3-9
Marcos, V., Zhou-Suckow, Z., Yildirim, AÖ., Bohla, A., Hector, A., Vitkov, L., Krautgartner, WD., Stoiber, W., Griese, M., Eickelberg, O., Mall, MA., Hartl, D. (2015):
Free DNA in cystic fibrosis airway fluids correlates with airflow obstruction.
Mediators of Inflammation, Article ID 408935 (IF 3.418)
Rupf, S., Berger, H., Buchter, A., Harth, V., Ong, M.F., Hannig, M. (2015):
Exposure of patient and dental staff to fine and ultrafine particles from scanning spray.
Clin Oral Invest 19, 823-830 (IF 2.207)
Vitkov, L., Krautgartner, W.D., Obermayer, A., Stoiber, W., Hannig, M., Klappacher, M., Hartl, D. (2015): The initial inflammatory response to bioactive implants is characterized by NETosis. PloS ONE 10, e0121359 (IF 3.057)
Weber, M.T., Hannig, M., Pötschke, S., Höhne , F., Hannig, C. (2015):
Application of plant extracts for the prevention of dental erosion – an in situ/in vitro study.
Caries Res49, 477-487 (IF 2.278)
Wittpahl, G., Kölling-Speer, I.,Basche, S., Herrmann, E., Hannig, M., Speer, K., Hannig, C. (2015):
The polyphenolic composition of cistusincanus herbal tea and its antibacterial and anti-adherent activity against streptococcus mutans. Planta Medica 81, 1727-1735 (IF 1.99)
Hassan, M., Selimovic, D., Hannig, M., Haikel, Y., Brodell, RT., Megahed, M. (2015):
Endoplasmic reticulum stress-mediated pathways to both apoptosis and autophagy: significance of melanoma treatment. World J Exp Med 5, 206-217
Korsch, M., Walther, W, Kasprzyk, S. (2015):
Sonic Weld: Ein Fallbericht mit Rekonstruktion des Kieferkamms bei ausgeprägter lateraler und vertikaler Atrophie. Z Zahnärztl Impl 31, 150-157
El Jamal, S.M., Taylor, E.B., Abd Elmageed, Z.Y., Alamodi, A.A., Selimovic, D., Alkhateeb, A.,Hannig, M., Hassan, S.Y., Santourlidis, S., Friedlander, P.L., Haikel, Y., Vijaykumar; S.Kandil, E., Hassan, M. (2016):
Interferon gamma-induced apoptosis of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma is connected to indoleamine-2, 3-dioxygenase via mitochondrial and ER stress-associated pathways. Cell Division 11, 11 (IF 3.909)
El-Khattouti, A., Selimovic, D., Hannig, M., Taylor, E.B., AbdElmageed, Y., Hassan, S.Y., Haikel, Y., Kandil, E., Leverkus, M., Brodell, R.T., Megahed, M., Hassan, M. (2016):
Imiquimod- induced apoptosis of melanoma cells is mediated by ER stress- dependent Noxa induction and enhanced by NF-κB inhibition. J Cell Mol Med 20, 266-286 (IF 4.499)
Hertel, S., Graffy, L., Pötschke, S., Basche, S., Al-Ahmad, A., Hoth-Hannig, W., Hannig, M., Hannig, C. (2016):
Effect of Inula viscosa on the pellicle’s protective properties and initial bioadhesion in-situ. Arch Oral Biol 71, 87-96 (IF 1.748)
Kensche, A., Pötschke, S., Hannig, C., Richter, G., Hoth-Hannig, W., Hannig, M. (2016):
Influence of calcium phosphate and apatite containing products on enamel erosion. Scientific World Journal 2016, Article ID 7959273
Korsch M., Marten S.M., Dötsch A., Jáuregui R., Pieper D.H., Obst U. (2016): Effect of dental cements on peri-implant microbial community: comparison of the microbial communities inhabiting the peri-implant tissue when using different luting cements. Clin Oral Implants Res 27: e161-e166. (IF 3.624)
Kratz, F., Trautmann, S., Müller-Renno, C., Umanskaya, N., Hannig, M., Ziegler, C. (2016): Investigation of loosely and firmly bound albumin and lysozyme layers on dental materials. Physica Status Solidi (A) 212, 1486-1493 (IF 1.775)
Wang, S., Ge, Y., Zhou, X., Xu, H.H.K, Weir, M.D., Zhang, K., Hannig, M., Rupf, S., Li, Q., Cheng, L. (2016):
Effect of dimethylaminododecyl methacrylate containing glass-ionomer cement on the S. mutans biofilms. Int J Oral Sci 8, 76-83 (IF 3.93)
Xu, J., Liang, B., Hoth-Hannig, W., Zhang, L., Jin, X., Wang, C., Fu, B., Hannig, M. (2016):
Do phosphoric acid esters affect the immediate enamel bond strengths? J Adhes Sci Tech 30, 2498-2510 (IF 1.073)
Zeitz, C., Faidt, T., Grandthyll, S., Hähl, H., Thewes, N., Spengler, C., Schmauch, J., Deckarm, M.J., Gachot, C., Natter, H., Hannig, M., Müller, F., Jacobs, K. (2016): Synthesis of hydroxyapatite substrates: Bridging the gap between model surfaces and enamel. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 8, 25848-25855 (IF 7.504)
Kilian, M. Chapple, I.L.C., Hannig, M., Marsh, P.D., Meuric, V., Pedersen, A.M.L, Tonetti, M.S., Wade, W.G., Zaura, E. (2016):
The oral microbiome – an update for oral healthcare professionals. Br Dent J 221, 657-666 (IF 1.009)
Vitkov, L., Hartl, D., Hannig, M. (2016):
Is osseointegration inflammation-triggered? Med Hypotheses 93, 1-4 (IF 1.066)
Balkenhol, M., Nothdurft, F.P.,Hannig, M., Schindler, A., Lehmann, A., Arnold, T., Knauber, A., Rupf, S. (2017):
Bonding to zirconia ceramic: the effect of cold plasma treatment and 4-META.
