Herzlich Willkommen bei der Juniorprofessur für BWL, insb. Digitale Transformation in Unternehmensrechnung und Finanzdienstleistungen
Paper accepted for publication in Management Science
The paper Peg Abandonment and Cross-Currency Contagion (joint with Florian Balke, Arne Reichel, and Mark Wahrenburg (all Goethe University Frankfurt) has been accepted for publication in Management Science. You can access the paper here.
UPDATE: Paper accepted for publication in Management Science
The final version of the paper "Conflicted Analysts and Initial Coin Offerings" (joint with Valerie Laturnus, Sasan Mansouri and Alex Wagner) is now online. You can access the paper here.
Paper accepted for publication in Management Science
The paper “Conflicted Analysts and Initial Coin Offerings (joint with Sasan Mansouri (Goethe University Frankfurt and IWH), Valerie Laturnus (Goethe University Frankfurt) and Alex Wagner (University of Zurich, Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR), European Corporate Governance Institute (ECGI); and Swiss Finance Institute)) has been accepted for publication in Management Science. You can access the paper here

Visiting scholar from Sofia University as part of the Transform4Europe program
We had the pleasure to host Deyan Radev, PhD, from Sofia University as part of the Transform4Europe (T4U) program as visiting scholar.
Thank you, Deyan, for sharing your great insights in FinTech research and the work of the CEE Centre for Digital Finance.
"Der Spiegel" covers research output
The results of the paper “`Let me get back to you' – A machine learning approach to measuring non-answers” are presented in the current issue of the magazine "Der Spiegel." You can access the paper here
Nomination as Research Affiliate at the Halle Institute for Economic Research
Andreas Barth got recently appointed as Research Affiliate at the Halle Institute for Economic Research - Member of the Leibniz Association (IWH).
Sturm & Drang Prize 2022
The paper „Let me get back to you”: A machine learning approach to measuring non-answers" was awarded the "Sturm & Drang Prize" 2022 for the best publication by a young researcher of the Faculty of Economics and Business at Goethe University Frankfurt. Please find more information here.
UPDATE: Paper accepted for publication in Management Science
The final version of the paper “Let me get back to you” – A machine learning approach to measuring non-answers (joint with Sasan Mansouri and Fabian Wöbbeking, Goethe University Frankfurt) is now online. You can access the paper here.
Third party funding / research grant from the Frankfurt Institute for Risk Management and Regulation (FIRM)
The project Linguistic sentiment analysis for environmental, social, governance and climate risks was selected by the scientific committee of the Frankfurt Institute for Risk Management and Regulation (FIRM) for financial support.
UPDATE: Paper accepted for publication in the Journal of International Economics
The final version of the paper Spillovers of funding dry-ups (joint with Inaki Aldasoro (BIS), Florian Balke (Strategy &) and Egemen Eren (BIS)) is now online. You can access the paper here.
Paper accepted for publication in the Journal of International Economics
The paper Spillovers of funding dry-ups (joint with Inaki Aldasoro (BIS), Florian Balke (Strategy &) and Egemen Eren (BIS)) has been accepted for publication in the Journal of International Economics.
Paper accepted for publication in Management Science
The paper “Let me get back to you” – A machine learning approach to measuring non-answers (joint with Sasan Mansouri and Fabian Wöbbeking, Goethe University Frankfurt) has been accepted for publication in Management Science.
Paper presentation at the 2022 American Finance Association Annual Meeting
The Annual Meeting of the American Finance Association will be held online from January 07 to 09, 2022. The paper ICO Analysts (joint with Valerie Laturnus, Sasan Mansouri (both Goethe University Frankfurt), and Alexander Wagner (University of Zurich, CEPR, ECGI and SFI)) was invited for presentation. Please find more information and the full program here.
UPDATE: Paper accepted for publication in the Journal of Banking & Finance
The final version of the paper Integration Culture of Global Banks and the Transmission of Lending Shocks (joint with Deyan Radev, Sofia University) is now online. You can access the paper free of charge (until December 20) here.
Paper accepted for publication in the Journal of Banking & Finance
The paper Integration Culture of Global Banks and the Transmission of Lending Shocks (joint with Deyan Radev, Sofia University) has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Banking & Finance.
Paper presentation at the DGF Annual Meeting
The Annual Meeting of the German Finance Association will be held at Innsbruck University from September 30 to October 02, 2021. The paper Let me get back to you - A machine learning approach to measuring non-answers was invited for presentation.
Find more information and the detailed programm of the meeting here: LINK
To answer or not to answer, that is the question
The note "To answer or not to answer, that is the question", where we measure how close the answers of the candidates for chancellor are to the thematic context of the question during the truel of the candidates for chancellor on 12 September 2021, has been published in the SAFE Finance Blog. LINK
2 papers will be presented at the VfS Annual Meeting 2021
The Annual Meeting of the Verein für Socialpolitik will be held as an online conference from September 26, 2021 to September 29, 2021. Two papers (ICO Analysts and Counterparty credit risk in OTC derivatives ) were invited for presentation.
Find more information and the detailed program of the meeting here: LINK
Third party funding / research grant from the Chaire Fintech at University Paris Dauphine - PSL
The project ICO Analysts was selected by the scientific committee of the Chaire Fintech at University Paris Dauphine - PSL for financial support.
2022 American Finance Association Annual Meeting
The paper ICO Analysts (joint with Valerie Laturnus, Sasan Mansouri (both Goethe University Frankfurt), and Alexander Wagner (University of Zurich, CEPR, ECGI and SFI)) has been invited for presentation at the prestigious 2022 American Finance Association Annual Meeting in Boston, USA.
2021 Lazaridis Institute Prize for best paper on accounting issues relevant to technology firms
The paper `Let me get back to you' - A machine learning approach to measuring non-answers (joint with Sasan Mansouri and Fabian Wöbbeking (both Goethe University Frankfurt)) was awarded with the 2021 Lazaridis Institute Prize for best paper on accounting issues relevant to technology firms by the Canadian Academic Accounting Association. Please find the laudatory speech here: LINK
Paper `ICO Analysts' now published as CEPR Discussion Paper
The paper ICO Analysts (joint with Valerie Laturnus, Sasan Mansouri (both Goethe University Frankfurt), and Alexander Wagner (University of Zurich, CEPR, ECGI and SFI)) has been published as CEPR Discussion Paper. LINK