If you would like to use any of our instruments, please get in touch with Anjali at anjali.anilkumar[at]

Zeiss Axiovert 200M
Epifluorescence Microscope
The Axiovert 200M is a widefield microscope for routine imaging.
Epifluorescence light path with DAPI, FITC, Rhodamine, Cy5 filters.
- Fluor 5x NA0.25
- PlanApo 20 Imm
- Apo 40 air
- PlanApo 63/1.40 OilPH3
Motorized Z-drive
Sideport Left 100%/Right100%/VIS100%
Motorized condenser
Manual stage with adjustable stage insert.
Light Source: CoolLED pE300 Ultra MB
JetCam 19 Mono
KY-FGF-II-CLHSKomodo Fiber CLHS Frame Grabber

Clariostar Plus
Plate Reader
The Clariostar Plus is equipped with with advanced LVF Monochromators, highly sensitive filters, and an ultra-fast UV-vis spectrometer.
Full instrument information here.
Gonotec Osmomat 3000
The Osmomat determines the total osmolality of aqueous solutions by comparative measurements of the freezing point compared to pure water. The instrument requires very small sample volumes and can thus be applied for extreme measuring tasks. Its rapid readings allows serial measurements in a very short time.
Full instrument details here.