Clin Plasma Medicine 5, 8-13
Delius, J., Trautmann, S., Medard, G., Kuester, B., Hannig, M., Hofmann, T. (2017): Label-free quantitative proteome analysis of the surface-bound salivary pellicle.
Colloids Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 152, 68-76, geteilte Letztautorenschaft (IF 3.997)
Faidt, T., Zeitz, C., Grandthyll, S., Hans, M., Hannig, M., Jacobs, K., Müller, F. (2017): Can teeth be armed to the teeth? - Time dependence of fluoride uptake in hydroxyapatite.
ACS Biomater Sci Eng 3, 1822-1826 (IF 4.432)
Fu, J., Saikaew, P., Kawano, S., Carvalho, R., Hannig, M., Sano, H., Selimovic, D. (2017): Effect of air-blowing time on the bond strength of current one-step adhesives to dentin. Dental Materials 33, 895-903 (IF 4.039)
Hertel, S., Pötschke, S., Basche, S., Delius, J., Hoth-Hannig, W., Hannig, M., Hannig, C. (2017):
Effect of tannic acid on the protective properties of the in-situ formed pellicle.
Caries Res 51, 34-45 (IF 2.188)
Hertel, S., Wolf, A., Basche, S., Viergutz, G., Rupf, S., Hannig, M., Hannig, C. (2017): Initial microbial colonization of enamel in children with different levels of caries activity: an in situ study. Am J Dent 30, 171-176 (IF 0.760)
Kensche, A., Holder, C., Basche, S., Tahan, N., Hannig, C., Hannig, M. (2017):
Efficacy of a mouthrinse based on hydroxyapatite to reduce initial bacterial colonisation in situ. Arch Oral Biol 80, 18-26 (IF 2.050)
Kensche, A., Kirsch, J., Mintert, S., Enders, F., Pötschke, S., Basche, S., König, B., Hannig, C., Hannig, M. (2017): Impact of customary fluoride rinsing solutions on the pellicle’s protective properties and bioadhesion in situ. Sci Reports 7, 16584 (IF 4.122)
Kirsch, J., Hannig, C., Pötschke, S., Basche, S., Bowen, B., Rupf, S., Trautmann, S., Umanskaya, N., Hannig, M. (2017): Enzymology and ultrastructure of the in situ pellicle in caries-active and caries-inactive patients. Caries Res 51, 109-118 (IF 2.188)
Korsch, M., Walther, W., Bartols, A. (2017): Cement-associated peri-implant mucositis. A 1-year follow-up after excess cement removal on the peri-implant tissue of dental implants. Clin Implant Dent Relat Res 19, 523-529 (IF 3.097)
Omlor, A.J., Le, D.D., Schlicker, J., Hannig, M., Ewen, R., Heck, S., Herr, C., Kraegeloh, A., Hein, C., Kautenburger, R., Kickelbick, G., Bals, R., Nguyen, J., Dinh, Q.T. (2017): Local effects on airway inflammation and systemic uptake of 5 nm PEGylated and citrated gold nano particles in asthmatic mice. Small 13, e1603070 (IF 9.598)
Rehage, M., Delius, J., Hofmann, T., Hannig, M. (2017):
Oral astringent stimuli alter the enamel pellicle's ultrastructure as revealed by electron microscopy.
J Dent 63, 21-29 (IF 3.770)
Rösch, C., Kratz, F., Hering, T., Trautmann, S., Umanskaya, N., Tippkötter, N., Müller-Renno, C., Ulber, R., Hannig, M., Ziegler, C. (2017): Albumin-lysozyme interactions: cooperative adsorption on titanium and enzymatic activity. Colloids Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 149, 115-121 (IF 3.997)
Spengler, C., Thewes, N., Nolle, F., Faidt, T., Umanskaya, N., Hannig, M., Bischoff, M., Jacobs, K. (2017): Enhanced adhesion of S. mutans to hydroxyapatite after exposure to saliva. J Mol Recognit 30, e2615 (IF 1.868)
Alhmada, Y., Selimovic, D., Murad, F., Hassan, S.L., Haikel, Y., Megahed, M., Hannig, M., Hassan, M. (2017):
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World J Gastroenterol 23,743-750
Hannig, C., Hannig, M., Kensche, A., Carpenter, G. (2017):
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Arch Oral Biol 80, 144-152 (IF 2.050)
Hannig, C., Hannig, M., Morzel, M. (2017):
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Pötschke, S., Hertel, S., Delius, J., Hoth-Hannig, W., Hannig, M., Hannig, C. (2017):
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Vitkov, L., Hartl, D., Minnich, B., Hannig, M. (2017):
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Arenja, P., Rösch, C., Müller-Renno, C., Hannig, M., Ziegler, C. (2018): Determination of the amount of carbohydrates adsorbed on solid substrates.
