Workshop "Introduction to Multilevel Modeling with R"
This workshop will provide an introduction to multilevel models (MLM). The main focus will be on repeated measures data (measurement occasions nested in individuals such as panel and experience sampling data). The following topics are planned:
- Data management in R with nested data
- Introduction to the basic idea of MLMs (variance decomposition, predictors, centering, random effects, cross-level interactions)
- MLMs for repeated measures data
- Growth curve models (modelling trajectories over time), including piecewise linear models (modelling transitions such as change before and after a major event or periodic trends), and treatment/condition comparison models
We will be working with the R package lme4. Basic knowledge of R and RStudio and a basic understanding of multiple regression analysis are required.
Date: Monday/Tuesday, 7th and 8th March 2022
Time: 9-17 hrs. on both days
Venue: Hörsaal I (Raum 0.14) in Gebäude B3 1 (planned as face-to-face event)

PD Dr. Dorota Reis, Research Group Applied Statistical Modelling, Department of Psychology, Saarland University

Lisa Peuckmann, Research Group Applied Statistical Modelling, Department of Psychology, Saarland University