
MD or PhD Student Research Positions:

Are you passionate about discovering how cartilage and other musculoskeletal tissues work in health and disease, and applying your findings to answer clinically-relevant questions in orthopaedics? If you are a highly motivated student seeking an experimental MD or PhD thesis, please contact the office directly. We require a commitment of a minimum of 6 months full-time work in our laboratories. If interested, please submit  us a convincing letter of motivation and a short CV in tabular form, including your A-levels and physics grades. Important: Please also state the exact time period you are available. After receiving and reviewing the documents, we will of course be happy to provide you with appropriate feedback.

All inquiries should be directed to: office-eo.@uks.eu

All completed doctoral theses performed at and supervised by the Center of Experimental Orthopaedics have been awarded so far with either a "Summa cum laude" or "Magna cum laude" rating, without exceptions. Awards for outstanding completed doctoral theses include a Calogero Pagliarello Study award of the Medical Faculty, Saarland University and a Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Self-Financed Students Abroad by the Embassy of the People's Republic of China, Berlin, and several competitive travel awards to outstanding national and international conferences.