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Bartols, A. Kasprzyk, S., Walther, W., Korsch, M. (2018): Lateral alveolar ridge augmentation with autogenous block grafts fixed at a distance versus resorbable Poly-D-L-Lactide foil fixed at a distance: A single-blind, randomized, controlled trial. Clin Oral Implants Res 29, 843-854 (IF 3.825)
Hannig, C., Helbig, R., Hilsenbeck, J., Werner, C., Hannig, M. (2018): Impact of the springtail´s cuticle nanotopography on bioadhesion and biofilm formation in vitro and in the oral cavity. R Soc Open Sci 5, 171742 (IF 2.515)
Koblischka-Veneva, A., Koblischka, M., Schmauch, J., Hannig, M. (2018): Human dental enamel: A masterpiece of natural nanotechnology as investigated by TEM and t-EBSD.
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Korsch, M., Marten, S.M., Walther, W., Vital, M., Pieper, D.H., Dötsch, A. (2018): Impact of dental cement on the peri-implant biofilm-microbial comparison of two different cements in an in vivo observational study. Clin Implant Dent Relat Res 20, 806-813 (IF 3.212)
Rupf, S., Laczny, C., Galat, V., Backes, C. , Keller, A., Umanskaya, N., Erol, A., Tierling, S., Lo Porto, C., Walter, J., Kirsch, J., Hannig, M., Hannig, C. (2018): Comparison of initial oral microbiomes of young adults with and without cavitated dentin caries lesions using an in situ biofilm model. Scientific Reports 8, 14010, geteilte Letztautorenschaft (IF 4.011)
Wang, C., Qu, Y., Zhang, L., Zhou, Z., Xu, J., Fan, J., Fu, B.P., Hannig, M. (2018): Effects of regional enamel and prism orientations on bovine enamel bond strengths and cohesive strength. Eur J Oral Sci 5, 334-342 (IF 1.810)
Schmalz, G., Frankenberger, R., Krämer, N., Schwendicke, F., Meyer, G., Hannig, M. (2018): Die Minamata-Konvention und Amalgam. Zahnärztl Mitt 108, 1628-1632
Vitkov, L., Hannig, M., Minnich, B., Hermann, M. (2018):
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Autoimmunity 51, 304-309 (IF 2.403)
Bambauer T.P., Maurer H.H., Weber A.A., Hannig, M., Pütz, N., Koch, M., Manier, S.K., Schneider, M., Meyer, M.R. (2019): Evaluation of Novel Organosilane Modifications of Paper Spray Mass Spectrometry Substrates for Analyzing Polar Compounds. Talanta 204, 677-684 (IF 5,339)
Feng, J., Cheng, L., Zhou, X., Xu, H.H.K., Weir, M.D., Li, Q., Hannig, M., Rupf, S. (2019): Effects of water aging on the mechanical properties and antibiofilm activity of glass-ionomer cement containing dimethylaminododecyl methacrylate. Dent Mater 35, 434-443 (IF 4,495)
Güth-Thiel, S., Kraus-Kuleszka, I., Mantz, H., Hoth-Hannig, W., Hähl, H., Dudek, J., Jacobs, K., Hannig, M. (2019): Comprehensive measurements of salivary pellicle thickness formed at different intraoral sites on Si wafers and bovine enamel. Colloids Surfaces B 174, 246-251 (IF 4,389)
Hertel, S., Lang, R., Schulz. A., Hofmann, T., König, B., Hannig, M., Hannig, C. (2019): Activity and distribution pattern of enzymes in the in situ pellicle of children. Arch Oral Biol 104, 24-32 (IF 1,931)
Jablonowski L, Kocher T, Schindler A, Müller K, Dombrowski F, von Woedtke T, Arnold T, Lehmann A, Rupf S, Evert M, Evert K. (2019): Side effects by oral application of atmospheric pressure plasma on the mucosa in mice. PLoS One 14: e0215099 (IF 2,74)
Kensche, A., Buschbeck, E., König, B., Koch, M., Kirsch, J., Hannig, C., Hannig, M. (2019): Effect of fluoride mouthrinses and stannous ions on the erosion protective properties of the in situ pellicle. Scientific Reports 9, 5336 (IF 3,998)
Kensche, A., Dürasch, A., König, B., Henle, T., Hannig, C., Hannig, M. (2019): Characterization of the in-situ pellicle ultrastructure formed under the influence of bovine milk and milk protein isolates. Arch Oral Biol 104, 133-140 (IF 1,931)
Kirsch J, Hannig M, Winkel P, Basche S, Leis, B., Pütz, N., Kensche A, Hannig C (2019): Influence of pure fluorides and stannous ions on the initial bacterial colonization in situ. Sci Reports 9, 18499 (IF 3,998)
Korsch M., Kasprzyk S. Walther W., Bartols A. (2019): Lateral alveolar Ridge Augmentation with autogenous block grafts fixed at a distance vs resorbable poly-D-L-lactide foil fixed at a distance: 5-year results of a single-blind, randomised controlled trial. Eur J Oral Implantol 12, 299-312 (IF 2,619)
Li, M., Xu, J., Zhang, L., Wang, C., Jin, X., Hong, Y., Fu, B., Hannig, M. (2019): Effect of a novel prime-and-rinse approach on short- and long-term dentin bond strength of self-etch adhesives. Eur J Oral Sci 127, 547-555 (IF 2,22)
Makino, S., Kawamoto, C., Ikeda, B.T., Doi, T., Narise, A., Tanaka, T., Almas, C., Hannig, M., Carvalho, R., Sano, H. (2019): Whitening efficacy of chewing gum containing sodium metaphosphate on coffee stain: placebo-controlled, double-blind in situ examination. Operative Dent 44, 469-475 (IF 2,213)
