Prof Dr Joa­chim Frenk CV

Prof. Dr. Joachim Frenk: Curriculum Vitae

Academic Career



• since Oct. 2006

Professor of British Literary and Cultural Studies at Universität des Saarlandes  

• Oct. 2005 - Sept. 2006

Professor at Stuttgart University (Vertretung)

• June 2005

venia legendi in British literary and cultural studies

Habilitationsschrift: Textualised Objects in Early Modern English Literature 

• Oct. 2004 - March 2005

Professor at the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität at Erlangen-Nuremberg (Vertretung) 

• 2003 - 2005

research project "Interactivity of Digital Texts" funded by the DFG [with Dr. Christian Krug]


• April 1998 - March 2004

wissenschaftlicher Assistent / Assistant Professor at Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster (Lehrstuhl Prof. Dr. Kurt Tetzeli von Rosador)



• Winter semester 1995/96 and 1996/97

research at the British Library and the National Art Library (Victorian and Albert Musuem)



• July 1995 - June 1997

doctoral scholarship / Graduiertenförderungsstipendium des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen


• March 1995 - Dec. 1997

doctoral thesis: 'Myriads of Forms: Formen und Funktionen des Phantastischen im Englishen Sozialmärchen des 19. Jahrhunderts