Publikationen und Vorträge


Lemke, Robin. 2021. Experimental investigations on the syntax and usage of fragments. (Open Germanic Linguistics 1). Berlin: Language Science Press. DOI:


Lemke, Robin (2025). Investigating fragment usage with a gamified utterance selection task In: T. Knowlton, F. Schwarz & A. Papafragou (eds.) Proceedings of ELM 3. 447-459. Linguistic Society of America.

Lemke, Robin (2024). Acceptability, predictability and processing of antecedent-target mismatches under verb phrase ellipsis. Glossa Psycholinguistics, 3(1)

Lemke, Robin, Lisa Schäfer & Ingo Reich (2022). Can Identity Conditions on Ellipsis be Explained by Processing Principles?. In: R. Hörnig, S. von Wietersheim, A. Konietzko & S. Featherston (eds.). Proceedings of Linguistic Evidence 2020: Linguistic Theory Enriched by Experimental Data. 541–561. Tübingen: University of Tübingen.

Lemke, Robin (2021). Satzäquivalente — Syntax oder Pragmatik? In: R. Finkbeiner & R. Külpmann (eds.). Neues zur Selbstständigkeit von Sätzen. Linguistische Berichte Sonderheft 30. 81–104. Hamburg: Buske.

Lemke, Robin, Lisa Schäfer, Heiner Drenhaus & Ingo Reich (2021). Predictable Words Are More Likely to Be Omitted in Fragments–Evidence From Production Data. Frontiers in Psychology.

Schäfer, Lisa, Robin Lemke, Heiner Drenhaus & Ingo Reich (2021). The Role of UID for the Usage of Verb Phrase Ellipsis: Psycholinguistic Evidence from Length and Context Effects. Frontiers in Psychology.

Lemke, Robin, Lisa Schäfer & Ingo Reich (2021). Modeling the predictive potential of extralinguistic context with script knowledge: The case of fragments. PLoS ONE 16(2):e0246255.

Lemke, Robin, Lisa Schäfer, Heiner Drenhaus & Ingo Reich (2020). Script Knowledge Constrains Ellipses in Fragments – Evidence from Production Data and Language Modeling. Proceedings of SCIL 2020. Vol. 3 , Article 45.

Lemke, Robin (2017). Sentential or not? – An experimental study on the syntax of fragments. In: Featherston, S., R. Hörnig, R. Steinberg, B. Umbreit, & J. Wallis (eds.). Proceedings of Linguistic Evidence 2016. Empirical, Theoretical, and Computational Perspectives. University of Tübingen. Online publication system.

Lemke, Robin, Eva Horch & Ingo Reich (2017). Optimal Encoding! – Information Theory Constrains Article Omission in Newspaper Headlines. In: Proceedings of EACL 2017, Volume 2, Short Papers. 131-135. Valencia.


Lemke, Robin, Philipp Rauth & Lisa Schäfer (2024). Generisches Maskulinum, Femininmovierung und Anaphernresolution. Perspektiven der Movierungsforschung. Luxemburg.

Lemke, Robin (2024). Testing a rational account of fragment usage with pseudo-interactive experiments. Experimental and Corpus-Based Approaches to Ellipsis, International Congress of Linguists, Poznań.

Hristova, Bozhidara, Robin Lemke, Lisa Schäfer, Heiner Drenhaus & Ingo Reich (2024): Predictability effects on the acceptability and processing of Gapping in German. Experimental and Corpus-Based Approaches to Ellipsis, International Congress of Linguists, Poznań.

Schäfer, Lisa, Robin Lemke & Ingo Reich (2024). The identity condition of right node raising in German: experimental evidence. Experimental and Corpus-Based Approaches to Ellipsis, International Congress of Linguists, Poznań.

Speyer, Augustin, Robin Lemke, Philipp Rauth, Lisa Schäfer & Jenny Diener (2023). Weil mir der do Vortrach han wolle halle. Experimentelle Methoden am Beispiel von Kasussynkretismus und anderen dialektsyntaktischen Phänomenen im Saarland.Saarbrücker Runder Tisch für Dialektsyntax (SarDiS). Universität des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken.