Müller, S., Rupf, S., Umanskaya, N., Hannig, M. (2019): Detection of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) in the root dentin of human teeth. Dtsch Zahnärztl Z Int 1, 161-167
Müller, S., Rupf, S., Umanskaya, N., Hannig, M. (2019): Nachweis der Aktivität von Matrix-Metalloproteinasen (MMP) im Wurzel-Dentin humaner Zähne. Dtsch Zahnärztl Z 74, 317-324
Peckys, D.B., de Jonge, N., Hannig, M. (2019): Oil droplet formation on pellicle covered tooth surfaces studied with environmental scanning electron microscopy. J Microsc 247, 158-167 (IF 1,575)
Trautmann, S., Barghash, A., Fecher-Trost, C., Schalkowsky, P., Hannig, C., Kirsch, J., Rupf, S., Keller, A., Helms, V., Hannig, M. (2019): Proteomic analysis of the initial oral pellicle in caries-active and caries-free individuals. Proteom Clin Appl 13, 1800143 (IF 2,489)
Zimmermann, R., Delius, J., Friedrichs, J., Stehl, S., Hofmann,T., Hannig, C., Rehage, M., Werner, C., Hannig, M. (2019): Impact of oral astringent stimuli on surface charge and morphology of the protein-rich pellicle at the tooth–saliva interphase. Colloids Surfaces B 174, 451-458 (IF 4,389)
Rupf S, Hannig M (2019): Karies und Kariesprophylaxe. Pharmakon 7, 336-342
Rupf S, Limbach N, Hannig M, Hannig C. (2019): Nano- und mikrokristallines Hydroxylapatit in Mundhygieneprodukten – Alternative oder Ergänzung zu Fluoriden? Quintessenz 70, 660-668
Zhou, W., Liu, S., Zhou, X., Hannig, M., Rupf, S., Feng, J., Peng; X., Cheng, L. (2019): Modifying adhesive materials to improve the longevity of resinous restorations. Int J Mol Sci 20, 732 (IF 4,556)
Hannig, M., Hannig, C.:Nanobiomaterials in preventive dentistry.
Elsevier, Micro and Nano Technologies, 2019, Pages 201-223
In: Subramani, K., Ahmed, W.: Nanobiomaterials in clinical denitstry.
Elsevier Inc. 2nd Edition - April 13, 2019, pp 201-223
Reda, B., Hollemeyer, K., Trautmann, S., Hannig, M., Volmer, D. (2020): Determination of chlorhexidine in different ral sites using matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry. Arch Oral Biol 110, Article 104623
Schulz, A. Lang, R., Behr, J., Hertel, S., Reich, M., Kümmerer, K., Hannig, M., Hannig, C., Hofmann, T. (2020): Targeted metabolomics of pellicle and saliva in children with different caries activity. Sci Reports 10, 697
Henn, D., Chen, K., Fischer, K., Rauh, A., Barrera, J.A., Kim, Y-K., Martin, R.A., Hannig, M., Niedoba, P., Reddy, S.K.,
Mao, H.-Q., Kneser, U., Gurtner, G.C., Justin M. Sacks, J.M., Schmidt, V.J. (2020): Tissue engineering of axially scularized soft tissue flaps with a poly-(e-caprolactone) nanofiber-hydrogel composite. Advances in Wound Care 9, 365-377
Martinez-Hernandez, M., Reda, B., Hannig, M. (2020): Chlorhexidine rinsing inhibits biofilm formation and causes biofilm disruption on dental enamel in situ. ClinOral Invest 24, 3843-3853
Kensche, A., Pötschke, S., Hannig, C., Dürasch, A., Henle, M., Hannig, M. (2020): Efficacy of mouthrinses with bovine milk and milk protein isolates to accumulate casein in the in situ pellicle. Clin Oral Invest 24, 3871-3880
Trautmann, S., Künzel, N., Fecher-Trost, C., Barghash, A., Schalkowsky, P., Dudek, J., Delius, J., Helms, V., Hannig,
M. (2020): Deep proteomic insights into the individual short-term pellicle formation on enamel – an in situ pilot study. Proteom Clin Appl 14, e1900090
Nobre, C., Pütz, N., Hannig, M. (2020): Adhesion of hydroxyapatite nanoparticles to dental materials under oral conditions. Scanning 2020, Article ID 6065739
Liu, Y. Hannig, M. (2020): Influence of vinegar on biofilm formation in situ. BMC Oral Health 20, 167
Harfoush, S.A., Hannig, M., Le, D.D., Heck, S., Leitner, M., Omlor, A.J., Tavernaro, I., Kraegeloh, A., Kautenburger, R., Kickelbick, G., Beilhack, A., Bischoff, M., Nguyen, J., Sester, M., Bals, R., Dinh, Q.T. (2020): High-dose intranasal plication of titanium dioxide nanoparticles induces the systemic uptakes and allergic airway inflammation in asthmatic mice. Respiratory Research 21: 168
Korsch, M., Walther, W., Robra, B., Sahin, A., Hannig, M., Bartols, A. (2020): Pre-implantological treatment routines for alveolar ridge atrophy – an investigation among maxillofacial and oral surgeons in southern Germany. BMC Oral Health 20: 195
Kirsch, J., Jung, A., Hille, K., König, B., Hannig, C., Kölling-Speer, I., Speer, K., Hannig, M. (2020): Effect of fragaria vesca, hamamelis and tormentil on the initial bacterial colonization in situ. Arch Oral Biol 118: Article 104853
Schestakow, A., Hannig, M. (2020): Effects of experimental agents containing tannic acid or chitosan on the bacterial
