Workshop "FAIR Data"
Transparency and openness in the research process are becoming increasingly important in all scientific fields - including psychology. Accordingly, researchers should not only make research results freely available, for example in the form of scientific articles (open access), but also provide research data, analysis scripts and study materials. However, the reusability of the data made available requires comprehensive research data management (RDM) on the part of the researchers. In particular, research data should be made available in accordance with the FAIR principles, meaning that research data should be Findable, Accessible, and usable (Interoperable and Reusable). In this workshop you will learn about the data management assistance system DataWiz, which you can use to plan, create and publish FAIR data objects. Specifically, you will 1) get a brief introduction to creating a data management plan and 2) learn how to document and organize your data using DataWiz.
Assignments for preparation:
Voluntary reading assignment to prepare for the workshop: Have a look at the DataWiz User Guide:
Please create an account for DataWiz if you do not already have one.
There is no prior knowledge required on research data management or the implementation of the FAIR principles.
To participate in the hands-on sessions, please
- bring your laptop with you
- bring data from one of your own studies
Date: 10th November 2023, 9.00-13.00 hrs.
Venue: Room "Gerstner" in the ground floor of Science Park 2 (building D1 2)
Dr. Katarina Blask, Head Archiving and Publication Services, ZPID - Leibniz Institute for Psychology