Lemke, Robin (2023). Effects of semantic dependencies and case on preposition omission in German fragments. Experimental and Corpus-Based Approaches to Ellipsis 2023. University of Massachussetts, Amherst, MA.

Hristova, Bozhidara, Robin Lemke, Lisa Schäfer, Heiner Drenhaus & Ingo Reich (2023). Does information theory explain the usage of gapping? Experimental and Corpus-Based Approaches to Ellipsis 2023. University of Massachussetts, Amherst, MA.

Schäfer, Lisa, Robin Lemke, Heiner Drenhaus, Bozhidara Hristova & Ingo Reich (2023). Testing for effects of modality and memory load on coordination ellipsis in German. Experimental and Corpus-Based Approaches to Ellipsis 2023. University of Massachussetts, Amherst, MA.

Lemke, Robin, Lisa Schäfer, Heiner Drenhaus & Ingo Reich (2023). Creativity in antecedent-target mismatches in German sluicing. A corpus study. DGfS 2023, Universität zu Köln, Cologne.

Schäfer, Lisa, Robin Lemke, Heiner Drenhaus & Ingo Reich (2023). The impact of memory load on the processing of ellipsis: Three experiments on gapping and right node raising in spoken and written German. DGfS 2023, Universität zu Köln, Cologne.

Schäfer, Lisa, Robin Lemke, Bozhidara Hristova, Heiner Drenhaus and Ingo Reich (2023). What are you talking about? Estimating the probablity of Questions Under Discussion based on crowdsourced non-expert annotations. The QUD-Anno Challenge. Annotating Text with Questions under Discussion, online.

Lemke, Robin, Lisa Schäfer, Heiner Drenhaus & Ingo Reich (2022). Predictability effects on the acceptability of antecedent-target mismatches under verb phrase ellipsis. Linguistic Evidence 2022, Paris.

Lemke, Robin, Lisa Schäfer, Heiner Drenhaus & Ingo Reich (2022). Processing antecedent-target mismatches under verb phrase ellipsis is difficult, but if they are predictable, you can. AMLaP 2022, York.

Lemke, Robin, Lisa Schäfer, Heiner Drenhaus & Ingo Reich (2022). Predictability effects on the acceptability of mismatches under verb phrase ellipsis. SLE 2022, Bucharest.

Schäfer, Lisa, Robin Lemke & Ingo Reich (2022). Experimental investigations on the prefield restriction of German topic drop. SLE 2022, Bucharest.

Schäfer, Lisa, Robin Lemke, Ingo Reich & Heiner Drenhaus (2021). Empirical evidence for an information-theoretic account of topic drop in German. Psycholinguistics in Flanders 2021, online.

Lemke, Robin & Ingo Reich (2020). Satzäquivalente. Syntax oder Pragmatik? Selbstständigkeit von Sätzen und Satzwertigkeit von Äußerungen, Düsseldorf.

Lemke, Robin, Lisa Schäfer & Ingo Reich (2020). Predicting (mis)matches in sluicing: Evidence from cloze, rating and reading time data. ECBAE 2020.

Schäfer, Lisa, Robin Lemke, Ingo Reich & Heiner Drenhaus (2020). UID constrains the usage of topic drop in German: experimental and corpus linguistic findings. ECBAE 2020.

Lemke, Robin, Lisa Schäfer, Heiner Drenhaus & Ingo Reich (2019). Predictable words are more likely to be omitted in fragments – Evidence from production data. RAILS, Saarbrücken.

Schäfer, Lisa, Robin Lemke, Heiner Drenhaus & Ingo Reich (2019). Speakers use verb phrase ellipsis to satisfy UID: Psycholinguistic evidence from length and context effects. RAILS, Saarbrücken.

Lemke, Robin, Lisa Schäfer, Heiner Drenhaus & Ingo Reich (2019). Script-based discourse expectations trigger omissions in fragments – Evidence from production data. DETEC 2019, Berlin.