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Xi, Q., Hoth-Hannig, W., Deng, S., Jin, X., Fu, B., Hannig, M. (2020): The effect of polyphenol-containing solutions on in situ biofilm formation on enamel and dentin. J Dent 102:103482
Gunaratnam, G., Spengler, C., Trautmann, S., Jung, P., Mischo, J., Wieland, B., Metz, C., Becker, S., Hannig, M., Jacobs, K., Bischoff, M. (2020): Human blood plasma factors affect the adhesion kinetics of Staphylococcus aureus to central venous catheters. SciRep 10, 20992
Nobre, C.M.G., Pütz, N., König, B., Rupf, S., Hannig, M. (2020): Modification of in situ biofilm formation on titanium by a hydroxyapatite-based mouthrinse. FrontiersBioeng Biotechnol 8, 598311
Onken, T., Gao, L., Orth, P., Cucchiarini, M., Bohle, R., Rupf, S., Hannig, M., Madry, H. (2020): Investigation of microstructural alterations of the human subchondral bone following microfracture penetration reveals effect of three-dimensional device morphology. Clin Transl Med 10, e230
Sterzenbach, T., Helbig, R., Hannig, C., Hannig, M. (2020): Bioadhesion in the oral cavity and approaches for biofilm management by surface modifications. ClinOral Invest 24, 4237-4260
Vitkov, L., Minnich, B., Knopf, J., Schauer, C., Hannig, M., Herrmann, M. (2020): NETs are double-edged swords with the potential to aggravate or resolve periodontal inflammation. Cells 9, E2614
Hertel, S. Kirsch, J., Kölling-Speer, I., Speer, K., Hannig, M., Hannig, C. (2020): Optimierung der präventiven Eigenschaften der Pellikel durch polyphenolhaltige Pflanzenstoffe - eine Synopsis eigener In-situ-Studien. Zahnärzteblatt Sachsen 31, 23-27 (2020)
Kirsch, J., Hannig, C., Hannig, M. (2020): Mit Polyphenolen die Plaquebildung hemmen - Geht das?
Quintessenz Zahnmedizin 71, 566-572
Schwendicke, F., Splieth, C.H., Bottenberg, P, Breschi, L., Campus, G., Doméjean, S,. Ekstrand, K., Giacaman, R.A., Haak, R., Hannig, M., Hickel, R., Juric, H., Lussi, A., Machiulskiene, V., Manton, D., Jablonski-Momeni, A., Opdam, N., Paris, S., Santamaria, R., Tassery, H., Zandona, A., Zero, D., Zimmer, S., Banerjee, A. (2020): How to intervene in the caries process in adults: proximal and secondary caries? An EFCD-ORCA-DGZ expert Delphi consensus statement" Clin Oral Invest 24, 3315-3321
Splieth, C.H., Banerjee, A., Bottenberg, P., Breschi, L., Campus, G., Ekstrand, K.R., Giacaman, R.A., Haak, R., Hannig, M., Hickel, R., Juric, H., Lussi, A., Machiulskiene, V., Manton, D.J., Jablonski-Momeni, A., Opdam, N.J.M., Paris, S., antamaría, R.M., Schwendicke, F., Tassery, H., Ferreira Zandona, A., Zero, D.T., Zimmer, S., Doméjean, S. (2020): How to intervene in the caries process in children: A joint ORCA and EFCD expert Delphi consensus statement. Caries Res 54, 297-305, 2020
Paris, S., Banerjee, A., Bottenberg, P., Breschi, L., Campus, G., Doméjean, S., Ekstrand, K., Giacaman, R.A., Haak, R., Hannig, M., Hickel, R., Juric, H., Lussi, A., Machiulskiene, V., Manton, D., Jablonski-Momeni, A., Santamaria, R., Schwendicke, F., Splieth, C.H., Tassery, H., Zandona, A., Zero, D., Zimmer, S., Opdam, N. (2020): How to intervene in the caries process in older adults? A joint ORCA and EFCD expert Delphi consensus statement. Caries Res 54, 459-465
Rupf, S., Hannig, M.: Changes of the patient management in dentistry during the pandemic caused by the SARS-Coronavirus 2-initial perspectives of a clinic of operative dentistry in Europe.
Clin Oral Invest 24, 2537-2539 (IF 3.573)
Gund, M., Isack, J., Hannig, M., Thieme-Ruffing, S., Gaertner, B., Boros, G., Rupf, S. (2021): Contamination of surgical masks during aerosol producing dental treatments.
Clin Oral Invest 25, 3173-3180 (IF 3.606)
Martínez-Hernández, M., Hannig, M., García-Pérez, V., Olivares-Navarrete, R., Fecher-Trost, C., Almaguer-Flores, A. (2021): Roughness and wettability of titanium implant surfaces modify the salivary pellicle composition.
J Biomed Mater Res Part B: Applied Biomaterials 109, 1017-1028 (IF 3.405)
Korsch, M., Walther, W., Robra, B.-P., Sahin, A., Hannig, M., Bartols, A. (2021): Decision-making in implantology – A vignette-based study to determine clinical treatment routines for the edentulous atrophic mandible.
Int J Environm Res Public Health 18, 1596 (IF 4.614)
Gund, M., Isack, J., Hannig, M., Thieme-Ruffing, S., Gärtner, B., Boros, G., Rupf, S. (2021): Kann die Mund-Nasen-Schutzmaske nach zahnärztlicher Behandlung selbst eine Kontaminationsquelle sein?
Wehrmed Monatsschr WMM 65, 59-63
Reda, B., Dudek, J., Martínez-Hernández, M., Hannig, M. (2021): Effects of octenidine mouth rinsing on the formation and disruption of dental biofilms in situ.
