
9. Stability and decay of subradiant patterns in a quantum gas with photon-mediated interactions
A. Baumgärtner, S. Hertlein, T. Schmit, D. Dreon, C. Máximo, Xiangliang Li, G. Morigi and T. Donner

8. Self-organized transport in noisy dynamic networks
F. Folz, K. Mehlhorn and G. Morigi

7. Controlling the dynamics of atomic correlations via the coupling to a dissipative cavity
C.-M. Halati, A. Sheikhan, G. Morigi and C. Kollath

6. Fractal ground state of ion chains in periodic potentials
R. Menu, J. Yago Malo, V. Vuletić, M. L. Chiofalo, and G. Morigi

5. Self-Assembled Chains and Solids of Dipolar Atoms in a Multilayer
G. Guijarro, G. E. Astrakharchik, G. Morigi, and J. Boronat

4. Fast storage of photons in cavity-assisted quantum memories
J. S. Kollath-Bönig, L. Dellantonio, L. Giannelli, T. Schmit, G. 
Morigi, and A. S. Sørensen

3. Commensurate-incommensurate transition in frustrated Wigner crystals
R. Menu, J. Yago Malo, V. Vuletić, M.L. Chiofalo, G. Morigi

2. Adiabatic quantum trajectories in engineered reservoirs
E.C. King, L. Giannelli, R. Menu, J.N. Kriel, G. Morigi

1. Quantum phases of hardcore bosons with repulsive dipolar density-density interactions on two-dimensional lattices
J. A. Koziol, G. Morigi, K. P. Schmidt