Prof. Dr. Heiko Rieger
Professur für Theoretische Physik, Arbeitsgruppe für theoretische Biophysik, statistische Physik und Computerphysik
Prof. Dr. Heiko Rieger

The Rieger group conducts research in theoretical biophysics, statistical physics, and computational physics.
Main topics are biophysics of killer cells, tumor growth, intracellular transport, stochastic search processes, collective behavior of active particles, quantum relaxation, thermalization of isolated quantum systems, and quantum phase transitions.
Prof. Heiko Rieger
Universität des Saarlandes
Campus E2 6, Zi. 4.17
66123 Saarbrücken
Tel. +49 (0)681 302 3969
Susanne Balzert
Tel. +49 (0)681 302 2423