
Guest Lecture: Fabio Santos by UniGR Center for Border Studies and MUDAM

Bridging Fluid Borders. Entanglements in the French-Brazilian Borderland. A Guest lecture by Fabio Santos within “Riverine Borders - On rivers and other border materialities”: The accompanying program to Zoe Leonard’s exhibition “Al río / To the River” organized by The Contemporary Art Museum of Luxembourg and the UniGR-Center for Border Studies.

Riverine borders are not “natural” borders dividing up space – certainly not for the people who have called these fluid borderlands their home for years, decades, or even centuries. One example is the Oyapock River, the official border between Brazil and France, which is a one-way street. In the lecture, Fabio Santos goes into ethnographic details of the river border and contributes to conversations across national borders. The lecture will take place online via Zoom on the 22nd of March, 4:30 - 6:00 pm. A registration is required. The lecture is aimed at citizens, students and researchers.

Link to the Announcement video

Link to Zoom Registration

For further informations please visit the website of the UniGR Center for Border Studies or the information poster of the lecture.