Reich, Ingo, Robin Lemke & Lisa Schäfer (2019). Guess who dances with whom? – Predictability and the acceptability of mismatches in sluicing and sprouting. Sluicing and ellipsis at 50, Chicago, IL.

Lemke, Robin, Ingo Reich & Lisa Schäfer (2018). Syntactic cues license voice mismatch in VP ellipsis – An experimental study. DGfS 2018, Universität Stuttgart, 7.3.2018

Lemke, Robin & Ingo Reich (2017). Ellipsis with(out) movement? – Experimental investigations on the structure of fragments. BICLCE 2017, Universidade de Vigo, Vigo, 28.9.2017

Lemke, Robin (2017). Movement or in situ deletion? – Experimental investigations on the syntax of fragments. Experimental and Corpus-based approaches to Ellipsis, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY, 29.7.2017.

Lemke, Robin (2017). Does script knowledge constrain fragment usage? – An experimental study. DETEC 2017, Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen, 27.6.2017

Lemke, Robin, Eva Horch & Ingo Reich (2017). Optimal encoding! Information Theory constrains article omission in newspaper headlines. EACL 2017, Valencia, 5.4.2017

Lemke, Robin, Eva Horch & Ingo Reich (2017). Article Omission is constrained by information density. DGfS 2017, Saarbrücken, 8.3.2017.

Lemke, Robin (2016). Short answer fragments – Derivation by movement and deletion? Rencontres d’Automne de Linguistique Formelle, CNRS, Paris, 3.11.2016.

Lemke, Robin (2016). In search of inaudible syntax in fragments – An experimental study. Workshop on Fragments, Saarbrücken, 13.10.2016.

Reich, Ingo, Eva Horch & Robin Lemke (2016). Fragments in German: An information-theoretical approach. Workshop on Fragments, Saarbrücken, 13.10.2016.

Lemke, Robin (2016). Syntactic derivation or pragmatic enrichment? – An experimental study on the syntax of fragments. Behind (stable) meanings and (unstable) interpretations, Kraków, 15.9.2016.

Lemke, Robin (2016). Elliptical sentences? – An experimental study on the syntax of fragments. Ellipsis Across Borders, Sarajevo, 21.6.2016.

Lemke, Robin (2016). Sentential or not? – An experimental study on the syntax of fragments. Linguistic Evidence 2016, Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen, 18.2.2016.


Lemke, Robin & Lisa Schäfer (2024). Comparing three experimental paradigms to investigate ellipsis processing. AMLaP 2024, Edinburgh.

Schäfer, Lisa, Robin Lemke & Philipp Rauth (2024). Anaphora resolution of generic masculine nouns in German. AMLaP 2024, Edinburgh.

Hristova, Bozhidara, Robin Lemke, Lisa Schäfer, Heiner Drenhaus & Ingo Reich (2023). Is cloze probability influenced by the presentation format in cloze tasks? AMLaP 2024, Edinburgh.

Lemke, Robin (2024). Investigating fragment usage with a gamified utterance selection task. Experiments in Linguistic Meaning (ELM) 3, Philadelphia, PA.

Lemke, Robin (2024). Testing a rational account of fragment usage with pseudo-interactive experiments. HSP 2024, Ann Arbor, MI.

Rauth, Philipp, Robin Lemke & Lisa Schäfer (2024). Prosodic and syntactic disambiguation of German generic masculine nouns. HSP 2024, Ann Arbor, MI.

Hristova, Bozhidara, Robin Lemke, Lisa Schäfer, Heiner Drenhaus & Ingo Reich (2023). Does UID constrain the usage and processing of Gapping in German?. HSP 2024, Ann Arbor, MI.

Rauth, Philipp, Robin Lemke & Lisa Schäfer (2024). Experiments on anaphora resolution of generic masculine nouns in German. Linguistic Evidence 2024, Potsdam.

Lemke, Robin (2023). Testing the predictions of a game-theoretic account of fragment usage. Xprag X, Paris.

Lemke, Robin (2023). Why do we use fragments? – Testing the predictions of a game‐theoretic approach. AMLaP 2023, Donostia.