J Dent Res 100, 950-959 (IF 8.924)
Schestakow, A., Guth, M.S., Eisenmenger, T.A., Hannig, M. (2021): Evaluation of anti-Biofilm activity of mouthrinses containing tannic acid or chitosan on dentin in situ.
Molecules 26, 1351 (IF 4.927)
Zhang, L., Xu, Y., Jin, X., Shi, Z., Wu, M., Xu, N., Yu, X., Deng, S., Zhang, K., Zhang, L., Hannig, M., Chen, Q., Fu, B. (2021): Retrospective study on the effectiveness of a prevention strategy in a dental hospital during the Covid-19 Pandemic.
ClinOral Invest 25, 5815-5822 (IF 3.606)
Liu, Y., Zhao, R., Yang, W., Hannig, M., Qu, B. (2021): Profiling of cytokines, chemokines and growth factors in saliva and gingival crevicular fluid.
Cytokine 142, 155504 (IF 3.926)
Kensche, A., Reich, M., Hannig, C., Kümmerer, K., Hannig, M. (2021): Modification of the lipid profile of the initial oral biofilm in situ using linseed oil as mouthwash.
Nutrients 13, 989 (IF 6.706)
Reda, B., Hollemeyer, K., Trautmann, S., Volmer, D.A., Hannig, M. (2021): First insights into chlorhexidine etention in the oral cavity after application of different regimens.
Clin Oral Invest 25, 6105-6118 (IF 3.606)
Ehnert, S., Seehase, J., Müller-Renno, C., Hannig, M., Ziegler, C. (2021): Simultaneous quantification of total carbohydrate and rotein amounts from aqueous Solutions by the sulfuric acid ultraviolet absorption method (SA-UV method).
Analytica Chimica Acta 1174, 338712 (IF 6.911)
Korsch, M., Walther, W., Hannig, M., Bartols, A. (2021): Evaluation of the surgical and prosthetic success of All-on-4 restorations: A retrospective cohort study of provisional vs. definitive immediate restorations.
Int J Implant Dent 7, 48 (IF 2.984)
Korsch M, Walther W, Robra BP, Sahin A, Hannig M, Bartols A. (2021): How do specialist surgeons treat the atrophic tooth gap? A vignette-based study among maxillofacial and oral surgeons.
BMC Oral Health 21, 331 (IF 3.747)
Gund, M., Boros, G., Hannig, M., Thieme-Ruffing, S., Gärtner, B., Rohrer, R.T., Simon, A., Rupf, S. (2021): Bacterial contamination of forehead skin and surgical mask in aerosol-producing dental treatment.
J Oral Microbiol 13, 1978731 (IF 5.833)
Nobre, CMG, König, B., Pütz, N.,Hannig, M. (2021): Hydroxyapatite-based solution as adjunct treatment for biofilm management: An in-situ study.
Nanomaterials 11, 2452 (IF 5.719)
Gunaratnam, G., Dudek, J., Jung, P., Becker, S.L., Jacobs, K., Bischoff, M., Hannig, M. (2021): Quantification of the adhesion strength of Candida albicans to tooth enamel.
Microorganisms 9, 2213 (IF 4.926)
Nekrashevych, Y., Schestakow, A., Hoth-Hannig, W., Hannig, M. (2021): Influence of periodic milk or cream treatment on the anti-erosive potential of the acquired enamel pellicle.
J Dent 115, 103858 (IF 4.991)
Fan, J., Xu, Y., Si, L., Li, X., Fu, B., Hannig, M.: Long-term Clinical Performance of Composite Resin or Ceramic Inlays, Onlays and Overlays: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.
Operative Dentistry 46, 25-44
Vitkov, L., Muñoz, L.E., Knopf, J., Schauer, C., Oberthaler, H., Minnich, B., Hannig, M., Herrmann, M.: How periodontitis-induced low-grade endotoxemia promotes systemic diseases. Neutrophils as protagonists and targets.
Int J Mol Sci 22, 4647 (IF 6,208)
Vitkov, L., Muñoz, L.E., Schoen, J., Knopf J., Schauer C., Oberthaler, H., Minnich, B., Herrmann, M., Hannig, M.: Neutrophils orchestrate the periodontal pocket.
Front Immunol 12, 788766 (IF 8,786)
Flemming, J., Meyer-Probst, C.T., Speer, K., Kölling-Speer, I., Hannig, C., Hannig, M.: Preventive applications of polyphenols in dentistry- a review.
Int J Mol Sci 22, 4892 (IF 6.208)
Hannig, M. (2021): The importance of the salivary pellicle. In: Ionescu, A.C., Hahnel, S.F.: Oral Biofilms and Modern Dental Materials –A paradigm shifttowards bioactivity.
Springer, pp. 9-17
Rasputnis, W., Schestakow, A., Hannig, M.: The dentin pellicle – a neglected topic in dental research.
Arch Oral Biol 129, 105212 (IF 2.64)
Hannig, M.: The importance of the salivary pellicle.
In: Ionescu, A. C., Hahnel, S., F.: Oral Biofilms and Modern Dental Materials - A paradigm shift towards bioactivity.
Springer, pp 9-17
Hertel, S., Hannig, M., Hannig, C., Sterzenbach, T.: Mucins 5b and 7 and secretory slgA in the oral acquired pellicle of children with caries and caries-free children.
Arch Oral Biol 105314 (IF 3)
Buchbender, M., Fehlhofer, J., Proff, P., Möst, Z., Ries, J., Hannig, M., Neurath, M. F., Gund, M., Atreya, R., Kesting, M.: Expression of inflammatory mediatiors in biofilm samples and clinical association in inflammatory bowel disease patients - a preliminary study.
