Workshop "Effective feedback in a nutshell or how does peer review work?"
Hardly have you published your first articles when the publisher asks you to be a reviewer. What should you do - reject or accept? Above all, how do you write a review? The workshop is addressed to young researchers who have been asked to review articles for the first time and who want to learn how to develop and write an impactful peer review. The strategies learned and tools developed can be transferred to any form of collegial text feedback.
In order to develop routines for the review process, we will work on the following questions:
- When / Why should I accept or reject a journal request for a review?
- What is a good journal article? Which evaluation criteria in terms of content and form can I apply?
- How do I compose an effective review?
- How do I write a review that really helps the author?
Please bring an article to the workshop to which you can apply the strategies you have learned
Date: Friday, 13th January 2023 (9.00-16.15 hrs.)
Format: online workshop at your own laptop/computer

Dr. Beate Richter is the founder of the Wissenschaftliche Schreibwerkstatt Berlin, where she has been offering a broad program of writing workshops, coaching, and editing services for scientists and students across disciplines since 2003. After studying physics, philosophy, and literature, she earned her doctorate in the philosophy of education and has been teaching in the areas of philosophy of science and applied ethics ever since. She is a lecturer at Freie Universität Berlin.