WS24/25: Mul­ti­mo­dal Lan­guage Unders­tan­ding

Course description

Multimodal Language Understanding aims to use information from different sources such as text, speech, images, and gestures, to enhance language processing tasks. As we naturally use multiple forms of communication in our daily interactions, enabling machines to do the same enhances their understanding of human communication. For example, sentiment analysis can be improved by incorporating tone of voice or facial expressions alongside text. In this class, we will explore techniques for modeling multiple modalities, identify tasks that benefit from multimodal input, and discuss the challenges when handling multiple modalities.

taught by:  Dr. Varsha Suresh 
start date: 17.10.2024 
time: Thursday, 08:30 - 10:00 
located in:Building C7 2, room -1.05 
details:visit here: Multimodal Language Understanding 
credits:4 CP (presentation only), 7 CP (presentation + final paper/project)
Grade breakdown:
•    4 CP (presentation only): 70% Presentation, 30% homework and contribution to discussion
•    7 CP (presentation + term paper or project): 40% Presentation, 40% Final paper/project, 20% homework and contribution to discussion
suited for:  B.Sc. in Computational Linguistics
B.Sc. in Language Science and Technlogy
M.Sc. in Computational Linguistics
M.Sc. in Language Science and Technology