Hristova, Bozhidara, Robin Lemke, Lisa Schäfer, Heiner Drenhaus & Ingo Reich (2023). Testing an information-theoretic approach to the usage of gapping in German. AMLaP 2023, Donostia.

Lemke, Robin, Lisa Schäfer, Heiner Drenhaus & Ingo Reich (2022). Acceptability, predictability and processing of mismatches under verb phrase ellipsis. The 35th Annual Conference on Human Sentence Processing, UC Santa Cruz (online).

Lemke, Robin, Lisa Schäfer & Ingo Reich (2021). Predictability and ellipsis: Divergence between acceptability ratings and reading times. Psycholinguistics in Flanders 2020, Kaiserslautern.

Lemke, Robin, Lisa Schäfer, Heiner Drenhaus & Ingo Reich (2020). Another slice? – UID constrains the omission of content words in fragments. CUNY 2020, Amherst, MA.

Schäfer, Lisa, Robin Lemke, Heiner Drenhaus & Ingo Reich (2020). Topic drop is more than dropping topics: corpus linguistic and experimental investigations on factors that facilitate the recovery of the omitted element, CUNY 2020, Amherst, MA.

Lemke, Robin, Lisa Schäfer & Ingo Reich (2020). Can identity conditions on sluicing and sprouting be explained by processing? Linguistic Evidence 2020, Tübingen.

Lemke, Robin, Lisa Schäfer, Heiner Drenhaus & Ingo Reich (2020). Script Knowledge Constrains Ellipses in Fragments – Evidence from Production Data and Language Modeling. SCIL 2020, New Orleans, LA.

Schäfer, Lisa, Robin Lemke, Heiner Drenhaus & Ingo Reich (2019). Discourse expectations guide the use of verb phrase ellipsis: Psycholinguistic evidence for an information-theoretic account of context and length effects on VPE. DETEC 2019, Berlin.

Schäfer, Lisa, Robin Lemke, Heiner Drenhaus & Ingo Reich (2019). Verb phrase ellipsis avoids troughs in the ID profile: An information-theoretic account to VPE based on evidence from rating and reading time data. CUNY 2019, Boulder, CO.

Lemke, Robin, Lisa Schäfer & Ingo Reich (2019). Can identity conditions on ellipsis be explained by processing principles? CUNY 2019, Boulder, CO.

Lemke, Robin, Lisa Schäfer & Ingo Reich (2018). Uniform Information Density constrains omissions in fragments. AMLaP 2018, Berlin.

Lemke, Robin, Lisa Schäfer & Ingo Reich (2018). Voice mismatches in VP ellipsis are licensed by syntactic cues. AMLaP 2018, Berlin.

Schäfer, Lisa, Robin Lemke & Ingo Reich (2018). Topicality as prerequisite of Topic Drop? Evidence from rating studies on German. AMLaP 2018, Berlin.

Lemke, Robin, Lisa Schäfer & Ingo Reich (2018). Don’t be uninformative! – Experimental studies on information theory and fragment usage. CUNY 2018, Davis, CA.

Schäfer, Lisa, Robin Lemke & Ingo Reich (2018). What is dropped in Topic Drop? – A rating study on the relationship between Topicality and Topic Drop in German. CUNY 2018, Davis, CA.

Lemke, Robin, Lisa Schäfer & Ingo Reich (2018). Making a good mismatch – (How) syntactic cues license voice mismatches in VP ellipsis. Linguistic Evidence 2018, Tübingen.

Lemke, Robin, Lisa Schäfer & Ingo Reich (2017). Does Information Theory constrain the usage of fragments? – An experimental study. AMLaP 2017, Lancaster (UK).

Lemke, Robin, Eva Horch & Ingo Reich (2017). Article omission in newspaper headlines is constrained by information density – An experimental and corpus-based approach. CUNY 2017, Cambridge, MA.

Lemke, Robin (2016). Are fragments derived by movement and deletion? Sinn und Bedeutung 21, Edinburgh.