Clin Oral Invest 26, 1217-1228 (IF 3.4)
Mischo, J., Faidt, T., McMillan, R. B., Dudek, J., Gunaratnam, G., Bayenat, P., Holtsch, A., Spengler, C., Müller, F., Hähl, H.. Bischoff, M., Hannig, M., Jacobs, K.: Hydroxyapatite pellets as versatile model surfaces for systematic adhesion studies on enamel: A force spectroscopy case study.
ACS Biomater Sci Eng 8, 1476-1485 (IF 5.8)
Helbig, R., Hannig, M., Basche, S., Ortgies, J., Killge, S., Hannig, C., Sterzenbach, T.: Biioadhesioin on textured interfaces in the human oral cavity.
Int J Mol Sci 23, 1157 (IF 5.6)
Trautmann, S., Künzel, N., Fecher-Trost, C., Barghash, A., Dudek, J., Flockerzi, V., Helms, V., Hannig, M.: Is the proteomic composition of the salivary pellicle dependent on the substrate material?
Proteom Clin Appl 16, e2100109 (IF 2)
Schestakow, A., Pütz, N., Guth, M. S., Eisenmenger, T. A., Dudek, J., Hannig, M.: Influence of a hydroxyapatite suspension on 48-h dental biofilm formation in-situ.
Arch Oral Biol 136, 105388 (IF 3)
Gund, M. P., Boros, G., Hannig, M., Thieme-Ruffing, S., Gärtner, B., Rohrer, R. T., Simon, A., Rupf, S.: Kann die ungeschützte Stirnhaut nach zahnärztlicher aerosol- und tröpfchenproduzierender Behandlung eine potenzielle Infektionsquelle sein?
Wehrmed Monatsschr WMM 66, 119-125
Gund, M. P., Naim, J., Hannig, M., Halfmann, A., Gärtner, B., Boros, G., Rupf, S.: CHX and a face shield cannot prevent contamination of surgical masks.
Frontiers Med 9, 896308 (IF 3.9)
Rehner, J., Schmartz, G. P., Gröger, L., Dastbaz, J., Ludwig, N., Hannig, M., Rupf, S., Seitz, B., Flockerzi, E., Berger, T., Reichert, M. C., Krawczyk, M., Meese, E., Herr, C., Bals, R., Becker, S. L., Keller, A., Müller, R.: Systematic cross-biospecimen evaluation of DNA extraction kits for long- and short-read multi-metagenomic sequencing studies.
Genomics Proteomics Bioinformatics S1672-0229(22)00072-9 (IF 9.5)
Gund, M. P., Bucher, M., Hannig, M., Rohrer, T. R., Rupf, S.: Oral hygiene knowledge versus behaviour in children: a questionnaire-based, interview-style analysis and on-site assessment of toothbrushing practices.
Clin Exp Dent Res 8, 1167-1174 (IF 1.8)
Gund, M. P., Hannig, M., Laschke M., Lehmann, A., Schindler, A., Rupf, S.: Cold atmospheric plasma does not affect the regenerative potential of the pulp.
Plasma Process Polym e2200093 (IF 3.5)
Reich, M., Hannig, C., Hannig, M., Kümmerer, K., Kensche, A.: The lipid composition of the in-situ pellicle.
Arch Oral Biol 142, 105493 (IF 3)
Hertel, S., Hannig, M., Hannig, C., Sterzenbach, T.: Muzine und Immunglobulin A in der Pellikel von Kindern unterschiedlicher Kariesaktivität.
Oralprophylaxe Kinderzahlheilkd 44, 48-53
Schestakow, A., Nekrashevych, Y., Hoth-Hannig, W., Hannig, M.: Influence of periodic polyphenol treatment on the anti-erosive potential of the acquired enamel pellicle - a qualitative exploratory study.
J Dent 124, 104236 (IF 4.4)
Gund, M. P., Unshelm, C., Hannig, M., Rupf, S.: Nutritional and oral hygiene knowledge versus reported behavior of children and adolescents - a cross-sectional interview based study.
Int J Environ Res Public Health 19, 10055
Rodemer, T., Pütz, N., Hannig, M.: Influence of hydroxyapatite nanoparticles on the formation of calcium fluoride durface layer on enamel and dentine in vitro.
Sci Reports 12, 17612 (IF 4.6)
Gund, M. P., Bucher, M. Hannig, M., Rohrer, T. R., Rupf, S.: Mundhygieneerkenntnisse und -verhalten bei Kindern. Eine fragebogen- und befragungsunterstützte Analyse mit Bewertung des Putzverhaltens vor Ort.
Oralprophylaxe Kinderzahnheilkd 44, 42-49
Schestakow, A., Bauer, C., Hannig, M.: Ultrastructure of the dentin pellicle and the impact of erosion.
Caries Res 56, 488-495 (IF 4.2)
Toledano, M., Toledano-Osorio, M., Hannig, M., Carrasco-Carmona, A., Osorio, M. T., García-Godoy, F., Cabello, I., Osorio, R.: Zn-containing adhesives facilitate collagen protection and remineralization at the resin-dentin interface. A narrative review.
Polymers 14, 642 (IF 5)
Vitkov, L., Knopf, J., Krunić, J., Schauer, C., Schoen, J., Minnich, B., Hannig, M., Herrmann, M.: Periodontitis-derived dark-NETs in severe Covid 19.
