Event programme
Guest lectures
We are very proud to invite you to the following guest lectures, poetry readings and a theatre workshop at Saarland University:
- Dr. Eamonn O’ Ciardha, European Guest Professor, University of Ulster (lecture, "Ancient Ireland Knew It All", 26/10/2010)
- Hon. Daniel Mulhall, Irish Ambassador to Germany (lecture, "William Butler Yeats", 02/11/2010)
- Prof. Dr. Timothy Conley, Bradley University, Peoria, Illinois (lecture, “When Irish Guys Aren’t Smiling: Studs Lonigan and the Irish-American Mythos of Male Violence”, 09/11/2011)
- Prof. Dr. Hermann-Josef Real, University of Münster (lecture, "Jonathan Swift" 09/11/2010)
- Prof. Dr. Ger Fitzgibbon, University College Cork (theatre workshop "Enda Walsh", 11/11/2010)
- Prof. Thomas Kilroy, National University of Ireland Galway (lecture, "Field Day, and the legacy of Field Day", 13/12/2010)
- Ciaran M. Berry, Irish-American poet, Trinity College, Hartford, Conneticut (poetry reading, 20/01/2011)
- Hon. Philip McDonagh, poet and Irish Ambassador to Russia (poetry reading, 25/01/2011)
- Dr. Dieter Fuchs, University of Vienna (lecture, "Aspects of Irish Cultural Studies", 26/01/2011)
Seminar trip to Galway, Donegal and Dublin
In February/March 2011 Prof. Bert Hornback will take 13 students to Galway, Donegal and Dublin; this trip will be a two-week extension of the Yeats seminar. Contact Prof. Hornback for more details and/or registration for the seminar.
Day Trip to the Schauspiel Frankfurt
Christina Holzer and Heike Mißler will take 40 students to Frankfurt to see the play The Woman Who Walked Into Doors (Die Frau, die gegen Türen rannte), based on the novel by Irish author Roddy Doyle at the Schaupiel. The trip will be funded and is free for students of the English Department. Contact Christina Holzer or Heike Mißler for more details and/or registration.
W.B. Yeats Poetry Reading
2/12/2010, 7pm
Prof. Dr. Bert Hornback will read selected poems by W.B. Yeats at the Nauwieser Neunzehn (www.nauwieser19.de). Entry and drinks are free.
Irish Theme Night / Irischer Länderabend
17/12/2010, 7:30pm
In cooperation with ZiS (Zentrum für Internationale Studierende), the German-Irish Society Saarland e.V. presents an Irish Theme Night, open to all fans of Ireland and those who want to learn more about Irish culture. Entry is free and there will be snacks and drinks and traditional Irish music. Win small gifts in our Ireland-quiz or take part in a raffle and win a two-week trip to Ireland! Location: Aula.

Irish Film Nights @
3.11. Ondine
10.11. Once
17.11. The Wind that Shakes the Barley
24.11. Breakfast on Pluto
1.12. Waking Ned Devine
All the films will be shown in English (with subtitles for those who are not accustomed to the Irish accent). Start 8:15pm, tickets 5 euros.