Visiting Professor Dr. Eamonn O Ciardha

Visiting Professor Dr. Eamonn O Ciardha

Dr. Eamonn O Ciardha is visiting professor at the University of Saarland for the academic year of 2010/2011.

His research interests are primarily centred on early modern and modern Irish history, the Irish, principally Gaelic, political, diplomatic, religious and intellectual and military Diaspora in early Modern Europe, the Irish outlaw, Irish popular politics, culture, language, literature and book history. Over the last ten years, he has taught Irish History, Language and Literature in Ireland, Britain, the United States and Canada.

His courses in the Summer Term 2011 are:

The Irish Political Ballad (lecture course)

Mon, 12-2 pm, C5 3, room U13

The Irish Outlaw: The Making of a Nationalist Icon (lecture course)

Wed, 2-4 pm, B3 1, HS II

His courses in the Irish Semester (Winter Term 2010/2011) were:

Literature and Society in Ireland: an Introduction (lecture course)

Mon 12-2 pm, C5 3, room U13

Irish Literature in Irish: From Cúchulainn to Cathal O' Searcaigh (lecture course)

Wed 2-4 pm, B 3 1, HS II


Email: e.ociardha(at)

Phone: +49 (0)681-302-70440

Office: C5 3, room 4.10

Curriculum Vitae