Frontiers Immunol 13, 872695 (IF 7.3)
Delgado, A. H. S., Sauro, S.. Lima, A. F., Loguerico, A. D., Della Bona, A., Mazzoni, A., Collares, F. M., Straxud, F., Ferracane, J., Tsoi, J., Amato, J., Neuhaus, K. W., Ceballos, L., Breschi, L., Hannig, M., Melo, M. A.. Özcan, M., Scotti, N., Yamaguchi, S., Paris, S., Turkun, L. S., Doméjean, S., Rosa, V., Palin, W., Schwendicke, F.: RoBDEMAT: A risk of bias tool and guideline to support reporting of pre-clinical dental materials research and assessment of systematic reviews.
J Dent 127, 104350 (IF 4.4)
Flemming, J., Hannig, C., Hannig, M.: Caries Management - the role of surface interactions in de- and remineralization-processes.
J Clin Med 11, 7044 (IF 3.9)
Gund, M. P., Wrbas, K. T., Hannig, M., Rupf, S.: Apical periodontitis after intensive bruxism.
BMC Oral Health 22, 91 (IF 2.9)
Keller, V., Müller, R., Bals, R., Gund, M. P., Hannig, M., Becker, S. L., Krawczyk, M: Mikrobiomforschung im Saarland: von der Charakterisierung von Patientenproben hin zu neuen Wirkstoffen.
Gastroenterologie 17, 348-349
Rosenauer, T., Basche, S., Hannig, C., König, B., Hannig, M.: Direct and indirect effects of different dentifrices on the initial bacterial colonization of enamel in situ overnight.
Int J Dent Hyg 21, 178-187
Shen, D., Wang, H., Shi, Y., Su, Z., Hannig, M., Fu, B.: The effect of surface treatments on the zirconia bond strength and durability.
J Funct Biomater 14, 89
Zhou, Z. Li, J. Wang, Z., Zhang, H. Wang, Y., Shen, D., Wu, Z., Shen, M., Pan, H., Wang, Q., Tang, R., Hannig, M., Fu, B.: In-depth occlusion of dentinal tubules and rapid remineralization of demerineralized dentin induced by polyelectrolyte-calcium complexes.
Adv Healthcare Mater e2300100
Ehnert, S., Müller-Renno, C., Hannig, M., Ziegler, C.: Tip modification for interaction studies between polysaccharides and dental materials.
Phys Status Solidi A 2200834
Gund, M. P., Naim, J., Lehmann, A., Hannig, M., Linsenmann, C., Schindler, A., Rupf, S.: Effects of cold atmospheric plasma pre-treatment of titanium on the biological activity of primary human gingival fibroblasts.,
Biomedicines 11, 1185
Kries, T., Rupf, S., Naim, J., Hannig, M., Gund, M. P.: The impact of general medical health status, demographical, and patient-specific variables on need for dental treatment of children and adolescents under general anesthesia.
Clin Oral Invest 27, 4245-4257
Flemming, J., Meyer-Probst, C., Hille, K., Basche, S., Speer, K., Kölling-Speer, I., Hannig, C., Hannig, M.: Olive oil as a transport medium for bioactive molecules of plants? - An in-situ study.
Molecules 28, 3803
Helbig, R., Hannig, C., Basche, S., Ortgies, J., Hannig, M., Sterzenbach, T.: Biphasic textures reduce bacterial surface colonization in the human oral cavity.
Advanced NanoBiomed Research 3, 230031
Cai, X., Venkatesan, J. K., Schmitt, G., Reda, B., Cucciarini, M., Hannig, M., Madry, H.: Cytotoxic effects of defferent mouthwash solutions on primary himan articular chondrocytes and human articular cartilage - an in vitro study.
Clin Oral Invest 27, 4987-5000
Naim, J., Clemens, C., Mal, F. N., Boros, G., Rupf, S., Hannig, M., Gund, M. P.: Visier und Mundschutz in der zahnmedizinischen Behandlung - wiegen wir uns in falscher Sicherheit?
Wehrmed Monatsschr WMM 67, 1312-318
Martínez-Hernández, M., Reyes-Grajeda, J. P., Hannig, M., Argelia Almaguer-Flores, A.: Salivary pellicle modulates biofilm formation on titanium surfaces.
Clin Oral Invest 27, 6135-6145
Hertel, S., Basche, S., Schmitt, V., Staszyk, C., Hannig, C., Sterzenbach, T., Hannig, M.: Erosion behaviour of human, bovine and equine dental hard tissues.
Sci Reports 13, 19617
Rupf, S., Gund, M. P., Strähle, U., Naim, J., Hannig, M.: Einführung des Fachs "Berufsfelderkundung" für Studierende der Zahnmedizin an der Universität des Saarlandes.
Bundesgesungheitsblatt Gesundheitsforschung Gesundheitsschutz 66, 1328-1335
Zhang, Y. Z., Wang, Y. R., Zhang, Z. Y., Wang, Z., Shao, C. Y., Hannig, M., Zhou, Z. H., Fu, B. P.: Intrafibrillar mineralization of type I collagen with calcium carbonate and strontium carbonate induced by the polyelectrolyte-cation complexes.
Nanoscale Adv 6, 467-480
Schestakow, A., Meyer-Probst C. T., Hannig, C., Hannig, M.: Prevention of dental biofilm formation with polyphenols: A systematic review.
Planta Medica 89, 1026-1033
Vitkov, L., Singh, J. Schauer, C., Minnich, B., Krunić, J., Oberthaler, H., Gamsjäger, S., Herrmann, M., Knopf, J., Hannig, M.: Breaking the gingival barrier in periodontitis.
Int J Mol Sci 24, 4544